13L3. l e n t in u s r e sin a c eu s. Trog. Flora, 1832,/. 525.
Resina ceus— ]ike resin.
Pileus somewhat flesliy, slightly exeentrie, villous, rather gummy,
ochraceous cinnamon, stem unequal, tomentose, gills crowded, serrated,
whitish.— Fr. Ilym. Fur. 483.
Ün trunks.
1 3 1 4 . l e n t in u s adhæien s. Alh. 4 Schw, Consp. p. 186.
Adhoerens = sticking to, adhesive,
Pilens somewhat fleshy, tongh, irregular, lacunose, subpulver-
ulent, dingy, pallid, glutinous, laccate, as well as the nearly hollow
rooting stem ; gills decurrent, forming lines on the stem,
very thin, torn, wliite.—F r . Hym. E ur. 483.
In pine-woods.
1315. L en tin u s c o ch le a tu s . Fr. S ym . Fur. 484.
Cochlea'tus = spiral-formed, like a snail-shell (cochlea)„
Annual, tough, flaccid. Pileus fleshy, but tongh, irregular,
somewhat lobed or contorted, rufescent, as well as th e solid, firm,
sulcate, smooth stem ; gills crowded, serrated, pinkish-white.—
Sow. t. 168. Berk. Outl. t. 1 9 ,/. 4. Cooke lllu s . t. 1142 A.
On trunks and the gronnd.
With a faint odour of Aniae. Pilens 2-3 in. diam.
I I . P leuroti. Dimidiate, sessile, or with a lateral stem.
13 1 6 . L en tin u s sc o ticu s. B. 4 Pr. Ann. N.H. No. 1423.
Scot'icus = Scotch.
Inodorous. Pilens smooth, hygrophanous, extremely variable,
pallid, at length brownish, either quite stemless and reniform, or
variously stipitate, solitary or cæspitose, sometimes deeply umbilicate,
lobed a t the margin, and sinuate or plicate, gills rather distant,
strongly toothed, decurrent when the stem is developed.—
F r. Hym. Fur. p. 485. Cooke Illus. t. 1143.
On decayed Ulex and rotten wood.
Pileua J-IJ in. broad, stem when present varying from 2 lines to as many
1317. L en tin u s fim liiia tu s. Cwrr. Linn. Trans. x x iY .,p .152, t. 25, f . 2.
Fimbria'tus = fringed.
Pileus subdimidiate, subcoriaceous, depressed, faw n coloured,
covered with darker floccose scales; margin slightly involute,
somewhat strigose; stem lateral, squamulose; gills serrated and
torn, descending (not decurrent), pale brown.— Goo/e Illus. t.
1148 A.
On a stump standing in a pond.
1318 L e n t i n u s v u l p i n u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 486.
Vulpi'nus, from vulpes = a fox.
Sessile, imbricated. Pileus fleshy, but tough, cónchate, connate
behind, longitudinally rough, costate, corrugate or floccose tan-
coloured; margin incurved, entire; gills torn, white.—Aoio. t. 361.
Cooke Illus. t. 1142 B.
On stumps.
Pileus up to 3 in. diam.
13 1 9 . L e n t i n u s f l a h e l l i f o rm i s . Bolton Fungi t. 167.
‘FiabeU'iformis = \\ke a fan in shape.
Subsessile. Pileus thin, tough, kidney-shaped, plane, smooth,
fawn-coloured ; margin crenato-flmbriate ; gills broad, torn, pallid.
— F r. Hym. F u r. 487. Cooke Illus. t. 1148 B.
On stumps.
Pileus scarcely exceeding 1 in.
Ge n . 15. P A N X JS . Fr. Fpicr. p. 396.
Ba'nus = swelling. Etymology obscure.
Whole fungus between fleshy and leathery, 5ut not
woody, drying up, but reviving with moisture ; g. Is thmner than
in Lentinus, tough, at length coriaceous, unequal, w ith a n e n tiie
acute edge ; trama floccose.
* Pileus irregular, stem excentric.
1 3 2 0 . P a n u s c o n c h a t u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 488.
Concha'tus = shell-shaped.
Pileus fleshy, tough, thin, unequal, excentric and dimidiate,
cinnamon, becoming pale, at length squamulose; stem short, un-
eoual, pubescent at the base ; gills forming decurrent lines on the
stem, somewhat branched, whitish, flesli-coloured, then ociiraceous.
Cooke lllus. t. 1149 A.
On trunks.
Pileus 2-4 in. Stem i in. long.