. i
; i
Pileus dry, smooth, shining, without zone.
8 0 7 . A g a iicu s (Panaeclus) cam p an u la tu s. Linn. Suec. No. 1213.
Campanula'tus = shaped like a little bell (campanula).
Pilous somewhat fleshy, campanulate, dry, even, smooth, somewhat
sh in in g ; stem equal, straight, rufous, striate above, powdered
ivith blade ; gills fixed, ascending, variegated with grey and black.
—Fr. Ilym. Fur. 311. Bull. t. 5 6 1 ,/. 2, L . Cooke Illus. t. 629.
On rich soil, &c. Common.
8 0 8 . Ag a r icu s (Paneeolus) p a p ilicn a c eu s . BuU. Champ, t. 561,/ .2 .
Papilionaceus = ivom papilio — a butterfly.
Pilens somewhat fleshy, hemispherical, smooth, when dry rimoso-
squamose; stem equal, even, whitish, powdered with white above;
gills broadly adnate, very wide, a t length piano, blackish.—Fr.
Hym. Fur. 311. Coolce Illus. t. 630.
On rich soil, dung, &o. Common.
8 0 9 . Ag a r icu s (Panseolus) c a lig in o su s. Jungh. Linn. v. 5, t.
6, / . 13.
Caligino'sus = davh; from caZi/o = darkness.
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, obtuse, even, smooth ; stem
equal, even, naked, o f the same colour ; gills slightly adnexed,
ascending, lanceolate, fuliginous then black.— Fr. Hym. Eur. 312.
Cooke Illus. t. 631 A.
In grassy places.
Pileus dry, smooth, zoned at the margin.
810. Ag aricu s (Panaeclus) su b b a ltea tu s.
No. 923.
Berk. 4 -Fr. Ann. N. BJ.
Sub-baltea'tus = somewhat banded, zoned. Balteus = a belt.
Pileus convex, fleshy, hygi'ophanous, fawn-coloured, pallid when
dry, zoned at the margin, rugulose ; stem fragile, rufous brown,
with white fibrils; gills brownish, adnate, subventricose.—F r.
Hym. Eur. 312. Cooke Illus. t. 631 B.
In a tare field. Sept.
Stem 2 in. and more long, 1 line thick ; pileua 1 -lJ in. broad.
811. Ag aricu s (Panaeclus) a cum in a tu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 312.
Acumina'tus = pointed like a needle, acus.
Pileus rather fleshy, conic, acuminate, even, smooth, shining,
zoned about the margin with a blackish line ; stem thin, equal,
pruinose, bicoloured ; gills adnexed, ventricose, crowded, becoming
blackish.— Cooke Illu s. t. 632 A.
On dung. Oct.
Stem 1-3 in. long, thickened at the base.
8 1 2 . A g a ric u s (Panaeclus) fim ic c la . Fr. Hym. Fur. 5\2.
Fimi'cola, from/mws = manure, and colo = I inhabit.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campamilato-convex, obtuse, smooth,
opaque ; marked near the margin with a narrow hrown zone ; stem
fragile,’ elongated, eqnal, pallid, pruinose above ; gills adnate,
broad, variegated with grey and brown.—Bolt. t. 66, f . 1. Cooke
Illus. t. 632 B.
On dung, rich pastures, &c.
var. c in c tu iu s . Bolt. Fung. t. 152.
Cinct'ulus, diminutive of cinctus = a girdle.
Pilens somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, even,
smooth, margin with a hroad hrown zone; stem ra th e r firm, equal,
brownish, gills free (?), ventricose, olivaceous black.
On dung.
Somewhat doubtful variety, resting on Bolton’s figure.
Sub-Gen. 38. P SA TH Y R E L LA . F r. Epicr. 237.
Psathyrella, diminutive of Psathyra, q.v.
Veil inconspicuous, not interwoven; pilens membranaceous,
striated, margin straight, adpressed to the stem, not exceeding the
g ills ; gills adnate or free, spores black.
* Stem straight, smootli.
8 1 3 . A g a ric u s (P s a th y r e lla ) s u b a tr a tu s . Batsch. fig. 89.
S u b -atra'tus = vaih&v blackened, dark.
Pileus rather membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate,
striate, rugulose, rufescent, then pale, sprinkled with
pruinose atoms ; stem straight, ra th e r firm, shining with a silky
lustre, pallid, naked ; gills adnexed, crowded, fuliginous, becoming
black.—F r . Hym. Eur. 313. Cooke Hlus. t. 633.
In grassy places. Sept.
Pileus rufescent, gi’owing pale, scarce exceeding 1 in. broad. Stem IJ
line thick, clad with whitish down at the base.
8 1 4 . A g a r ic u s (P s a th y r e lla ) g r a c ilis . Fr. Eym. Fur. 313.
Gra'ci'Ns == slender.
Pileus submembranaceous, conical, slightly striate when moist,
hygrophanous; stem slender, straight, naked, pallid ; gills broadly
adnate, snbdistant, cinereous, then black, edge pale rose.— Coolce
Illus. t. 634.
On hedge borders.
, b