A. C o l l y b i a r i i . Pileus from the first dilated. Margin turned
a. H y d r o q r am m i . Gills narrow, very crowded.
319. Ag a z icu s (Omphalia) hydzogzammus. Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 154
Hydrogrammus, from {/Sa)p=water, and line.
Pileus rather membranaceons, iinihilicate, flaccid, smooth, livid,
hygrophanous ; margin patent, stnate, somewhat undulate ; stem
hollow, smooth, rather compressed, rooting ; base clad with whitish
h a irs; gills decurrent, much crowded, whitish.—F r. Icon. i. 71.
Cooke Illu s. t. 239.
Among beech leaves.
Livid when moist, whitish when dry.
3 2 0 . Ag a z icu s (Omphalia) um h ilic a tu s. Schoeff. t. 207.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, umbilicate, reflexed, at length
infundibuliform, even, smooth, hygrophanous, regular ; stem hollow,
straight, at the apex silky with white fibrils ; gills very decurrent,
crowded, whitish.—Fries Ic . t. 73. ûg. 1. F r. Hym. Eu r. 155.
Amongst moss.
Somewhat cæspitose, livid or brownish when moist, becoming whitish or
yellowish when dry, with a brownish disc.
3 2 1 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) mauzus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 156.
Mawr«s=Moorish. Swarthy like a Moor, from the dark colour
of the pileus.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, convex, deeply umbilicate,
smooth, striate, hygrophanous, even when dry, silky, shining;
stem somewhat fistulöse, thin, rigid, straight; gills truly deourrent,
arcuate, very much crowded, white.—F r. Icon. t. 73, f . 2.
Cooke Illus. t. 287, f . 1.
On lawns.
3 2 2 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) o ffu c ia tu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 156.
Offucia ius=.pamiad ; from o/RCW=face-paint.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, piano-depressed, obtuse, even, smooth,
reddish, growing pale ; stem hollow, tough, straight ; gills decurrent,
thin, crowded, of the same colour.—F r . Icon. t. 72, f . 3.
Cooke Illu s. t. 287, f . b.
In beech woods.
Stem 2 in. long, 1-2 line thick, with the habit of Ag. dryophiius,
b. P y x id a ti. Gills slightly distant, narrow.
3 2 3 . A g a z icu s (Omphalia) ch zy sop h y llu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 157.
Chrysophyllus, from xpv(rds=gold, and pi5XXov=a leaf; from the
yellow gills.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, umbilicate, flaccid, fiocculose,
yellow-brown, hoary tan-colour when dry, margin reflexed ; stem
fistulöse, eqnal, smooth, shining egg-yellow, as well as the deeply
decurrent distant gills.—Fr. Icon. t. 7 4 ,/. 1.
On pine chips and rotten pine wood.
Pileus I f in. broad.
3 2 4 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) P o s t ii. Fr. Hym. Eur. 157.
Postii, in honour of M. Post.
Pileus membranaceous, umbilicate, smooth, orange, margin
striate, stem fistulöse, even, smooth, yellow ; gills strongly decurrent,
linear, rather distant, whitish.—Fr. Icon. t. 74, / . 2. Cooke
Illus. t. 1 9 4 ,/. 1.
In swampy places.
3 2 5 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) p y x id a tu s. BuU. t. 568, f. 2.
Pyxida'tus=made, like a box, pyxis.
Pileus sub-membranaceous, umbilicate, then funnel-shaped,
smooth, hygrophanous ; margin striate, brick-red; stem stuffed,
then hollow, even ; gills decurrent, ra th e r distant, narrow, reddish-
grey.—F r . Hym. E u r. 157. Berk. Outl. t. 6 ,/ . 8. Sow. t. 210.
Cooke Illus. t. 1 9 4 ,/. 2.
Amongst short grass, on lawns, &c. Nov.
3 2 6 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) leu c o p h y llu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 157.
Leucophyllus, from XEUKos=white, and (pikXov^a le a f; from the
white gills.
Pileus snb-membranaceous, infundibuliform, becoming even, not
floccose, dark cinereous, margin reflexed, involute ; stem stuffed,
then fistulöse, rath er rigid, equal, even, smooth, cinereous; gills
decurrent, rath er distant, arcuate, distinct, whitish.—F r. Icon. t.
73, f . 4. Cooke. Illu s. t. 288, f. a.
Amongst short grass.
Stem 1§ in. and more long, 1 line tbiok. Pileus about an inch across.
3 2 7 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) stz ia ep ileus, Er. Hym. Eur. 157.
Sti'iw-pil'eus~Yfith a striated pileus.
Pileus membranaceons, convex, then flattened, umbilicate, smooth,
entirely striate, livid hrown, hygrophanous ; stem hollow, smooth,
thin, becoming brownish ; gills sliglitly decurrent, slightly crowded,
whitish.—F r.Ico n . t. 73, f . 3. Coohe. Illus. t. 288, f. b.
Amongst moss and leaves.
Pilens 1 in. broad, or less. Stem about 2 in. long and a line thick.
3 2 8 . Agazicus (Omphalia) telmatiaeus. Berk. 4 Gooke.
Telmaticeus, TeXparLaio's==of a marsh.
Pileus rather membranaceous, soon infundibuliform, dark umber,
growing paler, silky, margin reflexed ; stem equal, fistulöse, cinef