ginousclay colour; stem fistuloso, rigid, smootli, ferruginous ; gills
adnate, crowded, plane, watery, ferruginous.— Gooke Illu s. t. 456.
On sawdust.
Pileus IJin . broad.
6 4 2 . Agaricus (Naucoria) in n o cu u s. Lasch, No. S98.
Innoc'uus = harmless.
Pilens rather fleshy, convex, obtuse, becoming rather smooth
(fibrillose under a lens), striate ; rufous, growing pale; stem stuffed,
whitish-fibrillose; gills adnate, somewhat crowded, ochraceous-
yellow.—Fries Hym. Eur. 257. Cooke Illus. t. 489 A.
On the ground in moist places.
6 4 3 . Agaricus (Naucoria) cerodes. Fr. Hym. Fur. 257.
Cero'des, KfipiiSgs, wax-like.
Pileas rather fleshy, convex, then plane, obtuse, orbicular, even,
smooth, hygrophanous ; stem hollow, equal, naked, yellow, ferruginous
at the base; gills plane, broad,ochraceous-cinnamon.~(7ooyi;«
Illus. t. 489 B.
On burnt soil.
6 4 4 . Ag aricus (Naucoria) lu e lin o id e s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 257.
Melinoi'dus = like honey, p.éXi.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, obtusely umbonate, even,
smooth, dusky, ochraceous when d ry ; stem hollow, slightly
thickened, jindnose above and yellow, base white ; gills adnate,
triangular, toothed, honey-coloured.—Berk. Outl. t. 9, f. 3. Cooke
Illu s. t. 457 A.
On lawns. Oct.
6 4 5 . Ag aricus (Naucoria) p u sio lu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 258.
P u si'o lu s= a little boy. From its smallness.
Pileus slightly fleshy, hemispherical, then expanded, obtuse,
even, smooth, rather viscid; stem fistulöse,/hjor/ra, smooth, yellow,
shining ; gills adnate, crowded, plane, pallid, then cinnamon.—
Pers. Myc. Eur. No. 272, t. 25, f 1. Cooke Illus. t. 457 B.
On the ground.
Stem 1 in. or more, rather viscid, lemon-yellow. Pileus 3 lin. tawny
4^*# Gills adnate, pileus campanulate, then expanded.
6 4 6 . Agaricus (Naucoria) n u c eu s. SoU. Fungi, t. 70.
Nu'ceus = of or belonging to a nut, nux. From its shape.
Pileus submembranaceous, globoso-campanulate, umbilicate,punctu
la te ; margin incurved, somewluat lobed; stem fistulöse, slender,
silky-fibrillose, white ; gills attenuated, adnate, ascending, slightly
lobed, cinnamon,—Fr. Hym. Eur. 258. Cooke Illus. t. 490 A.
On the ground amongst firs.
647. Ag aricus (Naucoria) glandiformis. Smith, Qrev.xm, 59.
Gland'i-formis = of the shape of an acorn, glans.
Pileus at first obtusely campanulate, becoming somewhat hemispherical,
or filbert-shaped, nut-brown, smooth, even, stem erect,
elongated, equal, stuffed, then hollow, pallid, sometimes twisted.
Gills very broad, rounded behind, adnate, umber. Spores broadly
almond-shaped (•01--012 x 'OOG-'OOS mm.).— Cooke Illus. t. 499 B.
On the ground. Oct.
Pileus nearly an inch broad and high, nut-brown colour, disc darker.
Stem 3-4 inches long, 2 lines thick, pallid.
648. Ag a r icu s (Naucoria) -badipes. Fries Hym.Fur. 259.
Bwdipes = bay (badins) a t the foot. Eeferring to the stem.
Pileus rather membranaceons, campannlate-convex, somewhat
umbonate, smooth, pelluoidly striate to the umbo when moist, stem
hollow, equal, rigid, ferruginous, variegated to the middle with
fibrillose white scales ; gills adnate, ventricose, rather distant, grey-
ferruginous.— Cooke Illu s. t. 491 A.
In damp places.
649. Ag aricus (Naucoria) sc o le c in u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 258.
Scoldcinus = worm-eaten ; from aicoIXp^ — a, worm.
Pilens rather fleshy, campanulate, then convex or plane, smooth,
margin slightly striate, ferruginous-bay ; stem fistulöse, equal, ferruginous,
or rufous-ferruginous, sprinkled with white meal; gills
adnate, rather distant, pale flesh-colour, then ferruginous, edge
flocculose.— Cooke Illu s. t. 491 B.
On moist ground under alders. Sept.
Spores apioulate, '0003 in. long, '0013 in.wide; stem 2 3 in. long, 1 line
thick ; pilens J - | in. broad, ferruginous-bay, paler at the margin.
650. Ag aricus (Naucoria) str iæpes. Cooke, Grev. xiil., 60.
Strioi'pes = w ith striae (lines) on th e foot. From th e s tria te
Coespitose, or gregarious. Pilen.s campanulate, obtuse, th e n
expanded, ochraoeous, smooth, even ; stem erect or flexuous,
equal, hollow, wh ite , longitudinally striate ; g ills r a th e r d is tan t,
s lig h tly adn a te behind, taw n y ferruginous.— Cooke Illus. t. 478.
Amongst g rass on lawn.
Pileus 1 -li inches. Stem 2 to 3 inches long, 2 lines thick.
l i