3 5 2 . A g a iicu s (Omphalia) directus. B. 4 Fr. Ann. N. U. No-
Directus=set in a stra ig h t line.
White, very slender, pilens nail-shaped, flat on the apex, stem
ascending, clad with long hairs at the base, gills decurrent.—
Cooke Illus. t. 251, / . 1.
On dead leaves.
Stem slightly rufous, thread-like, not an inch high.
3 5 3 . Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) helliae. lohnst., Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. i.,
vol. VI., t. 10,/. 1.
Bell'ice, in honour of the Misses Bell, of Coldstream.
Pilens dry, membranaceous, cup-shaped, of a pale wood-colour ;
stem thin, fistulöse, cartilaginous, pale above, brownish below, ad-
hering by a floccose base; gills thick, paler than the pileus,
decurrent, interstices veiny.—Fr. Hym. E u r. 165. Cooke Illus. t.
2 5 1 ,/. 2.
On dead stems of reed. Oct.
3 5 4 . Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) g r a c illim u s . Weinm. Boss. 121.
Gracill'imus=most slender.
Snow-white; pileus membranaceons, hemispherical, sub-floccu-
lose, sulcate; stem filiform, slender, floccose a t the base ; gills
decurrent, thin, alternately sub-dimidiate.'—Fr. Hym. Eur. 165.
F r . Icon. t. 15, f . 5. Cooke Illus. t. 252, f . 1.
In marshy ground, on decaying stems of vegetables. Aug.
3 5 5 . Ag aricu s (Omphalia) b u llu la . Brig. 1.16,/. 1.
Bull'ula=a watery vesicle.
Scattered, small, wholly white ; pileus membranaceous, hemispherical,
diaphanous ; gills arched, decurrent, stem very thin, filiform.—
Coolce Illus. t. 252, f . 2.
On dead sticks.
e. I n t e g r e l l i . Gills fold-like, narrow.
3 5 6 . Ag aricus (Omphalia) in te g r e llu s . Pers. Ic. 8; Des. t. 13, /. 5,
Integrellus, diminutive of integer=entixe, perfect.
White, frag ile ; pileus membranaceons, hemispherical, then expanded,
pellucid; striate ; stem very slender, short, pubescent
below; gills decurrent, distant, equal, fold-like, slightly branched,
edge acute.—F r. Ilym. Eu r. 165. Bay. S yn . t. 1, / . 2, a. a,
Cooke Illus. t. 252, J . 3.
On decayed sticks.
Gregarious, 2-4 lines broad.
Not truly indigenous.
Ag aricus (Omphalia) N ev illa e . Berlc. in Grev. i., 89.
Nevilles, in honour of Lady Dorothy Neville.
Pileus i an inch across, brown, hemispherical, depressed in the
centre, rugose, minutely granulated, striate, growing pale, when
parting with its moisture, towards the margin, which is not dotted
like the c e n tre ; stem 1 inch high, not a line thick, brownish,
stuffed, white within, rough with black granules, rather dilated at
the base, and clothed with villous hairs ; gills white, arcuato-
d ecu rren t; interstices and sides venoso-rugose.
On Sphagnum, in an orchid pot at Dangstein.
Somewhat resembling A. affricatus, but not infundibuliform uor variegated
with pilose scales, while the gills are white, not cinereous.
Sub.-Gen. 9. P L E U PO T U S . F r. Epicr. p. 129.
Pleuro'tus, from 7rXeupd= a rib, the side; from the position of
the stem, when present.
Veil evanescent, or none ; pileus fleshy in the larger species,
with a smooth or ragged margin from the remains of the v e il; substance
either compact, spongy, slightly fleshy, or membranaceous ;
stem mostly lateral or wanting, when present confluent and homogeneous
with the hymenophore; gills with a sinus or broadly
decurrent tooth.
H a b . Most of the species grow on wood, a few only on the
A. E x c e n t r ic i . Pileus entire, laterally extended, excentric,
not truly la te ra l; growing on wood.
Veil annulate.
3 5 7 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) c o r tica tu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 166.
ForZzca'iMS = covered with a bark, cortex.
Pilens compact, excentric, villous, a t length floccoso-squamulose;
stem firm, fibrillose ; veil membranaceous, to rn ; gills decurrent,
sub-distant, anastomosing behind.— Cooke Illus. t. 290.
On trunks, Oct.
Pileus 7 inches across, swollen in the centre ; disc broken up into brownish
grey silky scales; veil adhering slightly to the stem and margin ; stem 3 in.
high, I J in. thick, mottled. Smell rather strong. Spores ’012 x '005 mm.