var. sapida. Cooke Illus. t. 1087.
Sajnda = of a mild taste.
Large, fleshy, plane, then depressed, dark purple, shining, dry or
rather viscid in wet weather, margin quite entire, even ; stem
straight, solid, stuffed, white, somewhat cylindrical; gills fleshy,
often furcate, broad, white, entire. Flesh firm, taste mild.—Russula
atropurpureus, Krombh. t. 64, f . 5-6.
Amongst grass.
Eeferred by Pries to Russula emetica, but tbe persistently mild taste and
otber points separates it from tbat species. Pileus 3-4 in. diam., with the
appearance of our usual form of R. rubra. I t is somewbat doubtful
whether it can be regarded as otber tbau a mild variety of that species.
Spores 10 y.
1 2 0 4 . R u ssu la (Rigidæ) L innæi. Fries Hym, Fur. 444.
Linnæi = in honour of Linnaeus.
Mild. Pileus everywhere fleshy, plane, then depressed,
dry, smooth, margin spreading, obtuse, without striæ, flesh spongy,
compact, white, stem spongy, solid, stout, rivulose, red ; gills adnate,
rather decurrent, somewhat thick, white, turning yellowish, sometimes
dichotomous and anastomosing behind.— Goohe Illu s. t.
In woods.
Spores 8 X 10 //.
1 2 0 5 . R u ssu la (Rigidæ) x e zam p e lin a . Schoeff. Icon. i. 214, 215-
Xerampel'ina = lypayTTtXivos, of the colour of withered vineleaves.
Mild, pileus fleshy, compact, convex, then flattened and depressed,
dry, opaque, even, and cracked, margin straight, even,
flesh compact, white, then turning yellowish, stem stout, firm,
clavate, even, white or reddish, a t length soft and spongy ; gills
adnexed, rather crowded, forked behind, white, then tan coloured.
—Fr. Hym. Fur. 445. Cooke Illu s. t. 1053,1074.
In woods, chiefly of pine.
Spores 9 X 8 / I or 9-10 x 7-8 //.
1 2 0 6 . R u ssu la (Rigidæ) o liv á c e a . Schoeff. Icon. t. 204.
Oliva'cea — olive-coloured.
' Mild ; pileus fleshy, convex, then plane or depressed, silky and
squamulose, margin patent, enm, flesh white or becoming yellowish;
stem firm, ventricose, rosy-pallid, spongy and stuffed within ; gills
annexed, broad, yellow, mixed with shorter ones, and furcate.—Fr.
Hym. Fur. 445. Cooke lllu s . t. 1041.
In pine woods.
Spores yellow, 10 y .
1 2 0 7 R u ssu la (Rigidæ) se zo tin a . Quel. Soc. Bot. Fr., 1878, p.
289, i. 3 ,/. 11.
Sero'tina = th a t comes late, backward.
Pileus globose, a little flattened (2-3 cm.), purplish-bistre or
olive, pruinose with white; margin lilac, with the extreme edge
whitish. Stem wrinkled, mealy. Flesh tongh, white and peppery.
Gills eroded, white, with a tinge of yellow. Spores ovoid, rough.
Ip. diam.— Cooke Illus. t. 1042 A.
Under beech.
Spores 8-9 y .
1 2 0 8 . R u ssu la (Rigidæ) Du po z tii. Phil. Grevillea, xiii., 49.
DuporVii, in honour of the Rev. Canon J. M. Du Port.
Pilens U - 2 | in. broad, the centre rufous, or flesh-red, margin
bluish, compact, fleshy, firm, convexo-plane, depressed, smooth, dry,
margin even, obtuse. Stem 1 in. or more high, 5-8 lines thick,
spongy, stuffed, minutely striate, glabrous, white, gills rounded behind,
broad, distant, white.— Goo/« Illu s. t. 1042 B.
On the ground in woods.
Plesb turns reddish brown wben out and the odour is tb at of the common
Ser. IV . H b t e r o p h y l l æ . Pileus fleshy, firm, margin thin,
at first inflexed, then expanded and striate, covered with a thin
adnate pellicle, gills many, shorter mixed with longer ones, and
others which are furcate. Stem solid, stout, spongy within.
1 2 0 9 . R u ssu la (Hetezophyllæ) v e sc a . Fr. Hym. Fur. 446.
Vesca — eatable.
Mild, sweet-tasted. Pileus fleshy, firm, umbilicato-oonvex, then
plane and infundibuliform, venoso-rugose, and streaked ; reddish
flesh colour, disc darker, flesh under the viscid cuticle reddish ;
maro-in even, or remotely striate ; stem firm, unequal, reticulate-
ruqose ■ gills adnate, rather crowded, unequal, and forked, white,
as weli as the stem.—Foii. t. 1. Huss. i., t. 89. Cooke Illus. t.
In woods. Esculent.
; IS-
1910 R u ssu la (Hetezophyll®) lila c e a . Quel. Bull. Soc. B o t.F r .
1876, t. n ., / . 8.
Lilac'ea = lilac-coloured.
Pileus convex, then depressed, ra th e r fleshy, viscid, violet or
purple, margin growing pale, striate (5-8 cm. diam.), flesh
violet under the cuticle; stem spongy, corticate, fragile, pruinose
above, rosy a t the base ; gills distant, ventricose, white, connected
by veins.— Cooke Illus. t. 1054.