On rotting fungi.
1 2 6 5 . N y c ta lis asterophoia. Fr. Bym. Fur. 463.
Asierophora — bearing stars ; from àa-Tgp — a star, and
I bear.
Pilens somewhat fleshy, conical, then hemispherical, cuticle
flocculoso-pruinose, breaking up into & fawn-coloured stratum ; stem
stuffed, pruinose, then brownish, twisted ; gills adnate, distant,
rather forked, straight, dingy.— Cooke Illus. t. 1132 B.
On dead Russula nigricans.
1 2 6 6 . N y c ta lis pa ra sitica . Fr. Bym. Fur. 464.
Parasitica = parasitic.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, conical, then expanded, unequal, cuticle
persistent, grey, pruinose ; stem minutely fistulose, floccnloso-villons,
whitish ; gills adnate, thick, distant, a t length contorted and anastomosing,
brownish.—Foio. t. 548. Berk. Outl. t. 19, f. 2. Cooke
Illus. i. 1113.
On Russida adusta and R. fætens.
Spores 5x4/«.
Gen. 13. M A R A S ia iU S . Fr. Gen. .
Marasm'ius , from yapa(vm = l wither away.
Fungi to-ugh, dry, shrivelling, but not putrescent, reviving when
moistened. Hymenophore continuous with the stem, but heterogeneous,
descending into the trama ; veil absent. Stem cartilaginous
or horny. Grills tough, rather distant, with an acute entire
Sect. 1 .— C o l l y b i a . Pileus between fleshy and tough, a t
length rather leathery, snlcate or corrugated, margin a t first involute.
Stem somewhat cartilaginous, mycelium floccose, not manifest
in a few species.
A. SooRTEi. Stem solid or stuffed, then hollow, fibrous within,
externally the stem clad with a villose fugitive down. Gills
separating from the stem, free.
1 2 6 7 . M a ia sm iu s u ie n s . Fr. Bym. Fur. 465.
Hr««« — burning. From the taste.
Acrid. Pileus between fleshy and coriaceous, convex, then
plane, smooth, even, at length wrinkled or rivulose ; stem fibrous,
solid, rigid, pallid, mealy with white fibrils, and clothed with white
down a t the b a se ; gills free, joined behind, pallid, somewhat
yellowish, hecoming brownish, at length remote, distant, firm.—
Berk. Outl. t. l i , f . 3. Pr ice, f 13. Cooke Illus . t. 1116.
In woods.
Spores 8 X 4 /i.
1 2 6 8 . Marasmius perouatus. Bolton Fungi t. 58.
Perona'tus = booted. Pero = a boot made of raw hide.
Acrid. Pileus between coriaceous and membranaceous, convexo
plane, opaque, a t length lacunose; margin s t r ia t e ; stem
fibrous, stuffed, outer coat villous, yellow, then rufescent, base
peronate and strig o s e ; gills adnexed, seceding, rather thin and
crowded, pallid, then rufescent.—F r . Hym. Eu r . 465. Sow. t. 37.
Be rk. Outl. t. 1 4 ,/. 4. Cooke I l lus . t. 1117.
In woods, amongst leaves. Common.
Spores 10 x 6-7 y.
1 2 6 9 . Marasmius porreus. Fr. Bym. Fur. 466.
Porr'eus , from por rum = a leek ; from the alliaceous odour.
Strong scented. Pileus between coriaceous and membranaceous,
convex, then expanded, striate, flaccid, disc of the same colour,
even ; stem stuffed, then hollow, tough, without juice, inorassated
a t either end, reddish-brown, pubescent ; gills free, seceding,
distant, firm, yellowish, hecom'mg pallid.—Sow. t. 81. Cooke I llus .
i. 1133.
In woods, amongst leaves.
Spores 4 X 3J /I.
** Stem naked at the base, often interivoven with twis ted fibres.
1 2 7 0 . M a ia sm iu s o iead e s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 467.
Ore'ades = ’OpeidScs = mountain nymphs. From its forming
“ fairy rings.”
Pileus fleshy, tongh, convexo-plane, then somewhat umbonate,
smooth, growing p a le ; stem solid, equal, with a villous interwoven
coat, pallid, base naked ; gills free, broad, distant, cream-coloured.
— Bolt. t. 151. Orev. t. 323. Sow. t. 247. Be rk. Outl. t. 14, f .
5. Ba dh. i. t. 8 , / . 3, ii. t. l , f . 4. Cooke I llus . t. 1118.
In exposed pastures, forming rings. Esculent.
Spores 8 x 5 y.
12 7 1 . Marasmius p lan cu s. Fr. Bym. Fur. 468.
Plancus = flat-footed, fiat.
Mild, pileus fleshy, tough, plane, then depressed, obtuse, even,
growing pale ; stem hollow, soon compressed, with a villous white
bark, rather attenuated and naked at the base, gills receding, free,
distant, linear, d a rk e r .— Cooke I l lu s . t. I I I 9 A.
In woods.