9 6 9 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) orellanus. Fr. Sym. Fur. 371.
Orella'nus : of unknown signification; perhaps from aurum —
Pileus fleshy, obtusely umbonate, villoso-squamulose or fibrillose,
tawny orange,/esX reddish; stem solid, firm, nearly equal, striato-
fibrillose, tawny, as well as the v e il; gills adfixed, broad, rather
distant, a t length opaque.— Cooke Illus. t. 787 B.
On the ground in woods.
Spores 6-7 x 3-4 y.
9 7 0 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) in fu c a tu s . Fr. Sym. Ear. 372.
Infucadus — painted, dyed.
Bright yellow. Pileus fleshy, convex, obtuse, silky when dry ;
stem solid, attenuated from the clavate base, fibrillose, paler, gills
adnate, crowded, linear, fulvous, then cinnamon ; flesh white.—
Cooke Illus. t. 781.
On the ground.
Spores 10 x 5 y.
I I Becoming olive, veil dirty, pallid, or dingy.
into scales.
Pileus not torn
9 7 1 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) co toneus. Fr. Sym. Far. 372.
Coton'eus = cottony, innato-velutinus.
Olive. Pileus fleshy, campanulate then expanded, búllate, somewhat
repand, velvety; stem solid, girt by the dusky veil,
incrassated at tbe base, gills rather crowded, olive, then brown-
cinnamon.— Cooke Illus. t. 749.
Under oaks.
Pileus 3 in. broad. Stem 3 in. long. Spores 10-11 x 8 y.
9 7 2 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) su bn o ta tus. Pers. Syn. 296.
Sub-nota'tus = havá\j marked, not distinctive.
Pileus fleshy, thin, campanulate, then fiattened, squamulose with
hoary superficial flocci, soon smooth, olive, then fuscous ; stem
spongy, stuffed,_ conical, elongated, marked with scales or fibrils
and tbe yellowish veil, smooth and shining a t the apex ; gills
adnate, ventricose, broad, rather distant, yellowish, then olivaceous-
cinnamon.—F r . Hym. E u r. 372. Cooke Illus. t. 832.
Under beech, &c.
Stem 3-4 in fragile. Pileus 4 in., gills 3-5 lines broad, connected by
veins, rather thick. Spores 8-9 x 5 y.
9 7 3 . C o r t in a r iu s (D e rm o c y b e ) raphanoides. F r . S y m . F u r . 873.
Baphano'ides = like a radish, raphanus; from its odour.
Olivaceous, then discoloured; pileus fleshy, campandate, then
expanded, gibbous, silky with innate fibrils; stem stufied, inm,
fibrillose, opaque, and veil p a le r ; gills adnato-ventricose, lathe
crowded, olivaceous, then cinnamon.— OooA« Illus t. 866 a .
In beech and fir woods.
Pileus 1-2 in. Stem 2-3 in. long. Spores 8 - 9 x 5 / * granular.
9 7 4 . C o r t in a r iu s (Dermocybe) v a lg u s . F r . S y m . F u r . 373.
Valgus = bow-legged ; from the twisted stem.
Fraqile. Pileus convex, somewhat gibbous, even becoming
smooth, olivaceous, then brick red, margin rather membranacmis
stem somewhat hollow, elongated, twisted, naked, pallid, shining,
apex striate, sub-violaceous, bulb rooting, whitish, tomentose, gi Is
afiixed, rather distant, dingy yellow, then brick red.— CooAe Illus.
t. 750.
Amongst moss in woods.
The form (pi. 750) referred to this species, with some doubt, differs from
the type iu several particulars, aud is perhaps a distinct variety.
9 7 5 . Cortinarius (Dermocybe) v e n e tu s . Fr. Sym. Fur. 374.
= sea-coloured, bluish.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then expanded, silky or villous, olivaceous,
then yellowish, opaque ; stem stuffed, then hollow, firm
fibrillose-striate, and as well as th e veil of the same coloui , gills
rounded-adnate, somewhat distant, broad veined, olive-yellow, then
olivaceous cinnamon.— Coohe Illu s. U 833 B.
In woods.
Gregarious; pileus lJ-2 in. broad, obtusely umbonate.
Tribe 5. Telamonia. F r. Epicr. p. 291.
Telamonia, from T£Xa/i(6v = a bandage, lin t. . , , , ...
Pileus moist hygrophanous, a t first smooth, or sprinkled with
th e whitish superficial fibrils of the veil. Flesh thin throughout
or only abruptly a t the margin (not equally attenuated), soissile
stem ringed below or peronately scaly from the universal veil,
somewhat cotinate a t the apex, hence with almost a double veil.
I. P latyphylli. Gills very hroad, rather thick, more or less
distant. Stem spongy, or wholly fibrous.
* Stem and cortina white.
9 7 6 . Cortinarius (T elamon ia) macropus. Fr. Sym. Fur. 374.
iliacVopRS = long-stemmed. , , , ,
Pileus fleshy, convex then expanded and broken obtuse, hoary
w i T m L t e l a l e s ; stem solid, long, equal, fibrillose, becoming