l o
infundibuliform, thin, s tr ia te ; gills narrow, thin, decurrent.—
Gard. Chron. 1 8 7 8 ,/. 476. Cooke lllus. 905 A.
On chips, &c.
Foetid when decayed, losing lunoh of its lemon-oolour when it parts with
its moisture. Spores 7-8 x 6 y.
** GUIs adnexed, somewhat separating.
1117. Hygzophozus (Hygzoeyhe) p u n ic eu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 419.
Piiniceus — purple-coloured.
F ra g ile ; pileus fleshy, thin, campanulate, obtuse, repand, even,
viscid, blood-scarlet, then becoming p a le ; stem hollow, thick, ventricose,
striate, ivhite at the base; gills adnexed, thick, distant,
yellow.—Bolt. t. 67, f . 2. Gooke Illus. t. 922.
In meadows.
Pileus 2-4 in. broad. Stem 3 in. long, J-1 in. thick. Spores 8 x 5 y.
1118. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) obzusseus. Fr. Hym. Fur. 419,
Ohruss'eus, from ob ru ssa= the assaying of gold by fire. From
the colonr.
Fragile, bright golden yellow ; pilens fleshy, thin, conico-convex,
obtuse, flexuose, rather dry ; stem hollow, sub-compressed, smooth,
fulvous at the base, even ; gills adnate, ventricose, thick, distant.—
Gooke Illus. t. 906.
In woods.
Pilens 2-3 in. broad. Stem 3 in, long, J io. thick. Spores 10-12 x 7-8 y.
1119. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) in te zm ed iu s . Fass. Farm.
/raíírazed'ws = intermediate ; allied to the adjacent species.
Pileus thin, campanulate, obtuse, then flattened, rather dry,
fibrillosely silky, golden yellow, becoming cinereous ; stem fistulose,
fibrillosely striate; gills adnate, ventricose, distant, whitish, then
yellowish.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 419. Cooke Illus. t. 907.
On the damp ground.
Spores 8-9 xG y.
11 2 0 . Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) conicus. Scop. Cam. II., 443.
Con'icus — conical.
Fragile ; pileus submembi'imaceous, conical, acute, smooth, somewhat
lobed, a t length expanded, and rimóse ; stem hollow, cylin-
Avic&\, fibroso-striate; gills attenuated, free, ventricose, thin, rather
crowded.—F r. Hym. Eur. 419. Sow. t. 381. Cooke Illu s. t. 908.
In pastures. Common.
Rarely red, commonly yellow, viscid when moist, shining wben dry,
usually turning black. Spores 10 x 7 «.
1121. Hygzophozus (Hygzoeyhe) calyptzæfozmis.
Berk. Outl.p.
Galyptrce-formis = shaped like a hood {calyptra).
Pileus thin, acutely conical, lobed below, minutely innato-fibrillose,
rosy, growing pale ; stem white, smooth, slightly striate,
hollow ; gills rose-coloured, a t length pallid, very narrow, acutely
attenuated behind.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 420. Trans. Woolh. Cl. 1861,
t. 2 1 ,/ . 4-6. Cooke Illus. t. 894.
On the borders of woods and open pastures.
Pileas 2 in. broad. Stem 3-4 in. long, J-J in. thick, fragile.
var. n iv o u s. Coolce Illus. t. 923.
Niv'eus — snowy, snow white.
Wholly snow white.
In pastures and lawns.
1122. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) chlozophanus. Fr. Hym. Fur.
G/z?oro//iW«s — appearing like the colour j^Acopo'i = greenish-
F r a g ile ; pileus submembranaceous, convex, obtuse, somewhat
lobed, s tria te ; stem hollow, equal, even, viscid; gills adnexed,
ventricose, thin, rath er distant, becoming whitish.— Cooke Illus. t.
Amongst grass and moss.
Pilens abont an inch. Stem 2-3 in. long, 2-3 lines tbiok. Spores 8 x 5 y.
1123. Hygzophozus (Hygzocybe) p s itta c in u s . Schceff. Icon. t. 301.
Psittaci'nus = parrot-coloured ; i.e., red and green.
Pileus thin, campanulate, then expanded, umbonate, somewhat
striate, clothed ivith green evanescent gluten, as well as the hollow,
tough, even stem ; gills adnate, ventricose, thick, distant, greenish,
—Fr. Hym. Eur. 420. Grev. t. 74. Sow. t. 82. IIuss. i., t. 41.
Cooke lllus. t. 910.
In fields, etc. Common.
Pilens about an incb. Stem 2 in. long, 2-3 lines tbick. Spores 10 x 5 /i.