hollow, thickened a t the base, of the same colour as the pileus,
clad with orange down. Gills decurrent, pallid.
On the ground.
Specimens afterwards placed by Berkeley witb L, camphoratus. Cmspi-
tose, odour sweet.
var. c im ica z iu s. JBatsch. f . 69.
Dusky ferrnginons. Pileus plane, then infundibuliform ; margin
unequally sinuate, lobes convex, pulvinate ; stem opaque, more or
less dark in colour, hollow substance soft and dry ; gills rather
broad, dusky oohre ; milk limpid, like serum. Odour of bugs.—■
Cooke lllus. i. 1013 B.
On the ground.
1178. Lactazius (Russulazes) subumbonatus. Lind. JBot. Not.
Subumbona'tus = with a slight umbo.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then depressed, rather umbonate,
rugose, punctate, dark cinnamon, without zones, a t length undulated,
repand, flesh grey, then yellowish; stem stuffed, ru fescen t;
gills adnate, flesh-colour, then ru fescen t; milk watery white.—Fr.
Ilym. Eur. 437. Cooke Illu s. t. 986 A.
On the ground.
Odour foetid wben old. Very closely related to L. camphoratus.
1179. Lactazius (Russulazes) ob n u b ilis. Lasch. Linn. No. 71.
Obnu'bilis = over-crowded, dark.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then umbilicate, smooth, somewhat
striate, zoneless, sooty-brown; stem stuffed, then hollow, thin,
paler ; gills rather crowded, turning yellowish ; milk rather mild,
white.—Fr. Hym. Eu r. p. 438. Cooke Illu s. t. 1014 A.
In woods.
Small, fragile, pileus scarcely exceeding one incb.
11 8 0 . Lactazius (R u ssu la ze s) m in im u s. Sm. in Journ- Bot., 1873,
p . 205.
Min’imus — least, smallest.
Pilens fleshy, pulvinate, excentric, -pallid clay-colour, margin
incurved ; stem solid, short ; gills rather decurrent, distant,
arcuate, of the same colour. Milk copious, mild.—Fr. Hym.
Eur. 438. Cooke Illu s . t. 986 B.
In pastures.
Pileus very small, not exceeding balf an inch.
Tribe 4. Pleuropus.
Stem excentric or lateral.
1181. Lactazius (Pleuzopus) obliqu us. Fr. BJym. JEur. 438.
Obli'quus = slanting, oblique.
White, turning yellowish. Pileus fleshy, thin, piano-depressed,
oblique, zoned with grey, lobato, silky ; stem stuffed, then hollow,
rather excentric, curved ; gills crowded, white. Milk white.—
Cooke lllu s . t. 1014 B.
On trunks, etc.
Spores 6 y diam.
Gen . 10. RUSSULA. JPers. in Fries Fpic. 34S.
Russ'ula, from their frequently reddish appearance. Russus =
Veil none. Hymenophore descending unchanged into the vesi-
culose trama ; gills rigid, fragile, without milk, edge acute. Spores
round, often echinulate, white, or turning yellowish.
Terrestrial, fleshy, putrescent fungi. Stem polished, pileus a t first, or at
length depressed.
Ser. I. CoMPAOTÆ. Pileus everywhere fleshy, margin a t flrst
turned in, always without striæ. Without distinct viscid pellicle.
Flesh compact, firm. Stem solid, fleshy, gills unequal.
1182. R u ssu la (Compact*) n ig z ic a n s. Fr. JHJym. Fur. 439.
Nigricans = becoming black.
Pileus equally fleshy, compact, umbilicate, depressed, dingy-
olive ; margin infiexed, without striæ ; stem solid, blunt, at lenglh
charry-black ; gills rounded, thick, Æsiaiii, unequal.—Sow. i. 36.
Huss. t. 73. Cooke lllu s. t. 1015.
In woods.
var. albo -nig za . Kromhh. t. 70, / . 16.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, depressed in the middle, a t length
infundibuliform, viscid, whitish, smoky about the margin, flesh white,
turning black when broken ; stem solid, stout, dusky, becoming
blackened ; gills decurrent, crowded, unequal, dusky whitish.—F r .
Hym. Eur. 440. Cooke Illus. t. 1016.
In grassy places.
1183. R u ssu la (Compact*) adusta. Fr. BJym. Fur. 4,89.
Adusta = scorched.
Pileus equally fieshy, compact, depressed, nearly infundibuliform
; margin at first infiexed and smooth, then erect and without
w m