112. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) leu co c ep h a lu s. Fr. Hym.'Fur. VI.
Leuco-ceph'alus=yfith a wliite head, from + K.(.<pa\.-q.
Wholly white ; pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, even,
moist, veil silky, evanescent, smooth, margin patent, nalied ; stem
hollow, cartilaginous, tough, rooting, even, smooth ; gills rounded
behind, free, crowded.—F r. Icon. t. 4 3 ,/. 2. Cooke Illus. t. 78.
On the ground. Oct.
Odour strong of fresh meal.
Gills becoming discoloured.
113. Agazicus (Tzicholoma) m ilita z is . Lasch. Fr. Hym. Fur. 71.
Militar'is— of or belonging to a soldier, miles ; from its appearance.
Pileus compact, flexuous, becoming smooth, viscid, cinnamon;
margin even ; stem solid, squamulose, fibrillose, pallid, rather bulbous
a t the base ; gills emarginate, somewhat crowded, whitish, at
length luiih lurid spots and lacerated.— Cooke Illus. i 169,
In woody places.
Stem in. long. Pileus 4-7 in. broad. Odour and taste unpleasant.
1 1 4 . Ag azicu s (Tzicholoma) c iv ilis . Fr. Hym. Fur. 71.
C iv i'lis~ o i or pertaining to citizens, cives ; apparently only in
contradistinction to the preceding species.
Pileus fleshy, soft, convex, then plane, smooth, moist, ash-
coloured, becoming pallid ; cuticle separable; stem, solid, soft,
fragile, fibrillose or squamulose, whitish ; gills deeply emarginate,
crowded, white then yellowish, not spotted.—Fi'ies Icon. t. 42, f . 1.
In pine woods.
Pileus pale gilvous. Inodorous. Not yet figured in the “ Illustrations.’’
115. Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) du zacinus. Cooke,. Grev. x il., 41.
Duracinus— haxd, strictly hard-berried, from dui'us+acmus.
Pileus fleshy, compact, firm, dry, smooth, shining, convex,
broadly umbonate, cinereous, margin involute ; stem solid, attenuated
upwards, striate below, reticulate squamose above, rather paler
than the pileus; flesh nearly white ; gills narrow, crowded, emarginate,
arcuate, cinereous.
On the ground, under cedar. Kew Gardens, Oct., 1883.
Pileus 3 inches diam. Stem 3 inches long, l i inch thick at the base,
nearly an inch at the apex. Fleshy disc nearly an inch thick. Gills little
more than a line (scarcely one-eighth of an inch) broad. Upper part of the
stem minutely squamose in a peculiar reticulated manner. Whole fungus
cinereous and firm. Figure -will be given in supplement to the “ lllustra-
Fr. Hym. Fur. 72.
from its protean
116. Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) pezsonatus.
P«?’«ona'i«s=wearing a mask, persona ;
varieties of colour (Fries. S .M . l . , p . 50).
Pileus at first compact, then soft, convex then plane, obtuse,
even, smooth, m o is t; margin at first involute, villoso-pruinose;
stem solid, blunt, somewhat bulbous, villous, stained with lilac ;
gills rounded behind then free, crowded, broad, dirty white.—
Berk. Outl. t. 5 . / . 1. IIuss. ii. t. 40. Badh. i. i . 8 , / . 1 ; n . i. 1,
f. 2. Cooke Illus. t. 66.
In pastures. Esculent.
Gregarious. Pileus 2-6 in. broad, pale bistre or purple-lilac. Stem 1-3
in. high, I in. thick. Odour strong, taste pleasant.
117. Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) nu du s. Bull. Champ, t. 439.
iV«cZws=naked, bare ; from the character of the margin.
Pilens fleshy, rather thin, convex then expanded and depressed,
obtuse, smooth, moist, changing colour; margin inflexed, thin,
naked ; stem stuffed, elastic, equal, rather mealy ; gills rounded
behind or slightly decurrent, crowded, narrow, violet, stained when
old with reddish-hvoYm.— F r. Hym. Eur. 72. Berk. Outl. t. 4 , f .
7. Cooke Illu s. t. 67.
In woods, plantations, &c., amongst dead leaves. Esculent.
Pilens 2 in. broad. Stem 2 in. high, 3.4 lines thick. Whole plant with
more or less of a violet tint.
var. major. Coolce Jllus. t, 133.
Larger and more robust than the typical form. Pileus 4-5
inches across. Stem 4-6 inches high, 1 in. thick.
Amongst dead leaves.
118. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) c in e za sc en s. Bull. Champ, t. 428,
Cinerascens=hecoming the colour of ashes, ciñeres.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, smooth, even ;
white becoming cinereous, margin thin, naked, striate ; stem stuffed,
elastic, sub-equal, smooth ; gills rounded behind, crowded, rather
indulated, varied at the base easily separating from the pileus,
white, then reddish grey, at length yellowish,—F r . Hym. Fur. 73.
Cooke lllu st. Í. 170.
In woods.
‘Ctespitose. Pileus 2-3 in. across.
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