3 6 6 . A g a r icu s (Pleurotus) lig n a t ilis . Pers. Syn.p. 368.
L ig n a 'tilis = o f or belonging to wood, lignum.
Pilens fleshy, firm, convexo-plaiie or somewhat umbilicate,
irregular, at first floccoso-pruinose ; stem stuffed, then hollow,
flexuose, siib-villose ; gills adnate, crowded, narrow, w'hite.—
S au n d . 4 Sm. t. 6. F r . I lym . E u r . 169. Cooke I llu s . t. 257, a.
On beech trees.
With a strong mealy odour. Stem sometimes 2-3 in., sometimes only 3-4
lines long, pileus from 1 to 3-4 in. broad, Spores 'OOt X ’003 mm.
3 6 7 . Agaricus (Pleurotus) c ir c in a tu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 170.
F 2mna'Zus = rounded like a circle, from czVcmus — a pair of
Pileus fieshy, convexo-plane, obtuse, o r lia d a r , glistening with
a s ilk y lustre, becoming whitish; stem stuffed, elastic, short, equal,
s?;iooí/í, ro o tin g ; gills adnate (sub-deourrent), crowded, white.—
Cooke Illu s . t. 257, h.
On rotten wood.
Ve il none; g ills ve ry decurrent, stem d ista n t, almost v e rtica l.
3 6 8 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) p a n to leu cu s. Fr. Icon. t. 88, f. 2.
P anto -leu cu s ~ d y \ white, from w5s-|-Acii/.-ós.
Wholly w h ite ; pilens excentric, fleshy, dimidiate, spathulate,
even, smooth, rather depressed behind; margin entire; stem short,
not rooting, solid, ascending, smooth; gills decurrent, crowded,
simple, severed at the base.—F r . Hym . E u r . 172. Cooke I llu s . t.
179. 275, a.
On trunks.
3 6 9 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) m u tilu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 173.
MutHlus = maimed, mutilated ; but here probably used for muta-
6z7zs = changeable in form, as Fries says hardly any two specimens
are alike.
White, soft, pileus rather fleshy, versiform, when dry silky, becoming
smooth ; stem excentric, short, and sublateral, terete,
erect, villous at the base; gills decurrent, narrow, rather thick, and
somewhat crowded.— Cooke Illus. t. 275, b.
On dead wood. Deo.
Veil none ; gills very decurrent. Pileus lateral, sessile, or extended
behind into a stem-like, short oblique base.
3 7 0 . Ag aricu s (Pleurotus) o streatus. Jacq. Austr. t. 288.
Osíí’e a 7ms = rough, scabby, like the shell of an oyster, osZr/a;
perhaps, however, from its “ conohate ” or shell-like shape.
Pileus soft, fleshy, sub-dimidiate, condiate, ascending, growing
pale ; stem abbreviated (or obsolete), firm, elastic, strigose at the
base ; gills decurrent, rather distant, anastomosing behind, whitish.
— F r . IIym . Eur. 173. Huss. ii., t. 19. S ow . t. 241. B a dh . i.,
t. 2, ii. t. 10. Hogg. 4 Johnst. t. 21. Cooke I llu s . t. 195.
On trees. Autumn and winter. Esculent.
var. euo sm u s. Berk. Outl. p . 135.
Eu-osmus, eiioo-fios, sweet-smelling ; so classically, but here rather,
Imbricated, strong-scented. Pileus depressed, shining, and
satiny when dry ; stem short or obsolete, confluent; gills ventricose,
very decurrent, dingy white; spores pinkish.—Fr. Hym. Eur.
174. Huss. i., t. 75. Badh. t. 11 partly. Cooke Ulus. t. 196.
On elm posts, stumps, &c. Spring.
var. g la n d u lo su s. Bull. t. 426.
Glandulo'sus — full of glands.
Gills broad, g la n d u la r, white, anastomosing behind.— F r Hum
E u r . 174. ■ ^ ■
On trunks.
371. A g a iicu s (P leu io tu s ) le v o lu tu s . Ficlcx. p. 158.
Re-volu'tus = rolled back.
Pileus convex-flattened, depressed in the centre, of large size
fleshy, firm, dry, elastic ; margin regularly and broadly revolute, of
a smoky colour with a yellowish tint, becoming grey or lead colour
darker in the c e n tr e ; gills decurrent, not anastomosing, white!
serrated. Stem obtuse, smooth, or slightly tomentose.—Fz-. Hym.
Eur. 174. Gooke Illus. t. 180. Ag. corticatus, Saund. & Sm t
4 , / . 2.
On a poplar tree.
3 7 2 . Ag aricus (Pleurotus) sa lig n u s. Fr. Hym. Bur. 174.
Salignus = oi willow, salix, on which tree alone Pries describes
it as growing.