1 3 0 6 . mara sm ius polyad elph us. Lasch. in Linn. No. 208.
Pol'y-adelphvs, from ttoYvs = many, and ¿ ¿£X ^ o s= a brother,
From its growing in dense patches.
Minute, snowy-white, rather tough. Pilens very thin, hemispherical,
sulcate, flocculose; stem tough, floccose a t the base;
gills decurrent, almost fold-like.— Fr. Hym. Fur. p. 165. Cooke
Illus. t. 1137 B.
On dead leaves.
Spores 5 x 3 / .
I I I . A p u s . Pileus sessile, resupinate.
1 3 0 7 . Marasmius spodo leu cu s. B. 4 Br., Ann. N. H., May, 1859.
Spod'o-leutius = ashy-white ; from o-ttoSos = wood-ashes.
Conchiform, resupinate, mai-giii at length free, cinereous above,
pulverulent or slightly furfuraceous ; stem wanting ; gills few,
white ; interstices even.- -Fr. Hym. Fur. 480. Cooke Illus t
1137 0.
On dead elm twigs.
There remains not the slightest doubt that Marasmius Broomei, Berk.,
Ann. Nat. Hist. 1795, is precisely the same species, described for a second
time in error, from the very same speoimena. Only one species is represented
either in the Herbarium of Rev. M. J. Berkeley or iu that of Mr.
Gbn. 14. LENTINUS. Fr. Fp. 45.
Lenti'nus, from lentus = tongh, lasting long.
Pileus fleshy, coriaceous, tough, when old, hard and d ry ; stem
hard and often obsolete, when present continuous with the hymenophore
; gills tough, simple, unequal, thin, edge acute, generally
toothed; trama none.
I. M k s o p o d b s . Pileus almost entire, stem distinct.
* L e p i d h i . Pileus squamose, more or less manifestly veiled.
1 3 0 8 . L en tin u s tig r in u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 481.
Tigrimus = barred or spotted like a tiger.
Pileus fleshy-coriaceous, thin, orbicular, umbilicate, whitish,
clothed with innate black scales ; stem thin, without striæ, squamulose,
with a decided veil ; gills attennated, decurrent, very narrow,
white, then yellowish.—Foziz. t. 68. Cooke Illus t. 1138, 1139 A.
On old stumps.
Pileus abont 2 inches. Stem 2 in. long.
1 3 0 9 . Iien tin u s D u n a lii. B . Cand. FI. Fr. v., 47.
DunaVii, in honour of M. Dunal.
Pileus fleshy-coriaceous, thin, umbilicate, irregular, pallid,
clothed with adpressed spot-like scales; stem short, somewhat
s ilk y ; gills decurrent, crowded, pallid.—-Fr. Hym. Eur. 481.
Berk. Outl. t. 15, f. 2. Cooke Illu s. t. 1139 B.
On ash trees. Rare.
1310. L en tin u s lep id eu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 481.
Lepid'eus, from Xettls = a scale.
Pileus fleshy, compact, tough, convex, then depressed, unequal,
pallid-ocbraceous, broken up into darker spot-like scales; stem
stout, rooting, tomentose or scaly ; gills sinuate, deourrent, broad,
torn, transversely striate, whitish.—Sow. t. 382. Cooke Illus. t.
1140, 1141.
On stumps of firs, etc.
Pileus 2-4 inches. Stem very variable, often attenuated.
** PuLVERULENTi. PUcus villosc, 01' pulveruleiit.
1311. L en tin u s leon topodiu s. Schulz. Icon, t 28.
Leonto-pod'ius = lion-footed ; XeW = a lion.
Pileus between fleshy and coriaceons. tough, irregular, delicately
tomentose, tan colour, disc depressed, margin deflexed and lobed,
stem thick, woody, unpolished, powdery, pale chestnut, turmng
black below ; gills decurrent, connected by veins, wrinkled a t the
sides, edge serrate.—-Fr. Uym. Eur. 483. Stevenson Hym. Britt.
ii., p. 155.
On old willow.
1312. L en tin u s p u lv e r u len tu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 483.
Pulverulentus = dusty.
Pilens fleshy, scarcely convex, y e llow ; stem stout, elongated,
equal, '[\g\A, jiowdered with whitish mealy particle s; gills denticulate,
w h i t e . U p . 4 Br. Ann. N .H . No. 1567.
On trunks.
Tutted at first infundibuliform, then lateral flabelliform, fuliginous
flooooso pulverulent, with little umber particles ; stem elongated, at length
mkooth; gills thick, pallid, deeply decurrent, their edge crenulate, but not
torn ; pileus 2 in .; stem 3 in. high.
,1 j
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