8 5 4 . Coprinus nycthemerus. Fr. Sym. Eur. 330.
Nycthe'merus, ruxefipepog, lasting a day and night, ephemeral.
Pileus very thin, at first conical campanulate, floccosely mealy,
soon splitting^ flattened, radiately plicate, naked, striate, grey, disc
tawny, stem flaccid, smooth ; gills free, narrow, at length remote.—
Cooke llh is . t. 682 13.
On dung.
Spores 9 X G ,11. U.M.
8 5 5 . Coprinus radia tus. Fr. Sym. Eur. 330.
Radia tus = radiate, like the spokes of a wheel, radii.
Very delicate ; pileus very thin,clavate, then campanulate, greyish,
tomentose soon splitting, expanded, plicato-radiate, yellowish ;
, M m V i ’’ smooth, gills free, distant, few,
palhd, then black.— BmZZ. î. 542, f . L . 4 E .B . Cooke Illus. t.
On dung.
Spores 12 X 7 ,u. W.G.S.
8 5 6 . Coprinus Spraguei. B. 4 C. Ann. N a t S i l t Oct, 1859.
Spra'guei, in honour of Charles J . Sprague.
Very delicate ; pileus campanulate, then conical, tomentose,
plicate stem fistulose, pale cinnamon, gills few, narrow.—F r .
Hym. Eu r. 380. Cooke Illus. t. 683 B.
In gardens. July
Spores 10 X 0 G.M. Must not be coufounded with C. plicaUlii.
*** F u iîfo e e l lu Pileus mealy or micaceous, gills usually adnate
111 a ring a t the top of the stem.
8 5 7 . Coprinus d om e sticu s. Fr. Sym. Eur. p. 330.
n om e s 'tic u s= of or belonging to a house, domus.
Pileus thin, ovate, campanulate, obtuse, splitting, undulato-
sii cate, furfuraceo-sguamulose ; stem attenuated, silky, white •
gills fixed, crowded linear, white with reddish, then brown-black!
—S u ss . t. Cooke Illu s. t. 684.
On damp carpets, &c.
Spores 16-18 X 9 m. G.M.
8 5 8 . Coprinus stercorarius. Fr. Sym. Eur. 330.
Stercora'rius = of or belonging to dung, stercus.
Pileus very thin, ovate, then campanulate, covered with a dense
white micaceous meal, then expanded, margin striate, stem a t first
ovately bulbous, then elongated, attenuated, at first pruinate,ytYdio,
gills adnexed, ventricose, black.— Cooke Illus. t. 685 A.
On rich soil and dung.
Spores 14-15 X 8 y.
8 5 9 . Coprinus ephemerus. Fr. S ym . Eur. 331.
Ephe'merus — ephemeral, lasting but for a day.
Pilens very thin, ovate, then campanulate, splitting, radiato-
sulcate, sub-furfuraceous ; disc elevated, even, rufescent ; stem
slender, equal, pellucid, smooth ; gills reaching the stem, linear,
whitish, then brown and black.— Cooke Illu s. t. 685 B.
On dung hills. Common.
Spores 17 X 10 y. G.M.
8 6 0 . Coprinus so c ia tu s. Fr, S ym . Eur. 331.
Socia'tus = associated, gregarious.
Pileus very thin, ovate, then campanulate, soon splitting,
radiately plicate, mealy, tawny becoming paler, disc umber, at
length umbilicate ; stem attenuated, smooth, white ; gills attached
to a collar, greyish black.
On moist ground, in gardens, &c.
Stem 2 in. long, not pellncid.
8 6 1 . Coprinus p lic a tilis . Curt. FI. Lond. t. 200.
Plica'tilis — in folds, plicae, plicate.
Pileus very thin, ovali-cylindrical, then expanded, splitting,
sulcato-plicate, somewhat smooth ; disc broad, at length depressed,
even ; stem equal, smooth, wh ite; gills adnate to a distinct
collar, distant, greyish black.—Sow. t. 364. Price J. 33.
F r . Hym. Eur. 331. Cooke Illus. t. 686 A.
In pastures. Common.
Spores 12-14 X 8-10 y. G.M.
8 6 2 . Coprinus filifo rmis. Berlc. 4 Er. Ann. N. S . No.928, t. lb, f . 8.
Fi'liformis = like a thread, filum ; referring to the stem.
Very minute ; pilens cylindrical, stiiate, grey, sprinkled with
white micaceous particles; stem capillary, white, very minutely
pilose.—F r. Hym. E u r. 332. Cooke Illus. t. 686 B.
On the ground, in woods.
Spores o y diam. G.M.