I l '
3 4 6 . Ag aricu s (Omphalia) campane lla . Batsch.
Campanella^a little bell, campanum.
Pileus membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, striate, hygrophanous
; stem fistulöse, attenuated below, clothed with tawny, spongy
down ; gills deourrent, arcuate, connected by veins, yellow.—Fr.
Ilym. Fur. 162. Schceff. t. 230. Coolce Illus. t. 212, f . 1.
In fir woods.
Often cæspitose. Pileus ferruginoua-yellow, 3-7 lines broad, tough ; gills
connected by veins ; stem 2 in. long, rooting from below.— Fries.
Tar. ß. hadipus. Fr. Hym. Bur. 162.
Bad'ipus— with a bay stem.
Solitary or sub-cæspitose ; stem stuffed, thickened a t the base,
clothed with ferruginous down.—A . caulicinalis. Sow. t. 163.
Cooke Illus. t. 212, f . 2.
Amongst leaves, &c. Oct.
Pileus 3-11 lines across, broadly campanulate, sometimes quite plane, of
a beantiful yellow, inolining to ferruginous, edge slightly silky ; gills
yellow ; stem" 1-2 in. high, J-1 line thick, scarcely fistulöse, yellow above,
then rufescent, clothed with little yellow scales, thickest below, and there
covered with a dense tawny tomentum.
3 4 7 . Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) p ic tu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 163.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, hood-like, umbilicate,
smooth, striate ; stem stuffed, horny bay, smooth, expanded at the
base in a radiating brownish membrane ; gills somewhat decurrent,
very broad, distinct, distant convex, pallid.—F r. Icon. t. 11, f . 4.
Cooke Illus. t. 212, f . 3.
On wood, chips, &c.
3 4 8 . Ag aricus (Omphalia) cam p top h y llu s. Berk. Outl. p . 133.
Camptophyllus=with bent (Ka/xwros) gills.
Pilens convexo-plane, deeply striate ; stem minutely pubescent,
radiato-strigose a t the base, minutely fistulöse; gills white, ascending,
then suddenly decurrent. F r. Hijm. F u r. 164. Cooke Illus.
t. 2 1 0 ,/. 1.
On sticks, &c.
Solitary or sub-gregarious. Pileus J in. broad, brown, with a grey
margin. Stem 2 iu. or more high, not a line thick, with a few white fibres,
under a lens minutely but beautifully pubescent ; base radiato-strigose, at
first yellow, when full-grown pale above, pale rufescent below.
3 4 9 . Ag aricu s (Omphalia) g r iseu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 164.
G r i' s e u s = g r e j .
Pileus sub-membranaoeous, campanulate, then convex, smooth,
stria te , hygrophanous, liv id g r e y ; stem fistulöse, rather firm,
smooth, self-coloured, sligh tly thickened above ; gills slightly decurrent,
arcuate, rath er thick, su b -d istan t, whitish-grey.— F r . Icon. t.
7 8 ,/. 1. Cooke I llu s . t. 2 1 0 ,/. 2.
In pine woods.
Stem 2-3 inches long, 1 line thick.
3 5 0 . Ag aricu s (Omphalia) um b ra tilis . Fr. Bym. Eur. 164.
ümbraHilis==xevnaining in the shade, retiring.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, campanulate then convex, a t
length umbilicate, smooth, umber-brown, hygrophanous, margin
finely striate, stem stuffed, tough, smooth, gills adnate, decurrent,
broad, crowded, becoming brownish.—F r . Icon. t. 11, f . 3. Cooke
I llu s . t. 2 1 4 , f . 1.
In damp places.
Pileus 1 in. broad, stem 1-2 inches long.
351. Ag a r icu s (Omphalia) fibula. Bull. Champ, t. 186, i. 550,/. 1.
Fi'bula—a buckle or pin ; from the pin-like stem.
Pileus membranaceous, turbinate, expanded, then somewhat umbilicate,
striate, becoming pale, dry, ev en ; stem slender, nearly
orange colour, as well as the pilens ; gills strongly decurrent, distinct,
paler.—F r . Hym . F u r . 164. S ow . t. 45. Cooke I llu s . t,,
Amongst moss. Sept.—May.
var. Sw a r tz ii. Fr. Bym. Eur. 164,
S w a r tz 'ii= in honour of Swartz. See F r. Obs. i., 90.
E a th e r firm; pilens a t len g th nearly plane, whitish; disc
tawny ; stem whitish, slightly violet-coloured above.—F r ie s Mon,
H ym . S u e c ., I . p . 198. Cooke I llu s . t. 274 lower figs.
In woody places.