2 8 . Ag azicu s (Lepiota) c lyp eo la z iu s. Bull. l<r. Hym. Eur. 32.
Clypeolartius— mth. a boss like a shield, clypeus.
Pilens fleshy, soft, umbonate, at first with an even crust, a t length
broken into floccose adpressed scales; stem fistulöse, thin, almost
equal; ring evanescent, floccoso-squamose; gills free, approximate.—
F r . Icon t. 1 4 . / 2. Cooke Illu s. t. 38.
In woods and hot-houses. [United States.]
Variable in colour, white, yellow, pink, rafons, brown, &o. Pilens 1^ in.
broad, whitish, with reddish scales; stems 2-3J in. high, 2 lines thick.
Inodorous and insipid.
2 9 . Ag azicus (Lepiota) metulaespozus. B. 4" Er.
No. 67.
Ceylon Fungi,
Metulae'sporus— viitli spores shaped like an obelisk, metula.
Pileus campanulate, rather fleshy, white, grooved, adorned with
small pallid scales ; margin appendiculate ; stem nearly eqnal or
slightly clavate pale, lemon-coloured, stuffed; gills white, ventricose,
approximate; spores nine-pin shaped, or obliquely clavate ;
mycelium thread-like.— Cooke Illus. t. 39. F r. Ilym. Eu r. 32.
Pileus 1 in. across; stem in. high, 1 line th ick ; gills nearly 2 lines
3 0 . Ag azicu s (Lepiota) c zista tu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 32.
(7?'isia' ¿Ms==cre sted.
Pileus slightly fleshy, rather obtuse, cuticle at first continuous,
naked, then broken into sub-granulose evanescent scales. Stem
fistulöse, slender, even, e q n a l; ring entire, evanescent; gills free,
at length remote.— Grev. t. 176. Berk. Outl. pi. 3, / . 7. IIuss.
i. t. 48. Cooke Illu s. t. 29.
In fields, lawns, &c. Common.
Pileus in. broad, white, the cuticle broken into rufescent scales.
Stem 1-2 in. high, 1-2 lines thick. Smell and taste strong and unpleasant.
31. Agazicus (Lepiota) ezm ineus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 33.
Ermin'eus— evmme, i.e. white.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate then expanded, even, smooth, a t length
silky about the margin ; stem fistulöse, equal, smooth ; ring remote,
becoming lacerated; gills approximate.— Cooke Illus. t. 40.
In grassy places. Coed Coch.
Fragile, wholly white, inodorous, with the taste of radishes. Krombholz
says that the spores are fusiform.
¡Sect. c., Annulosi—Ring superior, fixed, snbpersistent,
universal veil adnate to the pileus.
3 2 . Agazicus (Lepiota) V itta d in ii. Moretti. Fr. Bym. Eur. 33.
Vittadihii, in honour of the Italian mycologist Vittadini.
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, rough with strong wart-like scales ; stem
solid, cylindrical, stout, concentrically squarrose ; ring large ; gills
free, ventricose, thick.—Buss. i. t. 85. Cooke Illu s. t. 86.
In pastures. Pare. Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Hunts, &c.
3 3 . Agazicus (Lepiota) h o lo se z ic eu s. Fr. Hym. Eur 3i.
Iloloseric'eus=v/ho\\j silky, from 6A,os -f ser'icus.
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, soft, silky fibrillose, becoming even ; stem
solid, bulbous, sericeo-fibrillose, ring superior, persistent, broad,
reflexed ; gills free,, ventricose, white, growing pallid.— Cooke
Ulus. t. 41.
In moist woods. Esculent.
3 4 . Ag azicu s (Lepiota) nau cin us. Fr. Hym Eur. 34.
Naucums for n u cm v s=o i a n u t tree, nux ; of uncertain application.
Pileus, fleshy, soft, cuticle thin, entire, or breaking up into
evanescent granules, somewhat umbonate and smooth in the centre;
stem almost hollow, thickened a t the base, attenuated upwards,
fibrillose ; ring large, a t length evanescent ; gills approximate,
whitish.— Cooke Illus. t. 15.
In fields.
3 5 . Ag a z icu s (Lepiota) cepoestipes. Sow. Fr. Ilym. Eur. 35.
Cepae'stipes='wit\i the stem of an onion, from cepa -f stipes.
Pileus sub-membranaceous, ovate, then expanded, mealy and
squamose with evanescent plumose scales, disc fleshy and broadly
umbonate ; margin plicate ; stem hollow, floccose, thickest in the
middle, or at the base ; ring evanescent; gills at length remote.—
Sow. t. 2. Grev. t. 333. Cooke Illus. t. 5.
On tan and leaves in hot-houses.
White or yellow. Gregarious or tufted. Pileus 1-3 in. broad. Stem
3-6 in. high, narrow at the top, ventricose, then narrower at the bottom.
Sect. d. Granulosi—Universal veil of the pileus and stem at
first continuous, by rupture forming an inferior ring.
3 6 . Ag azicu s (Lepiota) cazchazias. Fers. Fr. Ilym. Eur. 36.
Carchar'ias=a kind of sharp-toothed shark ; from the nature
of the ring.