smooth, somewhat striate; gills rounded (witliout a tooth), crowded,
narrow, white.—Huss. ii., t. 39. Cooke Illu s. t. 219.
In pastures. Oct.
Pileus 2 in. across. Dirty white, or greyish, with a white lustre. Spores
•0001 + 00018 in.
Gills becoming violet, grey, or smoky.
1 2 6 . Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) sozdidus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 77.
S o rd 'id u s= d \rij, dingy.
Tough, pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulato-convex, then plane
or depressed, subumbonate, smooth, hygrophanous, margin at
length slightly striate ; stem stuffed, flbrilloso-striate, rather curved,
thickened at the base; gills rounded, rather crowded, violaceous or
dingy white, at length sinuato-decurrent.— Cooke Illus. t. 100.
On the ground, amongst dung. Sept.
Pileus brownish violet, then dingy, or becoming entirely dirty brownish.
Spores pale, '0003 in.
1 2 7 . Ag azicu s (Tzicholoma) psedidus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 77.
Pced'idus=Tiastj, stinking ; from its mean appearance ?
Pilens somewhat fleshy, tongh, convex, then flattened, depressed
about the conical umbo, fibrillose, becoming smooth, m o is t; margin
involute, n a k e d ; stem stuffed, short, somewhat s tr ia te ; gills
sinuate-decurrent, ci-owded, narrow, white, then grey.—F r. Icon,
t. 4 6 ,/ . 1. Cooke Illus. t. 120, a.
In fields.
Mouse coloured or sooty brown. Pileus scarcely an inch broad.
1 2 8 . Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) l ix iv iu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 77.
Lixi'vius=mad& into lye, hence the colour of ashes and water.
Fragile, pilens rather fleshy, convex then plane, smooth, moist,
umbo evanescent ; margin fiattened, membranaceous, slightly striate;
stem stuffed, then hollow and compressed, equal, floccoso-pruinose;
gills truncate, free, soft, rather distant, greyish.— Cooke Illu s. t.
120, h.
In pine woods. Nov.
Pileus umber, not virgate.
1 2 9 . Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) p u tid u s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 77.
Putidus=foetid ; from its rancid odonr.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, hemispherical, umbonate, even, soft,
hygrophanous; stem hollow, fragile, sub-compressed, pi-uinose-,
gills adnexed, ventricose, crowded, cinereous.— Cooke Illu s. t. 172.
In fir woods. Nov.
Stem in. high, 3 lines th ick ; pileus olive-grey, hoary when dry, here
and there glistening. Gills 2-3 lines broad, distinct. Odonr rancid.
Sub-Gen. 5. CLITOCYBE. Fr. S. M. i., p. 78.
Clito'cyhe, from xX;ro?==a hill-side or declivity, and xuj3ri=
head ; from th e c en tral depression of th e pileus.
Pileus generally fleshy in the disc, obtuse, plane or depressed,
hygrophanous, or not hygrophanous ; stem confluent and homogeneous
with the hymenophore, elastic, with a fibrous outer coat,
covered with minute fibres ; gills acutely adnate, or decurrent.
* Pileus fleshy, often becoming pallid when dry, but not hygro-
a. D isoiformes. Pileus convex, then plane or depressed,
regular, obtuse ; gills a t first adnate or regularly adnate-decurrent.
Pileus cinereous or fuscous.
1 3 0 . Ag azicus (Clitocybe) neb u la zis. Batsch. El. f. 193.
Nebuldris— AovLdod, from neb'ula=a cloud ; from the coloration.
Pileus fleshy, compact, convex, then expanded, obtuse, even, at
first clouded with grey, then naked; stem stuffed, firm, fibrilloso-
striate ; gills somewhat decurrent, arcuate, crowded, white then
pallid.—E r. Hym. F u r . 79. Ag. turgidus, Grev. t. 9. Huss. ii.
t. 9. Badh. i. t. 9 , / . 1, ii. t. A, f . 2. Cooke Illus. t. 79.
In woods, amongst dead leaves. Esculent.
Stem 3 in. long, about an inch thick, white. Pileus 3-5 in. broad,
clouded with grey, or dingy brown, at length grey, sometimes pruinose.
Spores -00017 X '0001 in.
131. Ag a z icu s (Clitocybe) c la v ip e s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 73.
Cla'vipes, from clavus=a nail, a tumour, + p e s= a fo o t; from
the swollen base of the stem.
Pileus fleshy, soft, convex, then flattened, naked ; stem stuffed,
spongy soft, elastic, rath er fibrillose (swollen a t the base); gills
decurrent, descending, rather distant, white.—E«rs. syn. p. 353.
F r. Icon. t. 4 7 ,/. 1.' Cooke Illus. t. 80.
On the ground, in woods.
Pileus brownish grey, becoming paler about the margin.
1 3 2 . A g a z ic u s (Clitocybe) gangzsenosus. Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 80.
Gangrcenosus=gangreaed, from yayypaiva=a cancerous or gangrenous
ulcer ; from the often variegated flesh.
Pileus fleshy, convex then plane, obtuse, at the first covered
with white powder, then naked, variegated or virgate; stem solid,
spongy, sub-bulbous, soft, s tr ia te ; gills sub-deourrent, arcuate,
crowded, dingy-white.—Smith, Jour. Bot. (1 8 7 3 ) 355.
In woods.
Pilens whitish, livid, at length turning jet black.