villous a t the base, above striato-fibrillose, apex flocculent ; gills
distant, slightly adnexed, rugose.—F r . Ilym. Eur. 192. Cooke
Ilhis. Z. 341.
In pastures. Sept.
Odonr peculiar. Whole fungus becoming reddish in drying.
4 3 1 . Ag aricus (Entoloma) frum eu ta c eu s , Berk. Outl. 144.
Frumentdceus = of or pertaining to corn, frumentum,
Pileus fleshy, firm, rather brittle, nearly plane, dry, finely
streaked, stem streaked and slightly cracked, obtuse a t the base ;
gills broad, emarginate, or rounded behind, cinereous, with a reddish
yellow tinge.
On the ground under a hedge.
This is not the species figured in Illustrations t. 470, which is a
Tricholoma, and apparently the species of Bulliard. Some doubts may
reasonably be entertained whether this is a genuine species albeit the Eev.
M. J. Berkeley remains positive as to its being an Entoloma corresponding
with Bulliard’s figure. See Orev. x iii., p. 89.
** L eptonidei. Pileus fiocculose, rather squamose, absolutely
dry, not hygrophanous.
4 3 2 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) S a u n d e is ii. Er. Hym. Eur. 192
Saunders'ii, in honour of W. Wilson Saunders.
Pileus fleshy, thin about the margin, campanulate then expanded,
lobate, adpressedly tomentose, white, brownish when old ; stem
solid, firm, equal, smooth, white ; gills slightly adnexed, broad,
distant, flesh-coloured.—Nawra/. 4 Sm. Myc. Illu s. t. 46. Cooke
Illu s. t. 306.
Growing on the ground in patches.
Ag. majalis, Pr., differs from this, especially in the slender stature,
fistulöse stem, membranaceous pileus, which is campanulate on opening,
and cinnamon, and in the gills being free, crowded, and crenate.
4 3 3 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) f e it i l is . Berk. Outl. 142.
Fer'tilis = fruitful ; in allusion to its great size.
Pileus fleshy, convex then plane, obtuse, dry, pulverulently
squamose, pallid reddish ; stem solid, fibrillose, somewhat sqna-
mulose, white, bulbous at the base, gills adnexed, flesh colour.—
F r. Hym. Eu r. 193. Cooke Illu s. t. 316.
On the ground in woods.
Pilens 4 inches and more across.
4 3 4 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) Jubatus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 193.
Juba'tus •= furnished with a mane or crest, juba.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, at first acutely, then obscurely umbonate,
squamose or clothed with fibres, glossy, not hygrophanous,
stem fleshy, glossy, striate, and shining, white a t the base, stuffed
or hollow, clothed with minute sooty fibres, gills slightly adnexed,
inclined to ventricose.— Tmns. Woolhoqie Club (1868), p. 246,
with qdate. Cooke Illus. t. 317.
In mossy places.
4 3 5 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) le su tu s . Fr, Eym. Eur. 193.
Eesu'tus = ripped open.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, obtuse, adpressedly squamulose
or fibrillose, becoming brownish, centre darker ; stem somewhat
stuffed, equal, soft, smooth; gills slightly adnexed, ventricose,
rath er thick, g r e j.— Cooke Illus. t. 318 a.
Stem lJ-2 in. long, pileus 1 in. broad. Inodorous.
4 3 6 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) g iis eo -c y a n eu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 193.
Gri'seo-cyan'eus — greyish-blue.
Pileus sub-carnose, campanulato-convex, obtuse, floccoso-squamose
; grey, verging on lilac, stem hollow, floccose or fibrillose,
pallid, then bluish; gills adnexed, seceding, whitish, becoming
flesh-coloured.— Cooke Illus. t. 318 b.
On lawns.
Having fbe babit of a Leqitonia.
4 3 7 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) s e iic e llu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 194.
Sericell'us = silky.
White. Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane or depressed,
silky, at length squamulose ; stem sub-fistulose, fibrillose, white,
then pallid, gills adnate, seceding, slightly distant, white, then
flesh-coloured.—F«rs. Ic . t. 6, / . 2. Cooke Illu s. t. 307.
In woods ; in grassy places.
4 3 8 . A g a iicu s (Entoloma) Thomsonl.
No. 1523.-
B. 4 F r . Ann. N. B.,
Thomson'i, in honour of Dr. Thomson.
Pileus plane, grey, tomentose, reticulated with ribs ; stem paler,
fibrillose, tomentose, gills broad, t\.esh-co\our.— Cooke Illus. t. 374,
Amongst grass in a plantation.
Pilens l i to nearly 2 in. across, adorned witb raised radiating ribs, wbiob
i , :