hollow, clad with white meal, pallid ; gills adnate, ra th e r distant,
pallid flesh-colour; milk acrid, white.—Fries Hym. Eur. 435.
Goohe Illus. t. 998 A.
In woods.
Fragile, pileus 2 in. broad, growing pale. Spores 7 y diam.
1 17 1 . Lactazius (R u ssu la ze s) sp in o su lu s. Quel. Champ. Norm.
t. 3 , / . 10.
Spino'sulus = full of little spines.
Pilens thin, cyathiform, with an acute nmbo, clad, especially
towards the margin, with minute erect spines, often zoned and
spotted, flesh-colonr, brick-red, and rosy-lilac ; stem hollow,
slender, flexnons, rugose, granulate, fragile, shining, of the same
colour, growing p a le r; gills decurrent, narrow, thin, yellow flesh-
colour, at length yellowish. Milk white and peppery.
On the gronnd.
var. v io l a c e u s . Coolce Illus. t. 998 B.
Pileus rosy-violet, margin incurved ; stem pale, almost smooth,
On the ground.
Pileus smooth, polished.
1172. L a c t a z iu s (R u s s u la z e s ) v o l em u s . Fr. Sym. Fur. 4Sb.
Volemus = a certain large pear.
Pileus fleshy, compact, rigid, plane, then depressed, obtuse, dry,
golden tawny, at length rimoso-rivulose; stem solid, hard, blunt,
pruinose; gills crowded, white, then yellowish ; milk copious,
sweet, white.—Huss. i., t. 87. Cooke Illus. t. 999.
In woods. Esculent.
Pileus 3 in. broad. Stem 2-2J in. long, |-1 in. thick. Spores 6 x 6 y
1173. Lactazius (R u ssu la ze s) ich ozatu s. Batsch. f . 60.
Ichora'tus, from ix u p = serum, lymph.
Pileus fleshy, thin, rigid, then soft, piano-depressed, unequal,
even, smooth, opaque, tawny, stem spongy, stuffed, smooth, tawny ;
gills adnate, rather crowded, white, then ochraoeous. Milk sweet,
white.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 436. Cooke Illu s. t. 1000.
In woods.
Pilens brick-red, zoned, brown at the disc, paler at the circumference,
3-4 in. broad. Stem lJ - 3 in. long, 3 -5 lines thick. Spores 10 x 8 //.
1174. Lactazius (Russulazes) sezifluus. De Oand. FI. Fr. vi., 45.
Seri'Jluus — llowing with serum, the watery part of milk.
Pileus fleshy, plane, then depressed, siib-flexuose, dry, smooth,
zoneless, hrownish-tawny; margin infiexed ; stem solid, equal,
rather incurved, paler, turning yellowish, as well as the crowded
gills ; milk sparing, colour o f serum.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 436. Berk.
Outl. t. 13, f. 4. Gooke Illus. t. 1012.
In woods.
Spores 7-8 y diam.
1175. Lactazius (Russulazes) m itis sim u s. Fr. S ym . Fur. 437.
Mitiss'imus most mild.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex, then depressed, papillate, dry, zoneless,
even, orange ; stem stuffed, then hollow, smooth, of the same
colonr; gills crowded, p a le r; milk copious, mild, white.—Cooke
Illus. t. 1001.
In woods and hedgebanks.
Pileus 1-3 in. broad. Stem 1-3 in. long, J-J in. thick. Spores 10 y diam.
1176. La ctazius (Russulazes) su b d u lc is. BuU. Champ, t. 227.
Subdulcis — almost sweet.
Pileus fleshy, thin, papillate, a t length depressed, polished, even,
zoneless, rufous-cinnamon; stem stuffed, then hollow, equal, somewhat
pruinose, becoming rufous, as well as the crowded, fragile
g ills ; milk rather mild, white.—F r. Hym. Eur. 437. Sow. t. 204.
Bolt. t. 3. Cooke Illu s. t. 1002.
In woods.
Pileus 2-3 in. broad,
Stem 1-2 in. long, 2-4 lines thick. Spores 10 ß
1177. La ctazius (Russulazes) camphozatus. Bull. Champ, t. 567,
!• !•
Camphora'tus = smelling of camphor.
Strong-scented, pileus fleshy, thin, depressed, dry, somewhat
zoned, smooth, brownish-red; stem stuffed, sub-undulate, of the
same colour ; gills crowded, yellowish-red; milk mild, white.—Fr.
Hym. Eur. 437. Cooke Illus. t. 1013.
In woods.
Pileus but little exceeding an inch broad, acquiring and maintaining a
strong odour in drying. Spores 9 y diam.
var. T e z z e i. B. 4 Br. Ann. Nat. S is t. No. 1673.
Terr'ei, in honour of Michael Terry.
Pilens in. broad) bay-brown, corrugated, depressed. Stem