Pileus fleshy, convex th e n plane, stem solid, firm, thickened
upivards, squarrose in ring-like zones w ith revolute floccose
scales ; g ills broadly affixed, crowded, linear, grey, th e n tawny.
— Fries Icon. t. 106. Gooke Illus. t. 424.
In beech woods.
Pilens 2-3 in. broad.
3 3 2 . Ag a ricu s (Inocybe) re lic in u s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 227.
Belic'inus = he'nt o r curled backwards, as th e scales are.
Pileu s fleshy, th in , conical, th e n expanded, obtuse, squarrose,
w ith tomentose scales, stem solid, soft, equal, floccoso-squamose ;
g ills adnexed, crowded, yelloiv, then olivaceous.
In m a rsh y fir woods, amongst Sphagnum.
5 3 3 . Ag aricus (Inocybe) c a lam istra tu s. Fr. Hym. Fur. 227.
Galamistra'tus = curled w ith th e cnrling-iron, calamister ;
from th e curled scales.
Pileu s fleshy, th in , campanulate, obtuse, stem solid, rig id ,
base sky-blue, sq n an ’ose everywhere with rigid recurved scales;
gills adnexed, w h itish , th e n fe rrnginons.—Fr. Icon. 1.106. Gooke
Illus. t. 389.
In fir woods. Sept.
A noble species, remarkable for the blue colour of the base of the stem
bpores •012 mm. long, smooth.
Lasch.5 3 4 . Ag a r icu s (Inocybe) h ir su tu s, Fr. Hym. Fur. 227.
Hirsu'tus = shaggy, bristly.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, conic c ampanulate, acute, squarrose w ith
scales of fasciculate h a ir s ; stem solid, slender, fibrillose, scaly
a t th e apex, greenish at the base; g ills adnexed, narrow, p a llid
th e n brown. ^
In moist beech wood.
535. Agaricus (Inocybe) lanuginosus. B u ll.t.ZIQ,
Lanugino'sus = woolly.
Pileus ra th e r fleshy, hemispherical, th e n expanded, obtuse
floccoso-squamulose, the scales of the disc erect and squarrose ;
stem solid th in squamose, fibrillose w ith a whitish powder
above; g ills seceding, th in , denticulate, p a llid clay c o lo n r .-
Gooke Illus. t. 582, A. Ag. floccnlentus, Handbook No. 317.
On th e ground.
5 3 6 . Ag a r icu s (Inocybe) dulcamarus. A. Sf Schw.
Dulcamar'us = bitter-sweet.
Pilen s ra th e r fleshy, convex, umbonate, piloso-squamose, stem
somewhat hollow, fibrillose and squamnlose, farinaceous at the
ap e x ; gills arcuate, affixed, ventricose, p a llid olivaceous.—Fr.
Hym. Hur. 228. Gooke Illus. t. 582, B. A. uniformis, Pers.
Icon. Piet. t. 15. f . 1.
I n fir p lan ta tio n s.
5 3 7 . Ag aricus (Inocybe) plumo sus. Bolt. t. 33.
PZ«moWs = fe a th e ry , downy.
Pileu s ra th e r fleshy, convexo-plane, disc squarrose w ith
e rect fasciculate flocci, ma rg in fibrillose; stem stuffed, th e n
hollow, slender, flexuose, floccoso-squamose, n aked a b o v e ; gills
snb-adnate, scarcely crowded, ventricose, quite entire, dingy.—
Fr. Hym. Hur. 228. Gooke Illus. t. 425, A.
In moist pine woods. Aug.
With a faint but not unpleasant odour.
5 3 8 . Ag a r icu s (Inocybe) c in c in n a tu s . Fr. Hym. Fur. 228.
Gincinnatus = w ith cn iled hair.
Pilen s ra th e r fleshy, convex th e n plane, sqnarrosely scaly,
stem solid, th in , squamose, gills adnexed, crowded, ventricose,
dingy, then violet.—-Gooke Illus. t. 425, B.
In sh ad y woods.
6 3 9 . Ag aricu s (Inocybe) hsemactus. Berk. 4 Cke. Grev. xi. 70.
H(Bmactus = aiiJOiKTo<s, mingled w ith blood; from its c h a ra
c te r wh en touched.
Pileu s fleshy, compact, obtuse, campanulate, floccosely fibrillose,
disc subsquamose, d a rk e r; stem solid, smooth, scarcely
fibrillose, w h itish above, ceruginous at the base, n e a rly e q n a l;
gills adnate, pallid, a t len g th clay-colour; flesh everywhere
turning blood-red where touched or wo u n d ed .—Coolce Illus. t.
On lawn. Oct.
Pileus about an inch broad, umber, margin pallid, clad with long, darker
fibrils the obtuse diso darkest, and somewhat scaly ; stem nearly 2 inches
lon<^, 3-4 lines thick, eernginous at the base, the colour penetrating through
tho°flesh. Everywhere changing slowly to blood-red when wounded.
Spores elliptical, attenuated towards one end, smooth. In some respects
agreeing with Ay. calamistratus, but not squarrose.