Sub-Gen. 2. PH O L IO TA . Fr. S. M. i. p. 240 (fig. 19).
Spores sepia-brown, b rig h t yellowish-brown, or lig h t red ;
stem confluent and homogeneous w ith th e hymenophore, fu r nished
w ith a rin g , p ersisten t, friable, fugacious.
H a b . All th e B ritish species grow on stumps, except twelve,
which grow on th e ground, p rin c ip a lly in damp, mossy places.
A few species are said to be edible, bat they canuot be recommended
Phohota IS analogous to Armillaria and Stropharia. There is some danger
of confusing P/ioZiote with GoftUiarii, hni attention must be paid to the
spidery veil and the rust-of-iron tint of the spores in the latter.
PJiol iota, from <f>oXig = a scale ; because freq u en tly scaly.
A- Humigeni. T e rre s tria l, ra re ly cæspitose.
Eumig 'en i = growing on th e gi’ound.
* E d d e e m in i . Spores ferruginous.
E udermi'ni = ty p ic a l Dermini.
4 9 5 . Ag aricus (Pholiota) aureus. Mattmch. SU. 351.
Aur'eus = golden.
Pilen s fleshy, hemispherical, th en expanded, obtuse, somewhat
velvety, p u lv e ru len t, or obsoletely squamnlose, golden-tawny ;
stem stuffed, n e a rly eqnal, eww; gills adnexed, ventricose, paler.
—Fr. Hym. Hur. 214. GooTte Illus. t. 346.
On g ra ssy ground.
var. V a h iii. Schum. FI. Fan. t. 1496.
Vahl'ii, in honour of M a rtin Vahl, one of th e editors of
Flora Danica.
Pileus even, smooth ; gills n e a rly free. On th e ground.
var, H e r e fo rd ie n s is . Penny, Trans. Woolh. Club, 1872. '
Herefordien sis = of Herefordshire.
Stem g ra n u la te d and tu h e rcn la ted .—-Foo&e Illus. t. 347.
4 9 6 . Ag aricus (Pholiota) cap e ra tu s. Pers. Syn. 273.
Oapem'ÎMS = w rinkled : from th e snlcate edge of th e pilens.
Pileu s fleshy, ovate, th e n expanded, obtuse, moist, in c rn sted
with superficial white fiocci ; stem stout, smooth, white, squamulose
a t th e apex, from th e broken, reflexed, membranaceous
rin g ; gills fixed, seceding, se rra te , crowded, clay-coloured.— Fr.
Hym. Fur. 216. Johns. E . Bord. t. 9. Goohe Hlus. t. 348.
In woods. Sep t.
4 9 7 . Agaricus (Pholiota) te r r ig en u s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 215.
Terrig'enus— \iom on th e ground, i.e., n ot epiphytal.
Pilens fleshy, len ticu la r, th en expanded, obtuse, adpressedly
silky-fibrillose, dingy yellow, stem stuffed, equal, fibrillose, and
v a rieg a ted w ith ferruginous wart-lihe scales, veil an n u la te and
a p p e n d ic u la te ; gills adnate, pale yellow, th e n ferruginous olive.
— Goohe Illus. t. 349.
Damp ground, chiefly in woods.
Stem 2 in. long, 3-6 lines thick. Pileua lJ-3 in. broad.
4 9 8 . Ag a r icu s (Pholiota) erehius. Fr. Hym. Fur. 216.
Freh'ius=A.avk, gloomy; from its lu rid colour ’'Epeßos =
Frebus, th e place of n e th e r darkness.
H a rd , fleshy, th in , convex, umbonate, clothed w ith a
glutinous, d a rk brown, opaque pellicle, a t le n g th wrinkled, and
p a le r when d ry ; stem hollow, n e a rly eqnal, fibrilloso-sqnamose,
below th e apical ring, white, w ith a red d ish tin g e ; gills broad,
adn a te decurrent, white, th en p in k , a t len g th rn fo n s.— Goohe
Hlus. f. 358. Agaricus Leveilleanus, D ii. Ag. jecorinns,
B. 4 Br. Ann. N. H., No. 328.
On soil abont beech trees. Aug.
In g ra ssy places in woods.
4 9 9 . Agaricus (Pholiota) omhroph ilu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 216.
Ombroph'ilus = shower-loving, from ojxßpos = a storm of rain,
and (pikitü = I love.
Pilen s fleshy, convex th e n flattened, even, smooth, ferruginous,
h y g ro p h a n o u s ; stem hollow, fibrillose-striate, pallid, with a
distant entire ring ; gills adnate, seceding, ventricose, clay-
colonred, th e n fe rruginous.—Fr. Icon. t. 103. Gooke Hlus. t.
In g ra ssy places, a fte r h eavy rains.
Pileus 3 in. broad. Stem 3-5 lines thick.
50 0 . Ag aricus (Pholiota) to g u la r is . Bull. t. 595, f . 2.
Togular'is = w ith a little to g a or g ow n ; from th e appearance
given b y th e h an g in g ring.
Pilen s fleshy, th in , campanulate, expanded, sm o o th ; stem
fistulöse, rig id , fibrous or strigose, and cracking, p a llid above,
ring entire, d is tin c t; g ills adnate, th e n seceding, ventricose,
na rrow behind, becoming yellowish.— Fries H ym. Fur. 216.
Fr. Iccm. t. 104. Gooke Illus. t. 350.
In a wood y a rd among chips.
Slender. Stem 3-4 in. long, IJ in. thick; pileus IJ in. broad.
I k