Pä |l i
1 6 3 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) in fu n d ib u lifo rm is. Schoff. Icon.
t. 212.
Pilens fleshy, thin, at first convex, umbonate, clothed with minute
innate silky down, a t length funnel-shaped, flaccid ; stem stuffed,
soft, elastic, thickened downwards ; gills decurrent, moderately
distant, white.— Price f . G9. Fr. Hym. Eur. 93. Berk. Outl. t.
5 , / . 2. Coohe Illu s., t . \ m .
On the sides of woods, amongst moss, &o. Common.
var. membianaceus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 04.
Pileus infundibuliform, brick red, even, membranaceous ; stem
fistulöse, naked, attenuated upwards ; gills decurrent, pallid.—
Saund. Sm. t. 39, b.
In pine woods.
1 6 4 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) tiu lla e fo im is. Fr. Hym. Eur. 94.
Trullce-formis=Üie shape of a ladle or basin, trulla.
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, at length infundibuliform,/occoso-w/Zose,
margin expanded, stem stuffed, elastic, eqnal, stria te ; gills de-
current, sub-distant, connected by veins, white.
In fir woods. Oct.
The rather distant gills, which are connected by veins, and infuudibuli-
form pilens, distinguish this species, which is not hygrophanous.—B. & Br.
1 6 5 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) in c ilis . Fr. Hymn. Eur.p. 34,.
In c tlis= o f a ditch, incile.
Pilens fleshy, plane, umbilicate, even, opaque, margin rather
silky, inflexed, crenate ; stem hollow, short, silky, attenuated downwards,
a t length compressed, gills adnate-decurrent, ra th e r distant,
connected by veins, white, growing pallid.— Cooke Illus. t. 281, a.
In woods.
Pileus 2 in., stem ^ in. and more, 2-3 lines thick, pale brick red.
1 6 6 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) p a r ilis. Fr. Hym. Eur. 95.
P a r 'i’ZZs=equal, like.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, convexo-plane, atomate, fiocculose ; disc
depressed; margin deflexed, involute ; stem stuffed,fibrous,tough,
rather firm, naked, dingy ; gills deeply decurrent, crowded, narrow,
grey becoming ivhitish.—Pers. M .E . t. 26, f . 7. Cooke Illu s. t,
281, b.
By the side of plantations.
Slightly hygrophanous, but not heooming white.
Pileus coloured or pallid, smooth, moist in ivet weather.
1 6 7 . Ag aricus (Clitocybe) g e o tio p u s . Bull. Champ. t.57Z,f.3.
Geotr'opus=-yri-rporroi, from the margin of th e pileus being so
strongly turned down towards the ground.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then broadly infundibuliform, obtusely
umbonate, compact, even, smooth ; stem solid, compact, fibrillose,
attenuated upwards, fiesh white ; gills decurrent, crowded, simple,
white, a t length of the colour of the pileus.—Sow. t. 61. I r .
Hym. E u r. 96. Huss. i. t. 66. Grev. t. 41. Cooke Illus. t. 83.
In woods and on their borders, often in rings.
Pileus white, tan coloured, &o., 4 in. broad. Stem 6 in. long, nearly 1 iu.
thick, in. at the base. Spores '00028 X '0002 in.
var. su b in v o lu tu s. Smith in Jour. Bot. (1873) yz. 336.
SM6mwoZii'Zus=somewhat rolled in.
Pileus plane, fleshy ; margin subinvolute ; gills broad, deourrent;
stem stuffed, sub-bulbous ; whole plant cream-coloured, every part
at length becoming spotted.— Cooke Illus. t. 177.
In woods, &c.
Always smaller than A. geotropus, Fr., with a stem one-third the length.
I t is, moreover, never umbonate, and the fruit is different.
1 6 8 . A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) su b in v o lu tu s. Batsch. Consp. 1,234.
Subinvolu'tus=soiac.\Y'hat rolled in.
Pileus tan-coloured or testaceous, smooth, depressed, margin
involute; stem stout, erect, longitudinally rugose with elevated
veinsj rather tomentose a t the apex, somewhat tinged with ñesh
colour ; gills rather broad, nearly of the colour ot the pileus, de-
current.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 96. Coohe Illu s. t. 108.
In woods, chiefly of Coniferce.
1 6 9 , A g a iicu s (Clitocybe) g ilv u s . Pers. Syn, p. 448.
Gilvus— igale yellow, or deep reddish fiesh colour, as usually
applied by mycologists.
Pileus fleshy, compact, convex, then depressed, obtuse, smooth,
moist ; stem fleshy, solid, stout, smooth, nearly e q u a l; gills de-
current, very much crowded, thin, branched, and, as well as the flesh,
pallid, then ochraceous.— F r. Hym. Eur. 95. Cooke Illus. t. 136.
In pine 'woods.
Pileus scarcely infundibuliform.