1136. Lactazius (P ip ez ite s) b leu u iu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 425.
Blenn'ivs = slimy ; from ySXei/vos = mucus.
Pileus fleshy, depressed, gliitinovs, often concentrically guttate,
greenish-grey ; margin at the first hent inivards, slightly pubescent;
stem stuffed, then hollow, viscid, of the same colour ; gills crowded,
white, as well as the acrid milk.— Goohe Illu s. t. 988.
In woods.
Pileus 2-4 ill. broad. Stem lJ-2 in. long, J-J iu. thick. Spores 8 x 6 /u.
1139. Lactazius (P ip ez ite s) h y sg iu u s. Fr. S ym . Fur. 426.
Hysgi’nus, from vayTrov — a crimson dye.
Pilens fleshy, rigid, umbilicate, even, viscid, fieshy-red, growing
p a le ; margin thin, infiexed; stem stuffed, then hollow, smooth,
rather spotted ; gills crowded, white, as well as the acrid milk.—
Cooke Illus. t. 989,
In woods.
Pilens 2J-4 iu. broad. Stem 2-4 in. long, | in. tbick. Spores 8-10 y
1 1 4 0 . L a c ta z iu s (P ip ez ite s) t z iv ia lis . Fr. S ym . Fur. 426.
Trivia'lis = common.
Pileus flesliy, depressed, viscid, zoneless, lurid, becoming pale,
cuticle infiexed at the margin ; stem hollow, stont ; gills thin,
crowded, wbite, as well as the acrid milk.— Cooke Illu s. t. 976.
In pine woods.
Pileus 4 7 in. broad. Stem 1-6 in. long, 1 in. thick. Spores 10 y diam.
1141. Lactazius (P ip ez ite s) c iz c e lla tu s. Battara t. 1 3 ,/. D.
CirceUa'tus = marked with.little circles, I’ingcd.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, repand, viscid, zoned with
ferruginous, disc a t the first umbilicate, darker ; stem solid, firm,
attenuated downwards; gills crowded, vilnlisli ; milk white, acrid.
— F r. Hym. Eur. 426. Sow. t. 203. Cooke Illus. t. 990.
In woods.
Pileua 2-3 in. broad. Stem lJ-2 in. long, J in. thick. Spores 8-9 y diam.
1 1 4 2 . Lactazius (P ip ez ite s) u v id u s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 426.
Uv'idus = moist, viscid. But more probably from its milk
being coloured like a grape, uva.
Pilens fleshy, thin, convex, then depressed, zoneless, viscid,
dingy; margin at first involute, naked; stem soon hollow, viscid,
pallid ; gills thin, crowded, white, when wounded becoming lilac ;
milk white, then lilac.— Cooke Illus. i. 991.
In woods.
Pilens 2-4 in. broad. Stem 1J-3J in. long, J - | in. tbiok. Spores 10-12 y
P iP ER A T i. Pileus without pellicle, hence absolutely dry, often
1 1 4 3 . L a c ta z iu s (P ip e z ite s ) f le x u o s u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. p. 43lJ.
Flexuo'sus — full of bends.
Pileus compact, convex, then fractured and repand, dry, smooth,
a t length cracking into scale.?, opaque, lurid, becoming pale ; stem
solid, stout, unequal; gills thick, distant, yellowish; milk acrid,
white.— Cooke Illus, t. 992.
In woods. ,
Pileus 2-4 in. broad. Stem 2-3J in. long, |-1 in. tbick. Spores 8 y
1 1 4 4 . L a c ta z iu s (P ip e z ite s ) p y z o g a lu s . Bull Champ, t. 529, f . 1.
Pyrog'alus, from Trip = fire, and yaXa = milk.
Pileus fleshy, plane, then depressed, suhzonate, smooth, even,
rather moist, livid, cinereous; stem stuffed, then hollow, pallid,
attenuated downwards; gills thin, rather distant, yellowish; milk
very acrid, copious, white.—F r. Hym. Eur. 427. Cooke Ulus. t.
In woods and meadows,
Pilens 2-3 in. broad. Stem I J in. long, 3-5 lin. tbick. Spores 7-10//
1 1 4 5 . L a c ta z iu s (P ip e z ite s ) sq u a lid u s . Xroml.t. 4, f. 28-25.
Squal'idus = dirty.
Pileus compact, convexo-plane, umbilicate, dry, smooth, without
zones, pallid, lurid ; stem solid, equal, smooth, pallid brown ;
gills adnate, narrow, becoming yellowish ; milk whitish, mild.—
Fr. Hym. Fur. 428. Cooke Illus. t. 1004 A.
In moist places.
Spores 6-10 y diam.
1 1 4 6 . L a c t a z i u s ( P i p e z i t e s ) c a p s i c u m . Schulz, Kalch. Icon. Hung.
t. 26, / . 1.
Cap'sicum = red pepper.
Pileus compact, pulvinate, dry, chestnut colour, margin narrowly
involute; stem solid, firm, whitish, striate with brownish or reddish
fibrils, gills adnate-decurrent, rather crowded, tawny, approaching
to orange ; milk white, acrid.—F r. Hym. Fur. 428. Cooke Illus.
t. 977.
On the ground.