119. Agazicus (Tzicholoma) panseolus. Fr. Hym. Eur. 73.
Panae'olits=TTav- a'ioXo's, quite light, easily moved ; from the
character of the gills.
Pileus between spongy and compact, convexo-plane, variegated
with pruinose grey spots; margin inflexed, re p a n d ; stem solid,
short, fibroso-striate, gills arcuate, adnate, somewhat crowded, grey
or dirty rufous.—F r. Icon. t. 3 6 ,/. 2. Cooke Illu s. t. 97.
On the ground.
Colour of the pileus dingy, or smoky grey. Figured from specimens collected
near King’s Lynn by Mr. C. B. Plowright. The gills separate readily
from the pileus.
g. HYGRor iiANA. Pilens thin, regular umbonate, flesh a t length
soft hygrophanous.
Gills whitish, not spotted.
120. Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) gzammopodius. Bull. Champ,
t. 548, 585,/, 1.
Gramnio-pod'ius— yfith lines on the foot, from ypapph + wdus ;
from the snlcate stem.
Pileus fleshy, campanulate, or convex, then expanded or depressed,
umbonate, smooth, moist ; stem stuffed, elastic, sulcate,
smooth, attenuated upwards ; gills arcuate adnate, crowded, white.
—Huss. ii. t. 41. Bolt. t. 40 (?) F r. Hym. Fur. 74. Cooke Illus.
t. 98.
In pastures forming rings.
Pileus rufous brown or livid, often 4-5 inches diam.
121. Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) m e la leu cu s. P. Fr. Hym. Fur. 74.
Mela-leucus, from p€Àns=black and A.cuK<is=white ; from the
contrasted colours of the cap and gills.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then expanded, obsoletely umbonate,
smooth, moist, changing colour; stern stuffed, thin, elastic, somewhat
smooth, whitish, sprinkled with a few fibrils, thickened a t th e
base ; gills emarginate, adnexed, ventricose, crowded, white.—
Cooke Illus. t. 119.
On the ground.
Stem stuffed, then hollow, 2-3 in. long, 2-3 lines thick, whitish, with
darker striæ; pileus 1^-3 in. broad, dingy black, then livid brown, pale
when dry ; flesh soft, white.
var. pozphyzoleucus. Fr. Hym. Fur. 75.
Foi-’phyro-leucus, from 7rop<j>îpos=Purple, and A,£UKos=white.
Firm, pileus fleshy, umbo darker and evanescent, stem solid,
somewhat fibrillose, gills white.— Cooke Illus. t. 1195.
On the ground.
1 2 2 . Agazicus (Tzicholoma) hz ev ip es. Bull. Champ, t. 52\,f. 2.
Brevi-pes=yi\\h a short foot (or stem), from hrfris -p pes.
Pileus fleshy, soft, convex, then plane, even, smooth, opaque when
dry, umber, growing pallid ; stem solid, firm, rigid, very short, sub-
inorassated, brown ; gills emarginate, crowded, ventricose, brownish
then dirty white.— Fr. Hym. F u r. 75. Cooke Illus. t. 68.
In plantations. Esculent.
Pileus about 2 in. broad. Stem brown within and without, bulbous, very
1 2 3 . A g a z icu s (Tzicho loma) h um ilis . Fr. Hym. Eur. 75.
Hum'ilis=\ov/]j, small.
Pileus fleshy, soft, umbonate, then convexo-plane or depressed,
even, smooth, hygrophanous ; margin thin extending beyond the
gills : stem stuffed, short, equal, fragile, pallid, villoso-pulverident ;
gills rounded (with a decurrent tooth), crowded, ventricose;
whitish.— Cooke Illu s. t. 99, 263, a.
On the ground, amongst grass.
v a r. hlaudus. Berk. Eng. FI. v ., p. 20.
Pileus thin, pulverulent, grey-lilac ; gills broad rounded behind
and nearly free, pure white, stem slender, sub-fibrillose-nmose,
rather bulbous, the base brown.— Coolce Illus. t. 263, 5.
Plantations and roadsides.
Pileus 2i in. Stem 2 in. high, 2 lines thick. Figured as above from the
original drawing of the Eev. M. J. Berkeley.
1 2 4 . Ag azicus (Tzicholoma) c x s c is su s . Fr. Icon. t. 44, / 2.
Exscissus=ioxn away; because it is cut off from all its preceding
Pileus rather fleshy, campanulate, then expanded, at length umbonate,
even; stem solid, even, thin, equal, smooth, rather shining ;
gills emarginate, crowded, linear, white.— Cooke Illus. t. 171.
In pastures. May.
Pilens 2 inches, umbonate, umbo darker, opaque, mouse-grey, stem
whitish, turning brownish at the base, 2 inches long, slightly striate. No
perceptible odour.
12 5 . Ag a z icu s (Tzicholoma) su b p u lv e zu len tu s
Eur. 76.
Suh-pulverulentus— Boxxi&xihai dusty, from
Pers. Fr..
-p pu lvis, genitive
Pileus fleshy, convex then expanded or depressed, even, with an
innate white pruinose lustre: margin inflexed; stem solid, equal,