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Ag aricus (Mycena) a e t it e s . Fr. Ic. t. 81,/. 5.
Aetites, a£TlTr;<s= a stone said to be found in the eagle’s nest ;
perhaps from the characteristic umbo.
Fragile ; pilens membranaceous, campanulate, then convex,
smooth, sulcate, hygrophanous, with a broad obtuse prominent umbo;
stem unequal, somewhat compressed, smooth, sh in in g ; gills uncinate,
subarcuate, thin, connected by veins, whitish.—F r . Hym.
Eur. 143. Cooke Illus. t. 188, a.
Amongst mosses.
282. Ag aricu s (Mycena) stan n en s. Fr. Hym. Fnr. 14S.
Stann eus = made of, or coloured like, tin, stannum.
Firm. Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded,
smooth, obsoletely striate, hygrophanous. even when dry, beautifully
s ilk y ; stem smooth, even, shining, becoming pale, a t length com-
piessed ; gills adnate with a decurrent tooth, connected 'by veins,
greyish-white.—F r . Icon. t. 82, J . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 188, 6.
Amongst grass in woods.
2 8 3 . A g a r icu s (M ycena) v itr e u s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 143.
Vit'reus = glassy.
Very fragile ; pileus membranaceous, campanulate, everywhere
lineato-striate, except the umbo or somewhat fleshy disc ; stem
slender, minutely striate, shining, base fibrillose; gills adnate, distinct,
linear, whitish.—F r . Icon. t. 82, f . 1. Coohe Illu s. t. 160, a.
In woods. Oct.
2 8 4 . Ag a r icu s (Mycena) ten n is. Bolt. t. 37.
Tenuis = thin.
Very brittle ; pilens membranaceous, campanulate, then convex,
obtuse, lineato-striate, margin crenate, appendiculate'; stem membranaceous,
pellncid, stra ig h t ; gills adnate, distinct, thin, watery,
whitish.—F r . Hym. Eur. 143. Price f . 9. Cooke Illus. t. 160,6.
In shady moist woods.
e. F i l i p e d e s . Stem thread-like, flaccid, rooting. Gills paler
a t the edge, and becoming discoloured.
2 8 5 . Ag a r icu s (Mycena) filopes. Bull. Champ, t. 320.
Filipes, from fi lu m = a thread, and pes = the foot, or stem.
Pileus membranaceons, obtuse, campanulate, then expanded,
striate; stem filiform, flaccid, rather brittle, smooth; base pilose,
rooting ; gills free, lanceolate, crowded, white.—F r , Hum. Eur.
144. Cooke Illu s. t. 161, a.
In woods amongst leaves.
2 8 6 . Ag aricus (Mycena) Ir is. Berk. Outl. t. 6 ,f. 3.
Ir is = the rainbow ; from the varying or banded coloration.
Pileus hemispherical, obtuse, striate, sub-viscid, adorned with
blue agglutinated fibrillai ; stem fasciculately pilose ; gills almost
free.—F r . Hym. E u r. 131. Cooke Illus. t. 161, 6.
On fir stumps. Oct.
Fasciculate or scattered, when young the pileus and stem are bright sky-
blue, and beautifully tomentose. Pileus f-§in. broad, umber, clothed with
blue fibrillm; gills pale cinereous, the margin sometimes denticulate ; stem
1J-3J in. high, not 1 line broad ; blue below, above subrnfescent.
2 8 7 . Ag a r icu s (Mycena) m ira b ilis. Cke. 4-Quel. Claris p. 39.
Mira'bilis = wonderful, strange.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, umbo darker, smooth, finely striate ;
stem rather tomentosely rooting, bluish floccose, gills slightly adnexed,
distant, white, the edges darkened with minute particles.—
F r . Epicr. p. 100. Ag. marginellus. F r. Eym. Eu r. 131, not of,
On fir trunks, amongst Hypnum. Aug.
2 8 8 . Ag azicus (Mycena) amictus. Fr. Hym. Eur, H4.
Amictus = clad ; from the powdery down.
Pileus membranaceous, conical campanulate, striate to the
middle, dry, smooth; stem filiform, equal, tough, clad with a
powdery^ down, root, twisted, smooth, gills free, crowded, linear,
grey, with the edge paler.—F r . Icon. t. 31, / . 2. Cooke Illus. t.
Amongst moss.
2 8 9 . Ag a z icu s (Mycena) d eh ilis . Fr. Hym. Eur. 145
Dehilis = frail, weak.
Tender. Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, convex, obtuse,
striate, becoming even when dry, rugulose, brownish, opaque; stem
filiform, capillary, lax, flaccid, fibrillose a t the base ; gil s broadly
adnate, distinct, whitish.—Frfes loon. t. 82, / . 4. Cooke Illus. t.
189, a.
In a chestnut wood. Oct.
Colour whitish, flesh-coloured, livid or tawny.
2 9 0 . Ag a z icu s (M ycena) v it ilis . Fr. Hym. Fur. 145.
'Vi'tilis = plaited, interwoven.
Pileus membranaceous, conical, then expanded, papillate, moist,
deeply striate, becoming pale ; stem filiform, livid, straight, flexile,
smooth, w ithout juice, shining, rooting; gills attenuato-adnate, rather
distinct, greyish-white.—Now. t. 3 8 5 ,/. 5. Cooke Illus. t. 189, 6.
Amongst leaves.
Stem thin, hollow, 3-6 in. long, filiform, rooting ; pileus papillate, 3-4 lin.
broad, striate to the middle, dry, livid, or brown, becoming pale or whitish •
gills linear, whitish, or grey, edge growing paler, ’