saffron yellow within ; gills emarginate, thick, crenate, distant, a t
first ochraceous saffron colour.— Coolce Illu s. t. 757.
In pine woods.
Taste strong, not unpleasant, odour very powerful, like that of the larva
of the goat-moth (Cossus). Spores 10 X 6 y. Pileus about 3 in. broad.
Stem 3-5 in. long, J-1 in. thick above, 1-2 in. tbiok below.
var. fin itim u s. Weinm. p. 155.
FiniVimus = adjoining, nearly related.
Smell not a t all th a t of the typical form, but pleasant though
peculiar, resembling th a t of gum ju s t beginning to ferment.
Pileus silky, .at length smooth, lilac, as is the stem, which is
yellowish and mottled within, but not saffron-coloured nor brown.
— B. 4 Br.
9 3 9 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) tophaoeus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 363.
Tupha'ceus = of the colour of tufa, an earthy volcanic rock.
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, tawny ochre, villose-squamose, flesh white.
Stem bulbous, villose-sqnamose, becoming yellow as well as the
fibrillose veil. Gills emarginate, distant, tawny cinnamon.— Coolce
Illus. t. 772
In beech woods.
Pileus about 3 inches. Whole plant of a golden yellow.
Spores 8-10 X 5.
9 4 0 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) r ed im itu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 363.
-fficdmz'/HS = wreathed round; i.e., with adpressed fibrils.
Pileus fleshy, rather thin, at length broadly gibbons, goldenyellow,
variegated with darker adpressed fibrils; stem fibrillose-
striate, slightly thickened a t the base ; gills emarginate, distant,
tawny cinnamon.— Coohe Illus. t. 773.
In woods.
Stem 1-2 in. long, slightly thickened at tbe base and yellowish. Pries
regards this as a sub-species of C. tophaoeus. Spores 10 X S y.
9 4 1 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) c a llisteu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 363.
Callist'eus, from KaXXtcrTos = most beautiful.
Yellowish tawny ; pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, rather smooth,
even, and innato-squamulose ; margin ra th e r silky ; flesh yellowish-
white ; stem elongated, bulbous, tawny fibrillose ; gills adnate,
floccose, connected behind.—Saund. 4 Sm. t. 3 (too dark).— Coo/e
Illu s. t. 774, 864.
In woods.
Stem 3-4 in. long, attenuated upwards from the soft clavate base.
2 in. broad. Spores 10 X 7 y.
9 4 2 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) BulUardi. Fr. B ym .F u r. Z63.
Bulliard'i, in honour of the French Mycologist, Bulliard.
Pileus fleshy, campannlato-convex, sub-gibbous, even or squamulose,
rufescent; stem bulbous, short, firm, vermilion below, ivitli
fibrils o f the same colour, apex whitish ; gills adnexed, broad,
purplish, then ferruginous.—B u ll t. 4 3 1 ,/. 3. Cooke Illu s. t. 758.
In woods. Sept.
Strong scented. Pileus 2 in. broad, flesh whitish, reddish at tbe base of
the stem. Spores 8-10 X 6 y.
9 43. Cortinarius (Inoloma) v in o su s. Coolce.
Vino'sus =z\i\e, red wine in colour.
Pileus semiglobose, then expanded, a t length flattened, vinous
red, smooth, even, shining, stem cylindrical, violef tiiickened
abruptly into a marginate, bulbous, reddish base, flesh of the pileus,
paler violet, as well as the upper part of the stem, reddish below,
gills adnexed, ventricose, scarcely crowded, ierrugiiious cinnamon.
— Cooke Illu s. t. 759.
Under trees.
Pileus 2-3 in. diam. Stem 2-3 in. long, half-an-inch thick,
reddish. Spores 16-18 X S y, almond shaped, granular.
9 4 4 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) bola r is. Pers. Ic. Fict. t . l 4 , , f . l .
S o la ris, a Latin adjeotion from holare = to mark, from its red
markings ; or, less likely, from the mediieval bola = a billiard ha.ll.
Clearly not from /ISXos = a clod, because the termination is Latin,
and clods are not generally connected with brilliant coloration.
Pileus fleshy, obsoletely umbonate, growing pale, variegated with
saffron-red, adpressed, innate, pilose scales; stem stuffed, then
hollow, nearly equal, squamose, of the same colonr ; gills subde-
cnrrent, crowded, watery cinnamon.—F r . Hym. Eur. 864. Berk.
Outl. t. 19, f. 1. Cooke Illus. t. 760.
In beech woods. Sept. and Oct.
Pilens 1-2 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, 3-5 iines thick. Spores 6 X 3-4/x.
Gills or veil dark, dingy, or olive.
9 4 5 . Cortinarius (Inoloma) p h o lid eu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 364.
Pholid'eus, from poXts, genitive ooXiios, a scale; scaly.
Pileus fleshy, expanded, obtuse, umbonate, fawn-coloured, densely
squamulose with innate, blackish, fasciculated hairs; stem attenuated,
transversely squarrose with sooty-brown scales, even and violet
above the veil ; gills snb-emarginate, crowded, violet then clay-
coloured cinnamon.— Cooke Illu s. t. 761.
In woods.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad. Stem 3-4 in. long, 3-6 lines tbiok. Pilens and stem
squarrose. Spores 8-9 X 4-5 ¡x.