Pileus a t first obliquely conical, umber, then lead-coloured,/«r-
fu ra c eou s, with short sca tte red b ristle s intermixed ; upper stratum
gelatinous ; gills ra th e r thick, tan-coloured, distan t, somewhat
forked at the base, slightly undulated ; interstices scarcely reticulated.—
Fr. H ym . E u r . 179. Cooke I llu s . t. 260, a.
On wood. Near Shrewsbury.
Pileas 5 lines broad, at first cyphellæform, obliqnely conical, umber,
brown, gradually becoming paler, at length of a pallid lead colonr, fnrfura-
ceous, especially behind, where there are a few bristles ; flesh consisting
of two distinct strata, of which the upper is gelatinous, and of the colonr
of the pileus, the lower white. Stem none ; gills of a pallid tan colour
thiokish, distant, undulated, obscurely wrinkled at the base, the interstices
scarcely reticulated.
3 8 9 . A g a iicu s (P leurotus) a lg id u s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 180.
A V g idu s = cold.
Pileus fieshy, cuticle gelatinous, a t first resupinate, then expanded,
reniform ; cuticle thin, v isc id , smooth, reddish brown ; gills
rather broad, crowded, pale, yellowish.—F r . E p ic r . p . 137. FI.
D a n . t. 1552, f . 1, t. 1556, f . 2. P e rs . M . E . t, 23, f . 5. Cooke
I llu s . t. 260. b.
On trunks.
Pilens a b o u ti in. across, reddish umber or cinereous, usually cæspitose
and imbricated, viscid when young.
3 9 0 . A g a iicu s (P leuro tus) f lu x ilis . Fr. Hym. Eur. 180.
F lu x 'ilis — fluid ; from its viscidity.
Sessile. Pileus rather fleshy, reniform, ge latinous an d v isc id
above, somewhat umber ; gills linear, diverging from a lateral
point, distant, whitish, few, entire.— Cooke Illu s . t. 244, a.
On trunks amongst moss.
3 9 1 . A g a iicu s (Pleurotus) cyphellaefoimis. Berk. Mag. Zool. <fc
Bot. I, t. 15, /. 3.
Cyphellm-formis = shaped like the hollows of the ears, Kvcj>e\Xai.
Pilens cup-shaped, then dependent; upper stratum gelatinous,
cinereous, very minutely strigose, especially a t the base ; margin
paler, sprinkled with a few meal-like scales ; gills pure white, rather
distant, narrow, linear.—Fr. Hym. Eu r. 180. Cooke Illus. t.
On dead stems of herbaceous plants. Oct.
3 9 2 . A g a iicu s (P leurotus) a p p lica tu s. Batsch. Elen. f. 125.
Applica'tus = lying upon or close to ; from the sessile pileus.
Dark cinereous ; pilens submembranaceous, rather firm, cupshaped,
resupinate, then reflexed, somewhat striate, sub-pruinose,
villous a t the base ; gills loose, paler.—F r. H ym. Fur. 180. Sow.
t. 301. Cooke. Illus. t. 244, c.
On dead fallen branches.
Pileus membranaceous, by no means viscid.
3 9 3 . A g a iicu s (Pleurotus) Hobsoni. Berk. Outl. p . 139.
Ilohson'i, in honour of Colonel Hobson, who found it in India.
Pileus membranaceous, reniform, or dimidiate, stemless, pale-
grey, minutely downy ; gills rather distant, pallid.—F r . Hym. Eur.
181. Cooke Illus. t. 212, a.
On larch stumps. Sept.
Pilens 1-4 lines broad.
3 9 4 . A g a iicu s (Pleurotus) s t iia tu lu s . Fr. Icon. t. 89, f. 5.
Stria'tulus = marked with delicate furrows, striw.
Pale cinereous. Pileus very delicate, striate, flaccid, smooth;
gills few, distant.—F r. Hym. E u r, 181. Cooke Illus. t. 212, 6.
On firwood, hazel twigs, &c.
3 9 5 . A g a iicu s (Pleurotus) hyp n op h ilu s. Pers. M. F. iii. t. 24.
f . 5a.
Hypno'philus — loving moss, Hypnum.
Resupinate, flat, white ; pileus suh-reniform, nearly smooth; gills
simple.—Fr. Hym. Eu r. 181. Cooke Illu s. t, 212, c.
On the larger mosses and fallen leaves.
The spores are white, and hence not a form of Ag. variabilis.
3 9 6 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) ch ion eu s. Pers. M. E. iii. f. 2 6 ,/ .
10- 11.
Chion'eus, j^toveos, snow-white ; ^ w v— snow.
Snow-white, sub-resupinate, minute; pileus very thin, villous;
gills rather broad ; stem very short, villous, at length obsolete.—
Fr. Hym. Eur. 181. Cooke Illus. t. 212, d.
On wood or dung. Rare.
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