659. Ag azicus (Naucozia) myosotis. Fr. Hym. Fur. 261.
Myoso'tis = forget-me-not. From th e coloration.
Pileus- i-atlier fleshy, convex, expanded, ra th e r umbonate,
oovered iv ith a vi.soid pellicle, becoming discoloured ; stem
hollow, slender, pallid, clad ivith squamose fibrils, which, form a
cortinate veil ; gills adnate, decu rren t, ra th e r d is tan t, a t len g th
ferrnginons brown, edge serrate, white.—Fr. Icon. t. 125, / . 1.
Goohe Illus. 494.
In moist places.
Pileus of a peculiar colonr, from olivaceous or greenish-bro-wn to
yellowish. The specimens figured are of rather larger size than usual.
“ Pileus Hygrophanous, viscid when moist, minutely rugulose, dark honey-
yellow ; diso darker, silky veil remaining in tufts at the margin ; gills rather
distant, ventricose, with a decnrreiit tooth, margin minutely serrulate,
paler, at first pale yellow with a pink tinge, then ferruginous. Stem long,
hollow striate, mealy at the apex, whitish, then rufous, with silky fibrillose
scales and evanescent fibrillose ring.” Pileus 2 in., stem 6 in.
660. Ag azicus (Naucozia) tem u len tu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 262.
Temulentus = d ru n k , d rip p in g ; hygrophanous.
Pilen s r a th e r membranaceons, camp an u late, th e n convex,
smooth, hygrophanous, m a rg in slig h tly s tria te ; stem fistulöse,
thin, tough, polished, fi,exuose, smooth, pulverulent above ; gills,
a tte n u a te d behind, adnate , ra th e r d is tan t, lu r id umber, th e n
ferruginous.—Batsch. t. V. Goohe Illus. t. 459.
In moist woods.
Slender, pilens ferruginous, ochraceous, tan-colour when dry, and without
striæ. Veil none.
661. Ag azicus (Naucozia) la tis s im u s . Cooke Grev.
Latiss'imus = Y e r j broad, from th e gills.
P ilen s subglobose, th e n hemispherical, w ith a fleshy disc ;
m a rg in a t first incurved ; stem a tte n u a te d downwards, rooting,
hollow, smooth, dark-brown below, p a llid above ; g ills very
broad, rounded behind, slig h tly adnate , tawny-nmber.— Goohe
n iu s . t. 482.
In chu rch y a rd .
Pileus J to I J in. broad. Stem I J to 2 in. long, 2-4 lines thick at the
c. Lepidoti. Pileus flocculose or squamnlose. Ve il manifest.
Spores ferruginous.
* Pileus clad with fu g itiv e superficial scales.
662. Agazicus (Naucozia) pozziginosus. Fr. Hym. Fur. 263.
Pm'rigino'sus = î'o\\ 0Î scurf.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, convex, th en plane, obtuse, viscid, dingy,
growing pale, clad w ith superficial, evanescent, saffron-coloured
flocci; stem fistulöse, equal, r a th e r soft, silky, becoming
‘smooth, p a ll id ; gills adnate, quite entire, crowded, yellow then
cinnamon.— Goohe Hlus. t. 510.
Amongst twigs.
6 6 3 . A g a z icu s (Naucozia) so-bzius. Fr. Hym. Fur. 263.
So'hrius = n o t dru n k , sober ; n o t hygrophanous.
Pileu s somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, s lig h tly viscid, subsilky
; disc d a rk e r, veil pruinose, fugacious; stem neai’ly fistulöse,
brownish a t th e base, clad w ith w h ite flocci; gills adnate,
crowded, broad, pallid, saffron-yellow.— Goohe Illus. t. 511 A.
On th e ground. Sept.
var. disp ez su s. B. 4 Br.
Dzs/erszis = s c a tte r e d ; i.e., n o t gregarious.
P ileu s convex, ochraceous, d elicately p u n c tu la te ; m a rg in fu r furaceous
; stem in c ra ssa ted above or eqnal, furfuraceous, fistulöse
; rin g ap p e n d ic u la te ; gills pallid, adnate, plane.—Goohe
Hlus. t. 511 B.
On lawns amongst abort grass. Ju ly .
Pileua 3-4 lines across ; stem |-1 in. high, 1 line th ick ; margin of gills
** Pileus innate-squamulose.
6 6 4 . Ag azicus (Naucozia) e z in a c eu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 263.
Frina'ceus = a hedgehog. From th e p rick ly scales.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, convex, subumbilicate, squamose with fa sciculate
h a ir s; stem slender, fistulöse, short, incurved, hairy ; gills
adn a te , ra th e r crowded, q u ite en tire .—Fr. Fpicr. Sow. t. 41V.
Gooke Illus. t. 480 A.
On dead sticks.
6 6 5 . Ag a z icu s (Naucozia) sip a z iu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 263.
Sipar'ius, ivoTO. siparium = a small cu rta in . From th e veil.
P ileu s r a th e r fleshy, place, o b tu s e ; stem stuffed, pruinose
above, clothed, as w e ll, as th e pileus, with downy scales; gills
adn a te , broad, r a th e r d is ta n t, floccose a t th e edge.—Gooke Illus.
t. 480 B.
On soil, fe rn stems, &o.
6 6 6 . Ag azicu s (Naucozia) conspezsus. Fers. Ic. 4 Besc.ft. 12,
/ . 3.
OoraspersMS = b e sp rin k le d ; e.g'.,with scales.
Pilen s ra th e r fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, n e a rly even, a t
le n g th mealy, and broken up into scales, hygrophanous; stem