ír I;<•
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fibrillose or silky, base brownish ; gills adnate, thin, subventricose,
crowded, pallid straw-colour, then clouded.— Coolce Illus. t.
On stumps, and on the gronnd, in pine woods.
** Viscini. Pileus, naked, viscid.
7 4 5 . A g a ric u s (H y p h o lom a) oe d ip u s . Cooke, Orevillea XIY., p. 1.
OE'dipus = otSiwovs, with swollen foot.
Pilens glutinons,^ fleshy in the centre, membranaceous a t the
margin, at first turbinate or hemispherical, with a ragged margin
(which separates from the inferior, very visible, and slightly darker
evanescent ring), then convex, with an even margin, smooth, dull,
hj'grophanous, disc umber, becoming pallid a t the margin, which
extends slightly beyond the gills. Stem rather thick, enlarging
dowmvards io a bulbous base, solid, fibrillose below, pruinose
above the median ring. Gills at first whitish, becoming umber,
adnate by their entire breadth, sometimes with a minute decurrent
tooth, plane, with a somewhat granular margin. Spores dark brown.
— Cooke I llu s . t. 587a.
Attached to decayed sticks or dead leaves.
Pileus J to 1 inch diam. Stem 2 iuohes long, 2-3 lines thick, nearly
V b l u t i n i . Pileus silky, or virgate with innate fibrils.
7 4 6 . A g a ric u s (Hypholoma) s to r e a . Fr. Hym. Fur. 293.
Stor'ea = a mat. Prom the fibrillose texture of the pileus.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plano, umbonate, dry, fibrillose, stem solid
elongated, equal, even, subfibrillose, pallid, gills adnate, dry, livid!
becoming brownish, margin serrulate and white.
At the base of beech trees.'
Stem 4-5 in. long, 4 lin. thick, pileus 3 in. broad.
var. cæ sp ito su s . Cooke Illus. t. 543.
t o s S i f h S r = a clump or group of p lan ts; cæspi-
Cæspitose. Stem fistulose, sometimes tinged with yellow at the
base. Ag. hjpoxantha, Plow, and Phil., Grevillea xiii., 48.
On beech stumps.
iFll lers,t weithM whicwh opfinfioUn wet dt oi nsot vaagrrieeet.y is the true Ag. lacrymalundus,
7 4 7 . Agaricus (Hy pholoma) lacrymabundus. Fr. Hym. Etir. 293.
Lacrymabundus = tearful. From the weeping gills.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, then convex, sjiotted with innate
pilose scales; flesh white; stem hollow, fibrilloso-squamose, rather
thickened a t the base, w h ite ; gills adnate, seceding, white, then
brown purple.— Gooke Illu s . t. 566.
On trunks and on the ground.
7 4 8 . Agaricus (Hypholoma) v e lu tin u s . Pers. Syn. p. 409.
Veluti'nus = velvety.
Pileus rather fleshy, ovate, then expanded, gibbons, fibrillose or
velvety, becoming smootli, hygrophanous, flesh yellowish; stem
hollow, equal, fibrilloso-striate, mealy above, yellowish ; gills trun-
cato-adnexed, ventricose, scarcely crowded, brown, tlien iimber,
studded with drops of moisture.—F r. Hym. E u r . 293. Berk.
Outl. t. 1 1 ,/. 2. Cooke Illu s . t. 563.
On stamps. Common.
var. |6. le io c ep h a lu s. B. 4 Ur. Ann. N.H. 1865, No. 1009.*
Pilens hygrophanous, rugged, smooth, except at the margin,
where it is fibrillose, pallid, as in the stem, whose apex is farinose.
On old stumps. Sept.
7 4 9 . Ag aricus (Hypholoma) pyrotrichus. Holms. Ot. Ii., t. 35.
Pyro'-trichus, from Trip = fire, and gpt^ = hair. Fiom the
colour of the fibrils on the pileus.
Pilens rather fleshy, conical, then hemisphierioal, obtuse, densely
clad with somewhat adpressed, sometimes fasciculately squamose
fulvous fibrils, fiery-tawny, fiesh and veil fu lvo u s, stem hollow,
fibrillose, becoming fulvous ; gills adnate, pallid, then brownish.—
F r . Hym. E u r . 293. Cooke Illu s . t. 564.
About the trunks of trees.
** F locculosi. Pileus clad with floccose superficial evanescent
** ' scales.
7 5 0 . Ag a r icu s (Hypholoma) ca scu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 294.
C'ascMS = old,as if hoary.
Pilens somewhat fleshy, oval, then expanded, soft, becoming
smooth, rugulose, growing p a le ; diso obtuse, ev en ; stem
eqnal, fibrillose, white, somewhat pruinose ; gills rounded, adnexed,
ventricose, dry, grey then dark brown.— OooZ;« Hlus. t. 544.
In grassy places.
Gregarious. Stem 3-4 in. long, 2-3 lines th ick ; pileus 1J-2J in. broad ;
gills 4 lines broad ; margin becoming whitish.
ii' .
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