5 3 . Ag azicus (Azmillazia) zobustus. A.SpS. Fr. Bym. Eur. 11.
Rohustus=sol\A, robust.
Pilens fleshy, compact, convexo-plane, unequal, smooth ; stem
solid, short, attenuated doiomuards, rooting, fibrillose above the
ring, white below ; gills emarginate, reaching the stem.— Cooke
Jllus. t. 33.
In woods, &c.
Short, robnst, firm ; pileus bay, tawny, or reddish, variable in size. Inaccurately
named Ag. aurantius in Cooke’s Illustrations t. 33.
var. minoz. Fr. Hym. Eur. 41.
Ring and gills narrow, pileus even.—Cooke Illus. t. 86.
Figured from specimens collected in the New Forest.
• Agazicus (Azmillazia) au zau tiu s. Sehcrff. Fr. Hym. Eur. 41.
Aurant'ius=colo\ued like an orange ; a coined word.
Pilens fleshy, convex then plane, obtuse, innato-squamulose,
viscid ; stem solid, equal, concolorous, gu tta te above, clad up to
the ring with orange concentric scales ; gills adnexed with a tooth,
crowded, white.—Schmffer, Ic. 27.
In pine woods.
Varying a good deal in the nature and frequency of the scales.
This is doubtful as a British species. We have only heard of the Scotch
specimens (lllust. t. 33J which belong to Ag. roiustus.
5 4 . Agazicus (Azmillazia) zameutaceus. Bull. Fr. Hym. Eur. ^2.
i?aTOe?iia'citis=fiirnished with ramenta, shreds, scrapings.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, whitish, variegated with
blackish scales, dry ; stem solid, unequal, scaly ; ring inferior, of
interwoven flocoi ; gills emarginate, crowded, whitish, then discoloured.—
Bull. t. 595, f . 3. Cooke Illu s. t. 71.
On the ground. Not common.
Figured from specimens collected at Hampstead many years ago.
55. Ag a z icu s (Azmillazia) haematites.
No. 1635.
B. Sy B r. Ann. Nat. Hist.,
Hcemati'tes— hlood-Ylke, from aqua=blood.
Pileus hemispherical, liver-coloured, rather hispid when d r y ;
stem of the same colour, thickened downwards, soZIcZ; ring spongy,
gills shortly decurrent.— Cooke lllu st. t. 45.
Amongst fir leaves. Scotland.
Pileus 1 in. Stem 2 in. high, J in. thick at the base, ring scaly beneath.
5 6 . Agazicus (Azmillazia) con stz ic tu s. Fr Hym. Eur. 42.
C'onsZrici'Ms==compressed, compact.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, even, dry, with an
evanescent silky lustre ; stem solid, nearly equal ; ring superior,
evanescent; gills emarginate, crowded, white.—-Fr. Icon. t. 18, / , 1.
Cooke Illus. t. 46.
In pastures where the ground is bleached with urine. Rare.
Odour mealy, taste pleasant, wholly white. Stem about 2 in. long, pileus
not more than 2 inches diam., often less. Figured from specimens obtained
at Bpping.
h. Gills attenuated behind, more or less decurrent, not sinuate, stem
5 7. Ag azicus (Azmillazia) m e lleu s. Valil. Fr. Hym. Eur. 44.
MelVeus— oi the colour of honey, inel.
Pileus fleshy, a t length plane, clothed with fibrous scales ; margin
striate; stem spongy, stuffed, elastic, fibrillose; ring floccose
patent : gills adnate, ending in a deonrrent tooth, somewhat distan
t, pallid, then mealy with the profuse white spores, and spotted
with reddish-brown.—Berk. Outl. t. 4, f . i. Price f . 16, 32.
Badh. \ . t . lG , f . 3 ,ü . t . 9 , f . 3 . Sow. t . 191. A.laricinus. Bolt.
Z. 19 ? Cooke Illus. t. 32.
On dead stumps. Very common. Edible.
Exceedingly variable, sometimes single, usually densely csespitose. I t is
probable that Ag. millus, Sowerby, pi. 184, is only a singular form of this
58 . Agazicus (Azmillazia) suhcavus. Sohum. Fr. Hym. Eur. 46.
Nw5caVi<s=somewhat hollow.
Pileus submembranaceous, convex, somewhat plane, viscid, striate
to the middle, disc rather fleshy, umbonate; stem fistulöse
upwards, equal, punctulate, even above the torn r in g ; gills plane,
decurrent, white.— Cooke Illus. t. 46.
On the ground. Nov.
Slender, wholly white, except the umber umbo.
c. Gills equal behind, stem externally rather cartilaginous.
5 9 . Agazihus (Azmillazia) muc idus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 46.
M u 'cid u s= slim j.
Pileus thin, soft, convex, then expanded, riigiilose, glutinous ;
stem stufied, rigid, thickened at the base ; ring superior, reflexed,