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751. Agaricus (Hypholoma) p u n c tu la tu s . Kalch. Ic o n .t.14, f A .
P u n c tu la tu s = full of little points or spots.
Pilens fleshy, thin, convex, dry, pallid, squamulose-pwictate from
the veil, then naked ; stem stuffed, pallid, clad with punctiform
squamules np to the rin g ; gills sinuately adnate, with a decurrent
tooth, broad, rather crowded, pallid, then pale umber.—F r . H ym .
E u r . p . 289. Gooke I llu s . t. 5875.
On chips, &c.
Stem 1-2 in. long. In accord with the Rev. M. J. Berkeley we haveplaoed
this species in Hypholoma in preference to Stropharia.
A p p e n d i o u l a t i . Pilens smooth, hygrophanous.
Cooke 7 5 2 . Agaricus (Hypholoma) lanaripes. Seem. Journ. (1863),
p . 66, t. 3 ,/. 2.
L a n a r 'i-p e s = with the foot (or stem) bearing wool, lan a ris.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulate. then expanded, hygrophanons,
squamose, with superficial scales arising from the hreak-
ing up of the cuticle, q ia lliil; veil attached in fugacious patches;
stem hollow, fragile, subfibrillose, white, tomentose at the b a se ;
gills crowded, reaching the stem, whitish, then purplish brown.—
Cooke I llu s . 545. F r . Hym. Eur. 295.
On the soil in conservatories.
7 5 3 . Ag a r icu s (Hypholoma) Candollianus. Fi'. Hym.Eur. 295.
Candollia'nus — in honour of A. De Candolle.
On dead stumps. Common.
Pileus somewhat fleshy, campanulate or convex, then expanded.
obtuse, smooth, hygrophanous; stem hollow, fragile, subjwi niuoe,
white, apex striate ; gills rounded behind, adnexed, crowded, violet,
then brownish cinnamon.— Gooke I llu s . t, 546.
On dead stumps.
7 5 4 . Ag aricus (Hypholoma) app en dicula tus. Bull. Champ, t. 392.
A p p en d icu la ’tus = furnished with a small appendage, a ppendi-
cülä. From the cortina adhering to the margin of the pileus.
Pileus between fleshy and membranaceons, ovate, then expanded ;
when dry rugose, and sprinkled with atoms ; stem fistulose, equal,
smooth, white, pruinose above ; gills subadnate, crowded, dry,
whitish, then rosy brown.—F r . H ym . F u r . 295. S oiv. t. 324.
Be rk . Outl. t. 1 1 ,/ . 3-4. Cooke I llu s . t. 547.
7 5 5 . Ag aricu s (Hypholoma) leu co tcp h ru s. B. 4 Ur. Ann. N.H.
No. 1256.
Leuco-tephrus — the colour of white ashes ; from XevKos = white,
and TEfpos= ash-coloured.
Cæspitose. Pileus at first pallid, snbcampanulate, rugose, then
convex, expanded, whitish ; stem silky-fibrillose below, apex
striate, or between snlcate and striate, fistulose ; ring broad, here
and there appendiculate ; gills narrow, a t first cinereons white,
slightly adnate, then grey, nearly black.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 296.
Cooke Illus. t. 548.
In large masses a t the base of ash trees. Oct.
Pileus 3 in. across; stem 4 in. high, 5 lines thick; gills IJ line broad;
spores 7 p long, 4 p wide, very dark brown purple. Clearly different from
A. Candollianus and A. appendiculatus, Fr. The pileus is not of a rich
brown when young, nor are the gills when old at all brown.—B. 4 Br.
7 5 6 . Agaxicus (Hypholoma) eg esiulus. Berk. Ann. N.H. No. 915.
Ege'nulus = needy, poor.
Solitary. Pileus hemispherical, then expanded, even, rather
shining, whitish, then snowy-wbite, umbonate, appendiculate;
stem minutely adpresso-squaumlose, fistulose ; gills adnate with a
tooth, pui'plish-umber.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 296. Cooke Illus. 605a.
On the ground, amongst grass. May.
[Agaricus p ilu læ fo rm is. BuU. Champ, t. 112. Fr.Hym. Fur. 296.
Doubtless only an abnormal condition, and not a good species.]
75 7 . Agaxicus (Kypholoma) hydxophilus. Bull. Champ, t. 511.
Hydroph'ilus = loving water, ugoip ; hygrophanous.
Pileus fleshy-membranaceous, convex, then expanded, subrepand,
smooth, bygropbanous, rugose, bay-brown, disc even, margin rather
broken ; stem fistulose, curved, closely fibrillose, growing pale ;
gills adnexed, ventricose, crowded, dripping, pallid, then brownish-
cinnamon or bay.—Fr. Hym. E u r . 333. Gooke Illus. t. 605n.
About trunks, &c.
Sub-Gen. 35. P S ILO CY B E . Fr. S. M. i., p. 289.
Psilo'cyhe, from 'PiXog = naked, and Kvßh = the head.
Veil not manifest, at least not interwoven. Stem rather cartilaginous,
rigid or tongh, tubular, hollow or stuffed, often rooting.
Pileus more or less flesby, smooth ; margin a t first incurved ; gills
becoming brownish or purplish.
Spores purple, purple-brown, or slate-colour.
H a b . All grow on the ground.
The species are almost all gregarious, cæspitose, inodorous, with fugitive
colouring, and not edible. Psilocyhe corresponds with Collybia, Leptonia,.
aud Naucoria.