j '
; ’f
rath er distant, white, tlien brown.—Fr. Icon, t. 132, / . 2. Coohe
Illu s. t. 619.
Solitary in swampy places.
Fragile. Stem 3-4 in. long, 2-3 lines thick. Pileus 2 iu. broad, striate
a t the margin, tan-ooloured or pallid when dry.
Suh-Gen. 34. H YPH OLOM A. F r. S. M. i., p. 287.
Hypholo'ma, from = a web, and \s,pa, = a fringe.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem, veil interwoven in a
web, adhering in fragments to the margin of the pileus. Gills
adnate or sinuate. Spores brownish-purple, sometimes intense
purple, almost black.
H ab. Generally stumps.
Most of the species are gregarious and not edible. Hypholoma oorre-
spends to Tricholoma, Entoloma, and Hebeloma.
* F a s o i c u l a r e s . Pileus tongh, smooth, bright coloured when
dry, not hygrophanous.
7 3 9 . Agazicus (Hypholoma) sila c eu s. Pers. Syn. p. i2 \.
N'l'Za'cgtis^like ochre, sil.
Pileus fleshy, convex, viscid, orange-red, silky about the margin,
whitish, stem stuffed, then hollow, bulbous, shining, fibrilloso-
striate, gills adnate, crowded, grey, then olive.—Fr. Hym. Eur.
On the ground. Glamis.
Pileus viscid, bright orange rufous; stem 4 in. high, at length hollow,
solid and slightly swollen at the base; smell resembling that of meal.
Spores pale purple-brown.
7 4 0 . A g a iicu s (Hypholoma) su b la t e iit iu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 29 0 .
Sub-laterit'ius — almost the colour of a brick, later.
Pileas fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, discoid, dry, a t length
smooth ; flesh compact, whitish ; stem stuffed, fibrillose, attenuated
downwards, ferruginous ; gills adnate, crowded, wliite, then dingy-
olive.—Huss. i. t. 60. Coohe Illus. t. o b i.
On old stumps. Common.
v a r . squamosus. Cooke Illus. t. 558.
Squamo'sus = scaly.
Pileus spotted with superficial scales, especially towards the
On trunks.
var. Schæffeii. Fries. Schoeff. Ico n .t.49, f . 4,5.
Schceff'eri, in honour of J . C. Schæffer.
Pileus conical, at length depressed, wrinkled ; gills narrow,
decurrent, even in the youngest specimens.—B. 4 R ’’- Ann. Nat,
Hist. No. 1768.
On trunks.
7 4 1 . A g a iicu s (Hypholoma) capnoides. Fr. Hym. Fur. 291.
Oapiîo-i'dês = like smoke, Kairvos. From the colour of the gills.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, dry, very smooth ; flesh
thin, white ; stem nearly hollow, equal, even, silky, pallid ; gills
adnate, scarcely crowded, broad, dry, smoky-grey then purplish.
Cooke Illu s. t. 559.
In fir woods. April.
7 4 2 . A g a i i c u s (Hypholoma) e p ix a n th u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 29\.
Epi-xanth'us, ¿Tr/^arOos, yellowish brown.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convexo-plane, somewhat gibbous, even,
silky, at length smooth, flesh yellow; stem hollow, subequal,
floccoso-fibrillose, whitish, pruinose at the apex, brownish a t the
base ; gills adnate, crowded, whitish-yellow, at length cinereous.—
Coohe Illu s. ¿.560.
On old fir stumps.
7 4 3 . A g a iicu s (Hypholoma) fa sc icu la r is. Hudson FI. Angl.
Fascicular'is = in little bundles. Prom its gregarious habit.
Pileus flesby, thin, subumbonate, smooth; stem hollow, thin,
fibrillose, flexuose,/«s/i yellow ; gills adnate, much crowded, linear,
subdeliquescent, sulphur-coloured, then greenish.—F r. Hym. h u r .
222. Bolt. t. 29. Sow. t. 22b. Berk. O u t l . t . l l , f . I. IIu s s .ïi.
¿ .1 5 . Coohe Hlus. t. 561.
On old stumps, &o. Common. Dangerous.
var. eloeodes. Fr. Hym. Fur. 291.
Elæ-o'des = \\k-Q an olive, iXaios.
Pilens fleshy, somewhat plane, subumbonate, dry, smootli, flesh
yellow, stem stuffed, then hollow, equal, fibrillose, becoming ferruginous,
gills adnate, crowded, thin, greenish then olive.— Coohe
Illus. t. 562.
On tru n k s, &o.
7 4 4 . A g a r icu s (Hypholoma) disp ersu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 292.
Dispersus = scattered. Because it is not gregarious.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, obtuse,
even, margin silky from the veil; stem subfistidose, thin, tough,