Gen. 6. GOKEPHIDIUS. Fr. B p n . F n r .zm .
GompiMd’im, from y6p<pog = a large bolt or nail. From the shape.
Hymenophore decurrent into the stem. Gills composed of a
mucilaginous membrane, soissile, with a continuous acute edo-e
pnimate with tlie blackish/¡¡sz/om spores. Veil viscid floccose.”
1053. Gomphidius g lu tin o su s . Schceff. Icon. i. 36.
Glutino'sus M l oî gluten, glue ; glutinous.
_ Pilens, glutinous, purplish-brown ; gills whitish, then
cinereous, shortly adnexed ; trama none. -F r . ITmn Eur
Sow. t. 7. Coohe Illu s. t. 879.
In fir woods.
Stem internally yellow at the base. Spores 2QxGy. Pileus 2-5 in. broad
totem ¿-à in. long. Veil viscid.
var. $. roseus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 399.
Smaller; base of stem and pileus rose-red.—Goo/«///«« ¿880
(Spores 18 X 7 /X. G .M .)
In woods.
1 0 5 4 . Gomphidius v iso id u s, Finn. Fr. Bym. Fur. 400.
Vis'cidus = sticky, viscid ; from viscum = mistletoe.
Pileus fleshy, a t length umbonate, viscid, brownish-red ■ o-iHg
purplish-umber, trnly branched ; ' trama descending into the gills
— Sow. t. 105. Coolce Illus. t. 881. ^
Under Scotch firs. Aug.— Oct.
Stem rhubarb-colour within. Spores 18-20 x 6 /x. Pileus 2-3 in. diam
Stem 3-4 in. long, J in. thick ; but these dimensions are often exceeded’
Gills pallid, then greenish, at length purple umber. Esculent.
10 5 5 . Gomphidius m a ou la tu s. Scop. C a n . n ., 448.
Macula'tus = spotted.
Pileus fleshy, convex, viscid, white, variegated with black spots
when old ; stem firm, cylindrical, yellow, short ; gills decnrrent
branched, thick, umber. — Fr. Hym. Eur. 400. Coohe Illus. t. 8 8 2 !
In woods.
The form figured iu “ Illustrations ” differs from the type in the longer
stem, which is not yellow, but is attenuated and turns blackish at the base
Pileus 2 inches. Stem 3, or more inches long.
Berk. 1 0 5 « . Gomphidius g r a c ilis . Outl. p- 196, t. 12, f . 7.
Gra'cilis = slender.
Pileus fleshy, conic then hemispherical, vinous-brown, covered
with a smoky gluten, which when dry leaves blaokish spots, chiefly
a t the margin ; stem slender, fiexuous, pallid, whitish-squamulose
above, virgate below, base yellow, gills deourrent, furcate, thick,
watery-white, then turning blackish.—F r. Ilym. Eur. 400. Cooke
Illu s t. 883.
In fir woods.
Gills mem-
and there
and easily
G en. 7 . PA X IL LU S . Fr. Bym. Fur. p. 400.
Paxillus — a small stake, a peg.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem, deourrent.
branaceous, scissile, somewhat branched, and here
anastomosing behind, distinct from the hymenophore,
parting from it. Spores dirty whitish, or ferruginous.
Tribe I . Depista.
Pileus entire, central, spores dingy.
* Gills decurrent.
1 0 5 7 . P a x illu s (Lepista) lep is ta . Fr. Bym. Fur. 402.
Lepista — a drinking-vessel, a goblet.
Pileus fleshy, flattened, depressed, dry, silky or smooth, dirty
whitish, cracked and scaly about the margin ; margin thm, involute,
even, n a ked ; stem solid, thick, with a horny cuticle contiguous
with the hymenophore and similar ; gills deeply decurrent, rather
branched, crowded, dirty white, then d arker.— Cooke. I llu s . t. 872
In moist places in woods.
1 0 5 8 . P a x illu s (Lepista) e x ten u a tu s . Fr. Bym. Eur. 402.
E x -ten u a 'tu s — made thin.
Pileus rigid, extended from the fleshy diso, campanulate-convex,
then expanded, naked, smooth, moist, tan-coloured, becoming
fuscous, margin involute, pubescent, even; stem solid, tough,
smooth, tuberously rooting at the base, gills deeply deourrent,
arcuate, very much crowded, white, then mouse-colour.— Cooke Illu s.
t. 874.
Grassy places in fir woods.
Pileus 1-3 in. Stem lJ-2 in. long, 3-5 lin. thick.
!I !I