1109. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) v it e llin u s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 417.
Vitellinus, from vitelliis=th.e yolk of an ogg. Prom the
Pileus membranaceous, disc rather fleshy, smooth, viscid, lemon-
yellow, whitish when dry, margin plicate striate, stem fistulose,
fragile, pale yellow, gills decurrent, rather distant, egg-yellow.—
Cooke Illu s. t. 904 A.
In fields, &c.
Spores 6 X 4 /t.
1110. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) ceza ceus. Wulf, in Jacq. Coll.
II., t. 15, / . 2.
Cera 'ceus= waxen.
Brittle. Pileus thin, convexo-plane, obtuse, slightly striate,
viscid, wax-coloured, as well as the fistulose, unequal, shining
stem ; gills adnate, sub-decurrent, distant, yellow.—F r. Hym.
Fur. 417. Sow. t. 20. Cooke Illus. t. 904 B.
In pastures. Common.
Pileus abont 1 iu .; stem 1-2 iu. long; 2 lines tbiok. Spores 8 x 6 /i.
11X1. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) c o c c in eu s. SchiBff. Icon. t. 302.
Fragile. Pileus thin, convex, obtuse, viscid, scarlet, growing
pale, smooth ; stem hollow, com/msed, yellowish, scarlet above;
gills adnate, with a decurrent tooth, connected by veins, variously
shaded.—F r . Hym. Fur. 418. Huss. i., t. 61. Sow. t. 381
{partly). Price f . b l . Cooke Illu s. t. 920.
In open pastures.
Pileus 1-2 in. or more; stem 2 in. long, 3-4 lines thick. Snores
1 0 .12x6//.
1112. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) m in ia tu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 418.
coloured red, vermilion.
Fragile. Pileus thin, convex, then umbilicate, vermilion, soon
dry, changing colour, opaque, smooth or squamulose ; stem somewhat
stuffed, eqnal, polished, sc a rle t; gills adnate, distant, yellow,
or yellowish vermilion.—-Cooke Illus. t. 921 A.
In moist places, on heaths, &c. Common.
Pileus scarcely 1 in. diam. ; stem 2 iu. long, 1 line thick. Snores
10 X 6 //. ^
1113. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) tuzun du s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 418.
Turundus, from tumnda
Pileus thin, convex, then umbilicate, very fragile, at length
squamulose with grey-brown flo c c i; margin incurved, crenate; stem
stuffed, then fistulose, rigid, equal, tawny, shining ; gills decurrent,
distant, white, turning yellowish.
In moist places.
var. m o llis . B. 4 Br. Ann. Nat. Hist. No. 1279.
4/b//zs = soft.
Golden yellow ; pileus nearly plane, a t length slightly depressed,
clad with short rad ia tin g soft hairs of the same colour; stem equal,
stu ffed ; gills distant, arcuate, decurrent.—Cooke Illu s. t. 921 B.
On the naked soil.
Pileus J - | in. across ; stem 1-lJ in. high, 1-2 liues thick; gills narrow.
Spores 8 x 4 //.
1114. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) muc zone llus. Fr. Hym. Eur.
p. 418.
Mucronellus— with a little sharp point {mucro).
F ragile; pileus submembranaceous, conico-campanulate, acute,
smooth, bright-red, becoming pale, stem fistulose, slim, fibrous,
somewhat silky, bare, white at the base ; gills decurrent, triangular,
thick, yellow.—Cooke Illus. t. 937 B.
In grass fields.
Small. Stem thin, 2-in. long.
1115. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) m ica c eu s. B. 4 Br. Ann. Nat.
Hist. No. 1779.
Jfic a 'c« « s= sh in in g like mica.
Pilens hemispherical, at first yellow, then becoming cinereous,
rugose, micaceous ; stem yellow, then brown below, granulated,
solid ; gills decurrent, pallid umber.—Goo/e Illus. t. 905 B.
On clayey soil.
Pileus J-J in. across; stem f in. high, 1 line tbick. Mycelium wbite.
Whole plant turns brown wben dry. Spores 4 x 3 /* .
1116. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) Wynniae.
Hist. No. 1781.
B. 4 Br. Ann. Nat.
Wynn'ice, in honour of Mrs. Lloyd Wynne, of Coed Coch.
Lemon yellow, hygrophanous ; pileus umbilicate, or rather