Í Ú umber ; stem stuffed, thin, even, of tbe same colour, a little
thickened at th e' base ; gills distant, simple, mixed with others
dichotomous or dimidiate, white.—F r . Hym. Fur. 458. Cooke
Illu s. Í. 1111 A.
On the ground.
Spores 9 X 5 //.
1257. Cantharellus cu p u la tu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 458.
Cupula'tus = cup-shaped ; from cupula = a little cup.
Pileus submembranaceous, plane, then infundibuliform, repand,
hygrophanons, when moist smooth and margin striate, when dry
flocculose, without striæ ; stem stuffed, equal, polished, smooth ;
gills distant, branched and dimidiate, broad, grey.—Cooke Illu s. t.
111Ü B. Agaricus helvelloides, Bull. Champ, t. 601, / . 3.
On the ground.
Spores 7 X 4
1 2 5 8 . Cantharellus Stev en son i. B. Br. Ann. N.B., No. 1422.
Stevenson'i, in honour of the Bev. John Stevenson, of Glamis.
Pileus orbicular, iimbilic.ate, pallid, smooth, margin inflexed;
stem cylindrical, delicately pulverulent, white, then darker ; gills
decurrent, pallid, brownish behind.— Cooke Illus. t. 1111 B.
On rotten wood amongst moss..
Pileus about 2 lines across, stem J in. high, J line thick, with a little
white mycelinm at the base. Very near to C. cupulatus, but that is very
strongly umbonate when yonng, and the nmbo is always visible at the
bottom of the umbilicus ; the habitat moreover is different.—B. 4 -Br.
1 2 5 9 . Cantharellus r e flex u s. Fries Hym. Eur. 459.
Reflexus = turned back.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, convex, expanded and inverted,
striate, fuscous, then cinereous ; stem fistulose, smooth,
thickened above, gills adnate, d( current, connected by veins, distant,
branched and dimidiate, hoary white.
Amongst grass.
var. d e v e x u s. Fries Bym. Eur. 459.
Devexus = shelving downwards.
Pileus cucullate, stem stuffed with a floccose pith, gills simple,
cinereous.—Cooke Illus. Suppl.
In burnt places.
I I . P leukopus. Dimidiate, stem lateral.
1 2 6 0 . Cantharellus m u sc ig en u s. Bull. Champ, t. 288, 498, f . l .
ilusci'genus = born of moss.
Pilens subniembrauaoeoiis, spathulate, horizontal, smooth, zoned,
brown, then whitish-cinereous ; stem lateral, short, villous at the
base; gills swollen, distant, branched, of the same colonr. Fr.
Ilym. Fur. 460. Cooke Illus. t. 1115 A.
On the larger mosses.
1261. C a n t h a r e l l u s g l a u c u s . Batsch. f . 123.
Glaucus — sea-green.
Grey pileus membranaceons, strap-shaped, ascending, silky,
ivithout zones ; stem lateral, short, prmnate, gdls fold-hke swollen,
distant, dichotomous.—Fr. Ilym. Far. 460. Cooke Illus. 1.1115 B.
On sandy slopes.
H I . B e s u p i n a t i . Pileas entire, at flrst cup-shaped, fixed at
the vertex, then reflexed.
1 2 6 2 . C a n t h a r e l l u s r e t i r u g u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 460.
Retiru'gus, from rete = a net, and ruga = a winkle.
Membranaceous, expanded, repand, lobed, whitish, cinereous,
■fixed behind with little threads ; gills radiating from the centre,
very thin, reticulated.— Sow. t. 348. Berk. Outl. t. 14, f 2.
Cooke Illus. t. 1112 A.
On mosses, in swamps.
Spores 10 X 8 //.
1 2 6 3 . C a n t h a r e l l u s l o b a t u s . Fr. Bym. Fur. 461.
Loba.'ius = lobed.
Gelatinous, membranaeeous, sessile, horizontal, ear-shaped, dirty
rufous, externally convex, smooth, beneath with críspate folds,
divided near the margin.—Bolton t. 1 7 1 . Cooke Illus. t. 1112 B.
On mosses in swamps.
Gen . 12. NYCTALIS. Fr. Gen. Bymen.
Nyct'alis, from v6^ = n ig h t.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem. Gills fleshy, thick,
juicy, with an obtuse edge, not decurrent on the stem or fold-like.
Veil floccosely pruinose.
Sect. 1 .—S p e l e í e . Gills crowded, somewbat coalescing.
1 2 6 4 . N y c t a l i s c a l i g i n o s a . Smith J o u r . Bot., 1873, p. 337.
Caligino'sa= M l of darkness, calige.
Pileus very fleshy, white when dry, flocculoso-pruinose, when wet
marked with colours (as in Ag. butyraceus) ; margin involute,
slightly exceeding the gills, gills thick, branched, decurrent; stem
solid, flocculoso-pruinose, base naked ; odonr and taste rank and
disagreeable (like Folypoms squamosus).— Cooke Illu s. t. 1132 A.
Amongst earth and dead leaves.
A doubtful species. Probably a diseased state of some Clitocybe,
Spores 4 X 2J / .