* * M e e d a r i i . R i n g o f t e n i n c o m p l e t e .
7 3 0 . Agaricus (Stropharia) lu te c -n ite n s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 286.
Lut'eo-ni'tens, from Zwiezts = yellow, an d mZezzs = sliining.
Pileu s flesliy, th in , conical, campanulate, umbonate, viscid,
yellow, ma rg in squamulose, stem hollow, even, pruinose above
th e d is ta n t rin g , gills adnexed, ventricose, c in e r e o n s , becoming
blackish-—Flora Danica t. 1067. Goohe Flus. t. 604.
On sawdust, dung, and humus.
Pileus 1-2 in. Stem 2 in. long, 2 lines thick.
731. Agaricus (P salliota) merdarius. F r. Hym. Fur. 286.
Merda'rius, from meriZa = dnng. Because i t grows on dry
dung. (Frie s, I.e.)
Pileus convex, th e n plane, obtuse, smooth, moist, hygrophanous
; stem hollow, tough, short, flocculose, p a llid when dry ;
rin g to rn , fu g a c io u s; gills adnate, broad, yellowish, th e n nmher.
—Saund. Sf Sm. Illus. pi. 25. Goohe Illus. t. 637.
In a g rass field.
Densely gregarions. Pileus J-i in. diam. Stem J-1 inch high.
7 3 2 . Agaricus (Stropharia) stercorarius. Fr. Hym. Fur. 287.
Stercora'rius, from stercus = dung. From its h a b ita t.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, hemispherical, th e n expanded, even,
smooth, d isco id ; stem stuffed, elongated, a t first flocculose
below th e d is ta n t rin g , with a distinct p ith , snbviscid ; gills
adnate , broad, white, nmher, th e n olive-black.—Bull. t. 566, / . 4.
Gooke Illus. t. 538.
On dung.
7 3 3 . Ag a r icu s (Stropharia) sem ig lob a tus. Batsch. Flen. f . 110.
Semi-globa'tus = hemi-spherical.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, hemispherical, even ; stem fistulose,
slender, straight, smootli, glutinous, yellowish ; veil abrupt ; gills
adnate, broad, plane, clouded with black.—jSr. Hym. Eur. 287.
Grev. t. 344. Huss. i. t. 39. Goohe Illus. t. 539.
On dung. Common. Reputed poisonous.
B. S p in t h ig e r i . Pileus without pellicle, b u t innately
fibrillose, not viscid.
7 3 4 . Agaricus (Stropharia) caput-medusae. Fr. Hym. Fur. 288.
Caput meduisce = Medusa’s head. From the scales on the pileus.
Pileus fleshy, fragile, ovate then expanded, lacunose, squamulose,
discoid ; stem hollow above, sqnarroso with imbricate scales
below the ring ; gills adfixed, ventricose, clay coloured then pallid
umber.— Coolce Illus. t. 540.
In pine woods.
Stem 2-3 in. long, i in. thick, solid at the base, whitish, ring resembling
that of A. procerus, but persistent ; pileus umber at the top, tan-ooloured
at the oironmferenoe.
735. Ag a r icu s (Stropharia) scob in a c eu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 288.
Scobina'ceus, from scohina— a rasp. Prom the rough pileus.
Pileus fleshy, thin, hemispherioal then expanded, gibbous, finely
sulcate, clad with squamules, crowded, adpressed, deciduous, becoming
blackish, stem hollow, fibrillose, white, mealy a t the apex,
ring fugacious ; gills adnate, crowded, crenulate, white then
rufescent, at length purplish.
On ask trunks. Sub-cæspitose.
Pilens at first fuscous, then greyish violet towards the margin, centre
livid, becoming yellowish.
736. A g a r icu s (Stropharia) Jerdoni. B. 4 Ur. Ann. N.H. No. 913,
t. 14,/. 2.
Jerdoni, in honour of Archibald Jerdon.
Pileus campanulate, obtuse, umbonate, fleshy, ochraoeous, dry,
adorned with superficial white evanescent scales, cuticle not separating,
stem silky or squamulose, hollow ; ring superior ; gills pallid,
then brown, transversely striate.—F r. Hym. Eur. 289. Coohe
Illus. t. 541.
On fir stumps. Nov.
737. Ag aricus (Stropharia) sp in trig e r. Fr. Hym. Fur. 289.
Spin'tri-ger = bearing a bracelet, spinier. From the ring.
Pileus rather fleshy, ovate then flattened, obtuse, even, smooth ;
stem hollow, equal, floccosely fibrillose, white, naked a t the apex,
distant ring thin, fugacious ; gills adnate, crowded, fuscous brown.
— Goohe Illus. t. 542.
On trunks.
Stem 3 in. long, 3 lines thick. Pileus fragile, 3-4 in. broad,
tawny or flesh-coloured, becoming whitish.
7 3 8 . A g a ric u s (S tro p h a ria ) h y p s ip u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 290.
Hypisi-pus, vffnrovs, high-footed. From the long stem.
Pileus convex, then plane, even, smooth, hygrophanous ; stem
hollow, equal, smooth, ring medial, persistent, gills adnate, seceding.