strife ; stem solid, blunt, dingy-cinereous ; gills adnate, then decurrent,
thin, crowded, unequal.— Coohe lUus. t. 1051.
In woods.
Spores 8 y.
1 1 8 4 . R u ssu la (Compact*) d en s ifo lia . Seer, Myco.i., 476.
Densifo'lia = with the gills close-set.
Pileus fleshy, compact, convex then depressed, margin inflexed,
smooth, not striate, wiiitish becoming fuliginous, grey, or brownish,
and blackened in the centre. Stem short, cylindrical, smooth, a
little pruinose, whitish, then grey, and at length blackish. Substance
white, reddish on exposure to the air, and a t length black.
Gills adnato-decurrent, unequal, thin, white or with a rosy tin t.—
Coohe Illus. t. 1017.
On the ground.
Smaller than R. nigricans, the gills thinner, and more numerous. I t
differs from R. adusta in the flesh turning red on exposure.
1185. R u ssu la (Compact*) sem icr em a . Fries Hym. Fur. 440.
Semi'crema = half burnt. Cremo = I burn.
Pileus equally fleshy, firm, polished, white, unchangeable, margin
involute, smooth, without striæ, stem solid, stout, white, turning
black, gills deourrent, thin, crowded, white.— Cooke Illus. t. 1067.
Amongst leaves.
11 8 6 . R u ssu la (Compact*) d e lica . Fr. Hym. Fur. 440.
De'lica = weaned. Because it is like Lactarius vellereus in
appearance, but is without milk.
Pileus equally fleshy, firm, umbilicate, even, shining ; margin
involute, smooth, without striæ ; stem solid, compact, white ; gills
decurrent, thin, distant, white.--Goo/« Illus. t. 1068.
In woods, usually of pine.
Spores 8-10 x 6-8 y.
1X87. R u ssu la (Compact*) e lep h an tin a . Fr. Hym. Fur. 440.
Elephant'ina = ol ivory whiteness.
Pileus equally fleshy, firm, umbilicate, convex, smooth, tan-
coloured, becoming dusky, margin turned in, wavy, paler, without
striæ ; stem liard, stout, white ; gills obtusely adnate, arcuate,
rather croivded, thin, white (spotted gilvous).—Bolton t. 28 ?
In woods.
Much the habit of Russula fætens. Hitherto it depends chiefly as a
British species on Fries’s quotation of Bolton’s figure.
1188. R u ssu la (Compact*) m u ste lin a . Fries Hym. Fur. 441.
Musteli'na — weasel-coloured.
Pileus equally fleshy, firm, convex then depressed, opaque,
margin reflexed, even; stem solid, firm, pallid ; gills adnexed,
rounded behind, crowded, connected, white, a few short ones.—
Cooke Illus. t. 1018.
In woods.
Ser. I I . FuROATiE. Pileus compact, firm, with a thin, closely
adnate pellicle, margin abruptly thin, at first infiexed, then spreading,
acute, even. Stem a t first compact, at length spongy within.
Gills rather forked, mixed with a few shorter ones, commonly
attenuated both ways, thin, and usually narrow.
1189. R u ssu la (F u r ca t* ) o liv a s c en s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 441.
Olivascens — becoming olive-coloured, somewhat olive.
Pilens everywhere fleshy, flattened, umbilicate, olive, with the
disc becoming yellow; margin even, stem firm, w h ite ; gills a ttenuated
behind, crowded, almost equal, white, then turning
yellowish.— Cooke Illus. t. 10.15.
In shady woods.
Spores 11-12 y.
11 9 0 . R u ssu la (Furcat®) furcata. Fr. Hym. Fur. 441.
Furca'ta — forked.
Mild, a t length bitter. Pileus fleshy, rigid, plane, then depressed
and infundibuliform, even, somewhat shining, with a silky
lustre, a t length smooth; margin even, acute ; stem stout, firm,
even, attenuated downwards ; gills adnato-decurrent, rather thick,
somewhat distant, forked, white, as well as the stem.—Cooke
Illus. t. 1036.
In woods.
Spores 9 ¡x>
var. p ic tip e s . Cooke Illus. t. 1086.
Pict'ipes = with a painted stem (pfis).
Mild. Pileus plane, then depressed (4-6 in.), darker at the disc,
even ; margin even, or at length slightly striate. Stem stout, a
little attenuated downwards (4-5 in. long, I in. thick), rosy at the
apex, tinted green below, even, gills adnate, rather distant, white ;
cuticle of the pileus separable, flesh rosy beneath (spores 8 y
Under trees.