2 9 1 . Agaricus (Mycena) collaiiatus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 14%.
Collaria'tus^îm-msXmà with a collar, collarium.
Pileus membranaceous, campannlate-convex, subumbonate,
striate, becoming pale, smooth ; stem filiform, thin, smooth,
shin in g ; gills adnate, with a collar, thin, crowded, distinct,
whitish, or pale flesh-coloured.— Fr. Icon. t. 82, f . 5. Cooke Illu s.
t. 189, c.
Amongst grass.
Pilens ^ in. or more broad, tawny, or greyish.
2 9 2 . Agaricus (Myceua) speireus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 141.
Spetre'us, from cnreipa = a twisted cord.
Pileus membranaceous, conico-convex, then plane, unpolished,
stn a te ; disc^ darker, at length depressed ; stem filiform, tough,
shining, fibrillose, rooting ; gills plane, then decurrent, distant,
white.—F r . Icon. t. 78, / . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 190, a.
On mossy trunks.
Stem 2 in long, 4 1“ . thick; pileua 2-3 lines broad, opaque, greyish-
brown, sometimes fibrillose or prainose.
2 9 3 . Ag a r icu s (Mycena) te u e llu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 147.
Tenellus, diminutive of Zew«r=tender, delicate.
Coespitose. Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then convex
Coiaso, pellucid; margin s tria te ; stem slender, soft, smooth;
base villous ; gills uncinate, very thin, crowded, white, then flesh-
coloured. Ray. Syn. t. l , f . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 190, b.
On rotten tranks.
2 9 4 . Ag a r icu s (Mycena) a c icu la . Schceff. Icon. t. 222.
Acicfula=a small pin.
Pileus niembranaceoiis, campanulate or convex, smooth, orange-
red ; mavgva striate, stem rooting, setaceous, tongh, shinino-; gills
rounded behind, adnexed, ventricose, distant, yellow, be°coming
whitish a t the edge.—F r . Hym. F u r. 147. F r . Icon. t. 85, f. 8
Cooke Illus. t. 190, c.
On leaves, twigs, &e., in woods.
th e nmbo d a rk e s t, w ith in d eep
ora n g e ; gills few, white, tin g ed w ith y e llow ; stem ab o u t 1 in. long, q u ite
filiform, m in u te ly pilose, lik e th e p ileu s, p a le yellow.
coloure^^^^^^^” ^^' ^ jnioe which is usually
2 9 5 . Agaricus (Mycena) hæmatopus. Pers. Obs.ii., p. 56.
Hoemafopus, from alya = and crovs == the foot, stem.
Cæspitose ; pileus fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, smooth, mare-in
denticulate ; stem ng id , pulverulent, yielding a dark-red juice ■
gills adnate, white— F r . Hym. Eu r. 148. F r . Icon. i. 83 f. 1
Cooke Illus. t. 162, a. > / •
On old dead trunks. Sept.
2 9 6 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) c zu en tu s. Fr. Sys. Myo. i.,p. 149.
(7ni«wZMs=stained with gore, cnior.
Pilens submembranaceous, conioo-campanulate, striate, margin
entire ; stem rigid, glabrous, villons a t the base, distilling a red
ju ic e ; gills adnate, whitish.—F r , Icon. t. 8 3 , / . 2. F r. Hym.
Eu r. 148. Cooke Illus. t. 162, b.
On fir cones.
2 9 7 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) san g u in o len tu s. A. 4 S. Consp. p. 196.
Sanguinolentus=AuW of blood.
Pileus. membranaceous, campanulate or convex, striate ; stem
flaccid, smooth, yielding a pale red juice ; gills affixed, reddish,
with a dark purplish edge.—Fr. Icon. t. 83, / . 3. Cooke Illus,
t. 163, a.
"i Amongst leaves in woods. Sept. Oct.
’I 2 9 8 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) czocatus. Schrad. in Fr. Hym. Eur. 148.
,7 Oroca'ZMS=saffron-yellow.
^ Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate, sub-striate ; stem tall,
¿ attenuated, with a villous, rooting base, yielding a copious
saffron-coloured juice ; gills attenuated behind, adnexed, ventri-
• cose, white.— Knapp Journ. N a t. t. 7. Cooke Illus. t. 163, b.
Amongst leaves.
' stem 3-S in. long, about 1 lin. th ic k ; pileus 1-1 iu. broad, olive, greyish,
or whitish, margin quite smooth.
2 9 9 . A g a z icu s (Mycena) ch e lid o n iu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 148.
Chelidonius, from its juice being yellow like th a t of the
swallow-wort, or greater celandine, Chelidonium majus, L.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then convex, obtuse,
nearly even ; stem even, smooth, rooting, compressed, with a
yellow ju ic e ; gills adnate, whitish, then yellowish.—Sow. t. 385,
/ 4.— Cooke Illus. t. 207, a. after Sowerby.
On stumps of beech.
( <• Only found by Sowerby. Stem 1^-2 in. long, about 1 lin. thick, smooth,
; yellowish, with a sparing yellow juioe, rooting; base villous; pileus
/ |-1 in. broad, pelluoidly striate when moist, even and opaque when dry,
i yellowish, tinged with flesh colour.
3 0 0 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) g a lop u s. {Pers.) Fr. Hym. E u r .149.
‘ ./ Gal'opus, from ja k á — milk, and won's = a foot, stem.
■;! Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, rather umbonate, s tria te /
, / stem slender, fibrillose, and rooting base, filled with white milk ;
■1, gills attenuated, adnexed, white, then glaucous.—Berk. Outl. t. 6,
-ffl f . 2. Cooke Illu s. t. 207, b.
, a Amongst leaves, under trees.
Pileus J-1 in. broad, ochraceous, or greyish, the centre darker, stem
2-3 in. high, about 1 line thick, pale umber, milk mild, taste like that
of radishes.