spotted ; gills and milk at first saffron-red, then greenish.—F r .
Hym. F u r. 431. Sow. t. 202. Huss. i. t. 67. Hogg 4 Johnst. t.
5. Trans. Woolh. Cl. 1867, ¿ .1 1 . Badh. i., t. 6 , f. 2-ii. ¿ .5 ,/. 4.
Cooke Illus. t. 982.
In fir woods. Esculent.
Pilens 2-6 in. broad. Stem 1-2 in. long, scarce 1 in. thick. Spores 10-
Trile 8 . Russulares.
Stem central, gills pallid, then discoloured, becoming darker,
changing when turned to tlic light, a t length pruinose, with white
milk, a t first white, mild, or from mild becoming acrid.
* Pileus at first viscid.
1156. L a c ta z iu s (R u s su la z e s ) p a llid u s . Pers.
P a llid u s = pale.
Pileus fleshy, obtuse, depressed, smooth, viscid, zoneless, pallid ;
stem stuffed, then hollow, pruinose, pallid tan ; gills snbdecurrent,
crowded, pallid, prninate; milk mild, white.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 431.
Saund. 4 Sm. t. 16. Cooke Illus. t. 1007.
In woods.
Pileus 3-6 in. broad. Stem 2 in. long and more, | in. thick. Spores
7-11 y diam.
1157. L a c ta z iu s (R u s su la z e s ) q u ie tu s . Fr. S ym . Eur. 481.
Qu ie tu s — a t rest, mild.
Pilens fleshy, depressed, obtuse, viscid a t first, sub-cinnavion,
soon dry, growing pale, rather silky, somewhat zoned, opaque ; stem
stuffed, smooth, rust coloured ; gills white, tlien reddish ; milk
mild, white. Cooke lllu s. i. 988.
In woods.
Pileus 3 in. broad. Stem 2-3 in. long, J in. thick. Spores 10-12 y
11 5 8 . L a c ta z iu s (R u s su la z e s ) a u z a n tia c u s . FI. Fan. t. 1909.
Aura n ti'a cu s = orange-coloured.
Pileus fleshy, plane, then depressed, even (1-2 in. diam.), without
zones, orange; stem stuffed (3 in. long, A in. th ick ), smooth,
same colour as the pileus ; gills decurrent, crowded, from yellowish
to ochraceous; milk white, slowly acrid ; flesh p a llid .- Cooke
Illu s. t. 1099.
On the ground.
Eesembling F. mitissimus in colour, but rather brighter and more orange,
besides being acrid.
Pileus 1-2 iu. broad. Stem 3 in. long, i in. tbick.
1159. L a c ta z iu s (R u ssu la z e s ) th e io g a lu s . BuU. Champ, t. 567,/I 2.
Theio'galus, from 6elov = sulphur, and ydXa = milk.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then depressed, viscid, smooth, reddish-
tawny; stem stuffed, even, of the same colour ; gills thin, crowded,
reddish-yellow; milk white, then sulphur-coloured, ai \eagtlo acvid.
—Fr. Ilym. Fur. 432. Bolt. t. 9. Cooke lllu s t.
In woods.
Pileus 1J-2-J- in. broad. Stem 1-2 in. long, 2-4 lines thick.
1 1 6 0 . L a c ta z iu s (R u s su la z e s ) czemoz. Fries S ym . Fur. 482.
Crémor — thick juice.
Pilens fleshy, thin, convex, then plane, minutely punctulate, viscid,
tawnJ, margin striate; stem hollow, fragile, of the same colonr ;
gills adnate, rather distant, pallid ; milk mild, watery white.
In woods.
Stem 2 in. long, 3-4 lines thick. Spores globose, rough, 10 y. Pileus
lJ-2 in. broad.
var. p a u p e z . Karsten, Symh. X., 58.
Pileus fleshy, soft, nearly plane, smooth, zoneless, yellowish
flesh-colour, or gilvous tan, when dry ochraceous, margin membranaceous,
a t length pectinately sulcate ; stem hollow, equal,
naked, smooth, paler than the pileus ; gills adnate, rather distant,
thin, soft, colour of the pileus ; flesh without juice, slowly acrid,
white — Cooke lllu s . t. 1008.
Under larch, &c.
Spores 10 y diam. Pileus to 3 in. diam.
1161. L a c ta z iu s (R u ssu la z e s ) v i e tu s . Fr. S ym. Fur. 482.
Vie’tus = shrivelled, withered.
Pileus fleshy, thin, a t first subumbonate, viscid, then flattened,
umbilicate, even, zoneless, silky when dry, growing pale ; stem
stuffed, then hollow, fragile, livid ; gills rather decurrent, thin,
whitish ; milk whitish, then grey, slowly acrid.—Cooke Illus. t.
On the ground in woods.
Spores 7-8 y diam. Pileus lJ-2Jin. broad. Stem 2-3 lines tbick.
1 1 6 2 . L a c ta z iu s (R u ssu la z e s ) c y a th u la . Fr. S ym . Fur. 488.
Cyath'ula = a little cup.
Pileus fleshy, convexo-plane, umbonate, at length depressed,
zoned, viscid, flesh-coloured, when dry rivulose, pallid, opaque;
stem stuffed, equal, pallid ; gills linear, narrow, crowded, white,