î I
4 5 3 . Ag aricus (C iitopilu s) canc rinu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 199.
Cancri'mts = of or apiiertaiuing to a crab, cancer (?).
Pileus between flesh}- and membranaceous, umbilicate, then
convex and expanded, unequal, fiocculose, even, flesh-coloured,
white, without striæ, growing pale ; stem stuffed, then fistulöse,
tough, sliort, smooi/i, wliite ; gills decurrent, distant, arcuate, white,
then pale flesh-colour.— Gooke Jllus. t. 501.
In grass fields.
4 5 4 . Agaricus (Ciitopilus) stilbocephalus. B. 4 Br. Ann. N H.
No. 1758.
Sti Iboceph'ahis, from a-riXßeiv — to glitter, and K£<nd\rj= the head ;
from the pileus being sparkling.
Pileus atomate, campanulate, obtuse, sometimes umbonate,
hygrophanous, when dry white and rather silky ; margin straight;’
stem hollow, nearly equal, silky-fibrous ; gills broad, adnate, sometimes
emarginate behind, veined.— Foo7« Illu s. t. 324 a and
t. 599.
On the ground.
4 5 5 . Ag aricus (C iitop ilu s) ca rn eo -a lbu s. With. Arr. iv., 218
(not Fries).
Car'neo-alhus = fleshy-white.
Pilens ivhite, polished, centre ra th e r depressed, edge turned
down, about an inch over ; stem solid, white, cylindrical, about an
inch high, thick as a crow-quill; gills decurrent, saltnon-coloured,
mostly in pairs, narrow, not crowded.— Gooke Illus. t. 324 b.
Heathy places.
“ Inodorous, gregarious, pileus an inch broad, disc at length depressed,
rufescent; spores angular.” Size aud habit very similar to Aqaricus
atropuiictus, P.
4 5 6 . A g a iicu s (C iitopilu s) v i ii s . Er. Hym. Eur. 200.
Vilis = cheap, insignificant.
Pileus rather membranaceous, convex, umbilicate, somewhat
striate, silky flocculose, soft, hygrophanous ; stem hollow, thin,
equal, fibrilloso-striate, grey; gills adnate, deourrent, crowded,
whitish or greyish.— Gooke Illus. t. 487.
In pine woods, amongst moss.
Stem 2-3 in. high, about 1 line thick. Pileus about an inch broad.
8uh.-0en. 16. L E PTO N IA . F r. S.M. i., p. 201.
Lepto'nia from Afirros = slender.
Stem cartilaginous, tu b u la r (th e tu b e stuffed or hollow),
polished, r a th e r shining. Pileu s th in , umbilicate, or w ith the
disc d arker, cuticle fibrillose, or b re ak in g nji into d a rk e r scales,
ma rg in a t first incurved. Gills a t first adnexed, or adnate, b u t
re ad ily separating.
H ab. D ry hills, an d sometimes ma rsh y places, in Ju ly and
Most of the species grow in clusters, are small, and of an elegant colour ;
most common in rainy seasons. Struoturally the same as Collybia, and bears
the same relationship to Ciitopilus as Collybia to Clitocyhe.— W. G. S,
* Gills whitish. Pileus somewhat fleshy, without striai, not
4 5 7 . A g a iicu s (Leptonia) p la c id us. Fr. Hym. Eur. 201.
Plac'idus=gerril&, peaceful.
Pilen s ra th e r fleshy, campanulate, th e n convex, obtuse, w ith o
u t striæ, fibrillose-sqnamose, grey becoming bluish, disc villons,
d a rk e r ; stem stuffed, smooth, dark blue, apex pruinose white
s-ud (u n d e r a lens) p u n c ta te w ith black ; gills adnexed, broad,
w h itish , edge of th e same colonr.—Goohe Illus. t. 330. •
On beech tru n k s.
4 5 8 . A g a iicu s (L ep ton ia ) lapp ula . Fr. Hym. Eur. 202.
L a p p u la , diminutive of (Arctium) io p p a , burdock ; from th e
fibrils on th e pileus.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, convexo-plane, grey, th e d a rk e r umbilicus
punctate w-ith sh o rt erect fibrils ; stem fistulöse, slig h tly stria te ,
lilac w ith a h iw n tin t, apex -naked, punctate with black; gills
adnate , seceding, ovate, crow-ded, w h itish .—Fr. Icon. t. 97, / . 2.
Amongst leaves of beech.
4 5 9 . A g a iicu s (Leptonia) lam piopu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 202.
Lampropus, from Xapirpos = b rillia n t, and woiis = foot.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, obtuse, convex th e n plane, not s tria te , a t
le n g th depressed, squamnlose, broken np into flocci; stem sub-
fistulose, even, u n sp o tted , steel-violet; g ills adnate, ventricose,
w h itish , th en roseate.—Gooke Plus. t. 331.
In p astu res.