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815. Agazicus (P sa th y r ella ) h ia sc en s. Fr. Eym. Fur. 314.
Hiascens = gaping, split into furrows.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, smooth, fisso-sulcate, disc
even ; stem straight, rigid, brittle, smooth, w h ite ; gills adnate,
linear, sub-distant, acute in front, pallid then Mach.—Bull. t. 552,
/ . 2, F . G. Coohe Illus. t. 635.
Under hedges.
8 1 6 . A g a iicu s (P sathyrella) aratus. Berh. Outl.p. 176.
Ura'iHs = ploughed, i.e., furrowed.
Pileus membranaceous, eampanulato-conic, ra th e r acute, deeply
sulcate ; stem tall, thickened a t the base, white, smooth, fistulose ;
gills lanceolate, quite free, purplish-black.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 314.
Coohe Illus. t. 636.
Under hedges.
817. Agaricus (Psathyrella) tr ep id us. Fr. Eym. Fur. 314.
Trepidus = restless, trembling.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, smooth, very
densely striate, hygrophanons ; disc even; stem nearly straight,
smooth, hyaline, and pellucid ; gills adnate, ventricose, croivded,
thill, sooty-black.—Pers. Myc. Fur. iii., t. 2 9 ,/ . 1 . Coohe Illus.
t. 655 A.
On wet ground.
818. Agaricus (P sathyrella) hydrcphcrus. Bull. Champ, t. 558,
Ilydroph'orus = c a n 'jm g water (vSwp ), moist.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate then expanded, smooth,
margin striate, a t length revolute; stem ascending, smooth!-
dripping with moisture, white; gills adnate, crowded, narrowly
linear, livid, becoming black,—Fr. Hym. Eur. 314. Coolce Illu s
t. 655 B.
In gardens.
** Stem flexuous, apex pruinose.
819. Ag aricus (P sa thy r ella ) caudatus. Fr. Ols. ii., p ,l& 7.
Cauda'tus = tailed ; from the root.
Pileus membranaceous, conioo-campanulate, striate, hygrophanous,
even when dry ; stem elongated, somewhat attenuated from
the rooting base, a t length twisted ; gills adnate, cinereous, becoming
black.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 314. Coolce Illu s. t. 637.
Amongst the stumps of a wooden pavement.
A small form. Pileus at first sienna brown. At length whitish, often
traversely cracked; stem at flrst white, fibrillose ; gills ventricose adnate
—B. 4 Br.
8 2 0 . Ag aricus (P sathyrella) p r cnus. Fr. Eym. Fur. 315.
Pronus = lying down, prostrate ; from the insufficient stem.
Pileus membranaceous, hemispherical, obtuse, striate, hygrophanons,
opaque when dry, slightly silky, atomate; stem very
slender, equal, flexuose, sub-pellucid ; gills adnate,_^ ventricose, sub-
distant, livid, then sooty-black.— Cooke Illus. t. 656.
Amongst grass.
82X. A g a iicu s (Psathyrella) em py r euma ticus. B. 4 Br. Ann.
N .E . 1262.
Empyreumat'icus, from ep-n-vpog = scorched, burnt. From the
diagnostic hlack spores.
Pileus expanded, hygrophanous, sprinkled with aioms, rufous,
growing pale, margin crenate ; stem elongated, between silky and
scurfy, pallid, narrowly fistulose; gills broad, thick, distant,
adnate, with a decurrent tooth, rufous, with a pallid edge.—F r .
Hym. Eu r. 315. Coohe Illv s . t. 657 A.
On a wooden pavement. Oct.
Pileus 14 in. across, margin crenate : stem 2J in. high, I J line thick,
narrowly but distinctly fistulose ; gills 2 lines broad, connected by veins,
rufous, then brown-purple ; spores black.
8 2 2 . Agaricus (P sa thy r ella ) a tcma tu s. Fr. Ilym. Fur. 315.
AiotHa'itis = covered with (shining) atoms.
Pileus submemhranaoeous, campanulate, obtuse, slightly striate,
hygrophanous, dry, rugulose, entire, furfuraceous witii shining
atoms; stem lax, fragile, white, mealy a t the apex ; gills adnate,
broad, cinereous, then black.— Cooke Hlus. t. 638.
About hedge borders.
8 2 3 . Agaricus (P sathyrella) c rena tu s. Lasch. in Fr. Eym. Fur. 315.
Crena'tus = notched I from the crenate margin.
Pileus membranaceous, hemispherical, sulcate, atomate, hygrophanous,
margin crenate, stem slightly curved, iragile, smooth,
whitish, striate above, and mealy; gills adnate, somewhat ventricose,
from yellowish brown becoming black.— Cooke Illu s. ined.
On grassy ground.
Stem 3 cm. long, 1 to 1-5 mm. thick; slightly thicker above thanhelow ;
gills broad, adnate, edge whitish. Pileus 1 to 1-25 cm. across, whitish,
with a rufous tinge, atomate, margin crenate.
8 2 4 . A g a r icu s (P sa th y r e lla ) d is sem in a tu s . Fr. Eym. Fur. 316.
Pissemina’tus = spread abroad, scattered. Because, as Fries
says (I.e.), it is found everywhere.
Pileus membranaceous, ovato-campanulate, furfuraceous, then
naked, sulcato-plicate, entire, discoloured; stem Za®, subflexuose,
fragile, a t first mealy, th en smooth ; gills adnate, broadly linear,
whitish, cinereous, then black.—Sow. t. 166. Coolce Illus. t. 657 L.
About trunks of trees, and on the ground. Common.
Fovmiug large dense tufts.
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