2 2 3 . Agaricus (Collybia) te n a c e llu s . Pers. lo o n .p ic t.t.\,f. 3-4.
Tenacellus, diminutive of ¿««aa;=:holding fast, firm, persistent ;
from the tough stem.
Pileus ra th e r fleshy, nearly plane, snh-nmbonate, smooth, even;
stem scantily fistulöse, iongh, naked, taw n y ; root strigose; gills
emarginate, adnexed, broad, louse, sub-distant, snowy white.—Fr.
Hym. F u r. 121. Sow. I. 206. A. griseus, Schceff. t. 236. Cooke
Illus. t. 152, 6.
On fir cones.
var. sto lo n ife r , Jungh. in Linn. (1830)p 396.
Stolon'ifer==Acieaxmg stolons; from stolo=a shoot or sucker, and
fei'o, I bear.
Pileus rath er fleshy, nearly plane, obtuse (slightly depressed),
smooth, margin striate ; stem hollow, equal, smooth, becoming
tawny, root creeping^ like a stolon; gills rounded adnexed, ventricose,
somewhat distant, whitish.—75’. Hym. F u r. 121. Cooke.
Illu s. t. 152, c.
Amongst fir leaves.
Gills narrow, crowded.
2 2 4 . Ag a r icu s (Collybia) a c e rv a tu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 122.
Acervoa!tus=keaped, collected together in a heap, acervus.
Coespitose ; pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, a t length
umbonate, smooth, hygrophanous; margin slightly striate; stem
fistulöse, equal, naked, rufous; base rooting, tomentose; gills//-««,
narrow, much crowded, a t first whitish.—F r . Icon. t. 64 / 2
Cooke. Illus. i. 267. '
In pine woods.
Figured from drawing by Miss Berkeley.
2 2 5 . Ag a r icu s (Collybia) dry oph iiu s. Bull. Champ, t. 434.
I)ryoph'ilus=fond of woods ; from SpSs=an oak or any timber
tree, and ©ÏA.6<o=I love.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, nearly plane, ohiuse rather depressed,
even, smooth, turning pale ; stem fistulöse, smooth, reddish hrown
or yellowish; gills sinuate, adnexed (a t length with a decurrent
tooth), nearly free, crowded, narrow, white or pallid.—F r . Hym.
Fur. 122. Sow. t. 127. Price, f 12. IIuss. \. t. 39. Badh. \.
t. 8, f. 2, ii. t. 7 , f . 5. Cooke. Illus. t. 204.
Amongst leaves iu woods.
Pileus 1-2 in., whitish, pinkish, yellowish, or livid, stem ; 2-3 in. high,
i- J in. thick, same colour as the pileus, summit generally darker and
pinkish ; spores -006 mm. long.
2 2 6 . A g a r icu s (Collybia) aquosus. Bull. Champ, t. 12.
./45«o'sw=abounding in w ater, moist.
Pileus rather fleshy, nearly plane, obtuse, smooth, hygrophanous,
margin stiiate, stem fistulöse, naked, rufous, tawny, fibrillose
at the b ase; gills rounded, free, crowded, narrow, straight, white
or pallid.—F r . Hym. Fur. 122. Cooke. Illu s. t. 234.
Amongst moss.
2 2 7 . A g a r icu s (Collybia) ex tu b e r a n s. Batt. Fungi, t. 28,/. 1.
Fx-tu'berans=s'iYeWmg out ; from the umbo.
Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then expanded, umbonate; margin
slightly infiexed ; stem hollow, thin, equal, stra ig h t, rooting,
smooth, even ; gills nearly free, crowded, narrow, white.—F r .
Hym. F u r. 123. F r . Icon. t. 6 7 , / . 1.
On the ground and trunks.
2 2 8 . Ag aricus (Collybia) e x s c u lp tu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 123.
F x -sc u lp tu s= m i out, carved.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, tough, convex, then expanded, umbilicate,
unchangeable ; stem fistulöse, slender, incurved, short, smooth ;
gills almost free (with a decurrent tooth), arcuate, much crowded,
narrow, sulphur-coloured.—F r . Icon. t. 66, / . 8. Cooke Illus. t.
268, a.
On old oak wood.
2 2 9 . Ag aricus (Collybia) m a c ilen tu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 123.
Mac'ilentus=\can, thin, meagre ; from its delicate appearance.
Pileus ra th e r fleshy, nearly plane, obtuse, even, smooth ; stem
delicately fistulöse, tough, naked, ro o tin g ; gills free, seceding,
crowded, linear, yellowish.—F r. Icon. t. 66, f . 1. Cooke Illu s. t.
268, b.
In pine woods.
2 3 0 . Ag a r icu s (Collybia) c la v u s . Bull. Champ, t. 148, A.O.
Clavus==a nail.
Pileus rather fleshy, almost plane, obtuse, even ; stem stuffed,
thin, smooth, straight, white; gills free, crowded, white, separating
slightly a t the base.—F r. Hym. Fur. 123. Bolt. t. 39 b. Cooke
Illus. t. 147, a.
On twigs, leaves, &c.
2 3 1 . A g a iicu s (Collybia) o c e lla tu s , Fr. Hym. Eur. 123.
Ocella'tus=maxked with little eyes, ocelli. Perhaps, from the
dark disc, like the pupil of an eye.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, nearly plane, even, disc depressed,
l i 5;