hrown when dry ; gills adnate, whitish. Spores elliptical.— Coohe
Illus. t. 158, a.
In woods.
Pileu s scarcely exceeding an inch, rosy, th e n p a le ; stem 2-3 inches long,
slender, erect, hollow, tu rn in g dark hromn in d r y in g ; spores conspicuously
la rg e r, a n d longer th a t in A. purus.
2 5 5 . Ag aricus (Mycena) zep hy rus. Fries. Hym. Eur, 133.
Zeph'yrus, ¿c<^Cpos=the west wind, zephyr.
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, convex, expanded, obtuse,
margin striate ; stem rather striate, squamulose, lilac, becoming
reddish, base woolly; gills attenuated behind, adnate, broadly
linear, slightly connected by veins, white. Fries Icon. t. 78, f. 6.
Cooke Illus. t. 158, b.
In pine woods, gardens, &c.
2 5 6 . Agaricus (Mycena) Ad onis. Bull. Champ, f. 560,f. 2.
Ado'nis, the mythical youth beloved of Venus ; from its beauty.
Pileus membranaceous, conioo-campanulate, smooth, nearly even,
dry, ro s e a te ; stem slender, even, smooth, wh ite; gills adnexed,’
uncinate, narrow, white, or tinged with rose colour.—F r . Hum.
Fur. 134. Cooke Illus. t. 185, a.
In woods.
Very v a riab le in colour.
257. Ag azicus (Mycena) lin ea tu s. Bull. Champ, t. 522.
Fm«a'¿Ms=striate, marked with llm s ,' lineae.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, smooth, wholly
striate in lines ; stem thin, even, whitish-villous downwards ; gills
adnate, rather distant, white.—F r . Icon., t. 7 8 ./. 5. F r . Hym.
F u r. p. 134. Cooke Illus. t. 185, h.
Amongst moss.
2 5 8 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) lu teo -a lb u s. Bolt. t. 38, f. 32
Lu'teo-albus=yCdow\Ca white. ZwZ«ws=pale yellow.
Pilens membranaceous, campanulate, umbonate, slightly striate ;
stem filiform, dry, shining, smooth, yellowish; gills adnate, subunci-
nate, broad, white. F r. Hym. Fur. 134. Cooke Illus. t. 159, a.
Amongst mosses in woods.
Figured from original sketches by Rev. M. J. Berkeley.
2 5 9 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) fla v o -a lb us. Fr. Hym. Eur. 135.
Flavo-albus=yeWowish white. F/arMS=gamboge-yellow.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, campanulate, or convex,
smooth, almost even, then expanded and umbonate ; stem slightly
rigid, straight, white, pellucid, pruinose above ; gills free, separating.
a t length plane, ventricose, w h ite .—FuZZ. t. 260, Cooke Illus. t.
159, b.
On the ground, amongst moss, &c.
Figured from drawing by Dr. Bull. Often more robust.
2 6 0 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) la c teu s . Pers. Syn. 394.
Lac teus^milky, from its milk-white colour.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, sub-umbonate, when moist
striate, even when dry; stem equal, filiform, rather tough, flexile,
smooth ; gills adnate, ascending, narrow, crowded, milk-white,—Fr.
Hym. Fur. 135. Cooke Illus. t. 159 c.
In fir woods, on leaves, or naked soil.
Figured from drawings by Eev. M. J. Berkeley.
c. E i g i d i p e d e s . Stem rigid, somewhat rooting, u s u a l l y growing
on wood, often ctespitose. Gills a t first white, then becoming
grey or red.
2 6 1 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) pzo lifezu s. Sow. t. 169.
Fro liferu s from )?roZ««=offspring, and fe r o = l bear.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, dry, with
a broad darker umbo ; margin a t length .sulcate ; stem firm, rigid,
smooth, shining, minutely striate, rooting; gills adnexed, sub-
distinct, white, then pallid.—Fr. Hym. F u r. 137. Coolce Illus. t.
On soil in gardens, and on rotten wood. Inodorus.
Densely cmspitose; stem frequently proliferous. Stem pallid above,
but below tawny or b a y ; pileus pallid, disc darker and obtusely umbonate;
margin somewhat striate, and at length cracked.
2 6 2 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) e x c isu s . Zasch. Linn., Yill., 538.
Fx-ci'szis=out o u t; from the shape of the gills.
Pileus campanulate convex, disc rath er fleshy, somewhat umbonate,
rugulose (bay or brownish) ; stem firm, tough, rooting,
even, becoming brownish; gills ventricose, thick, distant, connected
by veins, narrowed and cut out behind, nearly free.—F r. Icon. t.
^ 8 1 ,/. 1. Fr. Hym. F u r. 137. Cooke Illus. t. 148.
On trunks.
V ariety.—Pileus 3 in. across, stem 4 in. high, root 2 in. long. The specimens
were either solitary or snbcEespitose, gills purplish, strongly cut out
behind. Figured from drawing by Miss Berkeley. Much larger than the
typical form. The small variety fagetorum has been found by Mr. Buok-
nall, near Bristol.
2 6 3 . Ag azicu s (Mycena) psammicola.
B. 4 B r Ann. N.H., No.
Psamm{c'ola=gvoY/mg in sand, ffapp.o';.
Pileus subhemispherioal, hygrophanous, sprinkled with minute
particles ; margin striate ; stem short, solid, rooting, umber below,
white above, wholly whitish-pulverulent; gills segmentoid, shortly
l i