10 5 9 . P a x illu s (Lepista) panaeolus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 4D2.
Panm'olus, waratoXo?, all variegated. Probably in reference to
Panmolus, one of the sub-genera of Agaricus.
Pileus thin, convex, plane, then rather depressed, smooth, moist,
whitish, margin involute, th iu ; stem stuffed, striate, fibrillose,
rufescent, incrassated downwards ; gills slightly deourrent,
crowded, narrow, a t length watenj-ferruginous.— Gooke Illu s. t.
873 A.
On the ground in pine woods, etc.
_ “ Somewhat gregarious, a t first externally .and internally wholly
dirty white, tlien becoming yellowish, gills at length watery cinn
amon; stem fleshy, stuffed, 1 inch, or little more, long, 3 lines
thick, striate fibrillose, thickened below ; pileus fleshy, compact,
convex, then expanded, and somewhat depressed, even, smooth,
spotted when moist, 1 to 2 in. broad; margin thin, involute,
villose ; gills slightly decurrent, crowded, narrow, rather veined at
the base, separated by a horny line from the pileus ; spores watery
ferruginous.”—F r . Mon. ii., p. 117.
var. spilomoeolus. F r. Bym. Fur. 402.
Spilom'cEolus, from crirtAos, o-Tr/Aoi/ta, a spot; and aioXos—
Pileus spotted, as with drops, and, as well as the slender stem,
white, becoming yellowish. Gills a t length watery-ferruginous,
horny grey a t the base.
In fir woods.
1 0 6 0 . P a x illu s (Lepista) o r ce llo id e s, Cke. 4 Mass. in GremUea
XVI., 46.
Orcello-'i'des = like {Agaricus) Orcella.
Pileus at first snow white, becoming stained with livid or
greyish blotches, minutely silky, shining, margin thin, involute.
Stem tapering towards the base, solid, elastic, silky-fibrillose, livid
ochraceous. Gills ^ crowded, readily separating from the horny
hymenophore, whitish, then livid, at length dirty yellowish-brown,
adnate, decurrent. Spores 8 x 4 p .—Cooke Illu s. t. 874 B.
Amongst grass.
10 6 1 . P a x illu s (Lepista) llv ld u s . Oooke, Grevillea xvi., 45.
Liv'idus = of a leaden colour, livid.
Pileus convex, at length slightly depressed at the disc, dingy
white, or livid ochraceous, opaque (1-2 inches). Stem attenuated
downwards, white (3-4 in. long, i in. thick), fibrillose, stuffed, then
hollow. Gills arcuate, decurrent, white, almost crowded. Spores
globose, nearly white, flesh nearly white.— Gooke Illus. t. 861.
In woods.
1 0 6 2 . P a x i l lu s (Lepista) r e v o lu tu s . Cooke, Grevillea x vi., 45.
Re-volu'tus = rolled back, revolute.
Pileus convex, obtuse, pale ochraceous, slightly darker at the
disc, margin thin, even, sometimes a t first tinged with violet, a
little revolute. Stem solid, gradually attenuated downwards, paler
than the pileus, often tinted violet a t the base. Gills very decurrent,
scarcely crowded, pallid, then clay-coloured. Odour mealy.—
Cooke Illu s. t. 862.
In field.
Pileua about an inch and a half. Stem lJ-2 in. long, about J in. tbick
at the apex, J in. at tbe base.
Tribe 2. Tapinia.
Tajii'nia, from Taireivos — low, short.
Pileus commonly excentric, or resupinate. Spores ferruginous.
1 0 6 3 . P a x i l lu s (T a p in ia ) p a r ad o x u s . Kalch. Fung. Bung, t , 18,f . l .
FaradoOTS = strange, unexpected.
Pileus fleshy, convex, then plane, dry, tomentose, rufous-umber;
stem solid, somewhat rooting, unequal,' fibrillose, yellow or
reddish ; gills decurrent, distant, connected by veins, yellow, then
golden yellow, becoming reddish when old.— Cooke Illu s. t. 884.
On the ground.
Pileus 2-3 in. across. Spores 20-22 x 7-8 y,
1 0 6 4 . P a xU iu s (T ap in ia ) in v o lu tu s . Batsch. Consp. f . 81.
In-volu'tus = rolled inwards, involute.
Pileus compact, convexo-plane, then depressed, moist, becoming
smooth, margin involute and tomentose ; flesh pallid ; stem fleshy,
solid, firm, naked, thickened upwards, paler ; gills branched, broad,
porous and anastomosing behind, paler, besmeared aud spotted.—
Fr. Hym. Eur. Sow. t. 98. Berk. Outl. t. 12, f. 5. Cooke
Illu s. t. 876.
On the ground. Common.
1 0 6 5 . P a x i llu s (T a p in ia ) le p to p u s . Fr. Bym. Fur. 403.
Lep'to-pus — with the stem ( t t o u » ) thin {Xe-tttos) .
Pileus fleshy, excentric, gibbous, a t length depressed, torn into
dense villous scales ; flesh yellow ; margin thiu, infiexed ; stem