if; •
*** Gills pure ochraceous, taw n y , or ferruginous.
9 1 6 . Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) coruscans. Fr. Bym. Fur. 352.
Coruscans = fiasliing, glittering. Perhaps from the lightninglike
colour of the pileus. ®
Pilens fleshy, plane, viscid, even, smooth, stem solid, elastic, equal,
hbrillose striate, white ; gills plano-decurrent, thin, much crowded
ochraceous.— Co o*«//te. 733.
In copses.
91 7 . Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) papulosus. Fr: Bym. Fur. 352.
Papulo'sus — ixiW of p>imj)les, jiapuZ®.
Pilens fleshy, plane, smooth, discoid, soon rivulose, granulate
punctate ; stem stuffed, rigid, fragile, fibrillose, externally and
internally white naked above the fugacious ring, gills adnate, de-
current crowded, joined behind, pallid, theu yellowish cinnamon.—
tooke Illu s. t. 718.
In woods.
Stem 3 in. long, J in. tliick. Pileus about 3 in. broad.
Tribe 2. Myxacium. F r. Epicr. p. 273.
^^Myxa'cium, from = mucus, slime; from the glutinous
Universffi veil glutinous, hence the stem also viscid, scarcely
bulbous. Pileus fieshy, rather thin, gills adnate, decurrent.
t COLLINITI. Stem floccosely sheathed, flocoi a t first covered with
91 8 . Cortinarius (M y x a cium) a rv in a ceus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 354.
Arvina’ceus, from arvina = grease.
Pileus fleshy, soft, becoming plane, smooth, viscid, margin
spreading ; stem tall cylmdrioal, silky-viscid, white, then yellowish;
gills adnate, decurrent, broad, even, straw-coloured, then
ochraceous.— Cooke Illus. t. 737.
In beech woods.
Pilous 3-4 in. stem 4-5 in. long, J in. thick. Gills J -f in. broad.
9 1 9 . Cortinarius (M yxacium) c o llin itu s . Fr. Bym. Fur. 354.
Collinitus = besmeared.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded, obtuse, even, glutinous
shining ; stem firm, cylindrical, transversely squamose from the
breaking up of the glutinous floccose v e il; gills adnate. olay-
coloured, or grey, then cinnamon.—Now;, t. 9 . Cooke Illus. 't. 738.
In woods.
A variable species. Spores 12 x 6 m.
var. m u co su s. Fr. I.e.
Muco'sus = f u l l of mucus.
Firmer, stem even, silky ; gills whitish then ferruginous.— aooA«
I llu s . t. 739.
In pine woods.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, J-1 in. thick. Gills 3-6 lines
9 2 0 . Cortinarius (Myxacium) muc iflu us. Fr. Bym. Fwr. 355.
Muci'fluus = flowing with mucus.
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, covered with
an evanescent hyaline glutin, margin s t r i a t e ; stem attenuated
downwards, soft, viscid from the fugacious floccose squamose v e il;
gills adnate, distinct, clay-colour; then watery cinnamon.—F r .
Icon. 1 .148, fig. 1. Cooke I llu s . t. 740.
On the ground.
“ Allied to 0. collinitus, and for a long time united witb it as a variety,
but apparently quite distinct. It differs (1) in the spongy stem, attenuated
downwards, white; (2) pilens thinner, campanulate, then expanded, at
length reflexed and repand, membranaceous, margin striate ; (3) colour ot
the pileus livid, clay-colour, when dry of an opaque tan colour; (4) gmte/
of the pileus thin, hyaline, diffluent, not forming a thick persistent bright-
coloured pellicle; (5) odour sweet. G i l l s clay-coloured, then cinnamon. JNo
violet in the whole fungus.”—Fr. Mon. n ., 37.
Spores granular, 12 X 7
9 2 1 . C o itin a iiu s (M y xacium) e la tio r . Fr. Bym. Eur. 355.
E la 'tio r = rather tall.
Pilens cylindrical, then expanded, viscid, diso rather fleshy,
even, otherwise meiubraiiaoeous, and pilicato-rugose ; stem elongated,
soft, stout, attenuated a t either end, squamose from the torn
v e il; gills adnate, broad, connected by veins, and rugose, brownish,
ferruginous.—Cooke I llu s . t. 741, 742.
In woods. Common.
Pileus 3-4 in. broad.
Stem 5-7 in. long, | in. aud more thick. Spores
12 X 6
9 2 2 , C o itin a iiu s (Wlyxacium) g ia llip e s . Fr. Bym. Fur. 355.
Gra lV ip e s = with stem (p e s) long, like stilts (g ra lla e ).
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceous, campanulate, then
expanded, umbonate, viscid, even, hygrophanous, stem stuffed, then
hollow, slender, rather flexnons, fibrous, viscid, growing yellowish,
gills adnate-decurrent, distinct, very broad, rather ferrugmoiis,—
Cooke I llu s . t. 734. Cortinarius elatior, Saund. 4 Sm. t. 27.
Under poplars and oak.
Stem 3-5 in. long, 2-3 lines tbiok. Pileus 3 in. broad, tawny when moist,
ochraceous wben dry. Gills half-au-inoh broad behind.