9 8 5 . Cortinaiius (T e lamon ia) p lum ig e z. Fr. Eym. Fur. 377.
Pluhniger — bearing plumes, feathered.
Pileus fleshy, thin, conic, then campanulate, gibbous, sub-olivaceous,
then tawny, clad with dense white flocci, plumose or s ilk y ;
stem solid, clavately bulbous, floccose, somewhat annulate, growing
pallid ; gills adnate, scarcely crowded, broad, violet, then cinnamon,
margin entire and of the same colour.
About trunks in moist places.
Densely plumose. Stem 3-4 in. long, 1 ¡noh thick at the base. Pilens 3 iu.
broad. Spores 10 x 5-6 y. (M.J.B.)
9 8 6 . C o itin a iiu s (Telamonia) scu tu la tu s , Fr. Eym. Fur. 377.
Scutula'tus — chequered, marked with lozenge-shaped figures,
Pileus fleshy, thin, ovate, expanded, obtuse, purplish umber
(brick-red), a t first whitish silky about the margin, a t length
broken up into scales; stem solid, rigid, elongated, somewhat
bulbous, dark violet externally and internally, white veil peronate ;
gills adnate, rather distant, purple.— Cooke Illus. t. 820 A.
In moist woods.
Odour of radishes.
9 8 7 . Cortinarius (Telamonia) e v e in iu s , Fr. Eym. Fwr. 311.
Evern'ius, from eiepvrrs = sprouting well, flourishing.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, conico-campanulate,
then expanded, smooth, purplish-bay, reddish-white, at length
fibrillose and torn; stem stout, cylindrical, soft, violaceous, scaly
from the remains of the white v e il; gills adnate, very broad,
distant, purplish-violet.— Cooke Illu s. t. 821, 865.
In woods.
Plate 865 is evidently the typical form, and agrees admirably witb Fries’s
figure in tbe Swedish Museum. Spores granular, 10 x 1 y.
9 8 8 . Cortinarius (Telamonia) qnadricolor, Fr. E ym Fur. 378.
Qgiadri'color = of four colours.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, conical, then flattened,
white becoming yellowish (taw n y ); margin radiately striate^
stem stuffed, then hollow, equal, thin, elongated, violet, then whitish,
banded, gills adnate, broad, distant, serrate, purplish, then cinnamon.—
Cooke Illu s. t. 867.
In beech woods.
Spores 10-11 x 6-7 m-
Stem and veil red or yellow. Gills tawny or cinnamon,
not violet nor becoming brown.
9 8 9 . Cortinarius (Telamonia) a rm illa tu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 378.
A rm illa n u s — ringed ; said of the stem.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, soon innato-fibrillose
and scaly, torn, bright red hrown, margin th in ; stem solid, elongated,
bulbous, fibrillose, rufescent, circled by red zones; gills
fixed, very broad, distant, pallid, then dark cinnamon.—FTuss. i., t.
19. Cooke Illus. t. 802.
In woods.
Tbe stem girt witb from 1 to 4 red bands. Spores 10 x 6 m-
9 9 0 Cortinarius (Telamonia) haematochelis. Bull. Champ, t.
527, / . 1.
Ilcemato-chel'is = : with a blood-red zone ;
Pileus fleshy, thin, gibbous, silky-fibrillose, dingy, or pM id testaceous
• stem solid, attenuated above, with a rufous zone below the
middle; gills adnate, crowded, ra th e r n a r r o w , p a l e cinnamon.—
Hussey, Myc. Illu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 378. Cooke Illus. t. 803.
In woods.
Spores granular, 10 x 8 y.
9 9 1 . Cortinarius (Telamonia) lim o n iu s. Fr. Eym. Fur. 379.
L imon'ius = lemon-coloured.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, smooth, tawny (ochraceous
vellow) at length rivuloso-squamulose; stem solid, hrm, equal;
veil floccoso-squamose, of the same colour ; gills adnate, emargni-
ate, father distant, yellow, theu tawny-oinnamon.-HoZms. ii., t. 40.
Cooke Illu s. t. 804 A.
In pine woods.
9 9 2 . C o r t i n a r i u s ( T e l a m o n i a ) h e l v o l u s . Fr. Eym. Fur. 319.
HeVvolus = pale yellow, yellowish.
Pileus rather fleshy, becoming plane, smooth hygrophanons
ferruo-inous, then tawny, a t length rimóse, with an evanescent
obtuse umbo; stem stuffed, attenuated, of the same colour, veü
peronate, silky, ending in a ferruginous annular zone ; S f ^ f í nate,
rather distant, opaque, tawny-cinnamon.-Ooo*« U lu s.
t. 804 B.
In woods.
Pileus 2-3 in. Stem 2-3 in. long, 2-4 lin. tbiok. Spores 6 x 5 / *