1 2 4 0 . R u ssu la (Fragiles) ochracea. Alb. 4' Schw. Consp. No. 626.
Ochra'cea = of the colour of ochre.
Mild. Pileus fleshy, soft, piano-depressed, thin, pellicle viscid,
shining, margin thin, sulcate, flesh ochraceous; stem spongy,
stuffed, soft, s tr ia te ; gills touching the stem, broad, scarcely
crowded, of the same colour.— Fr. Hym. Eur. 453. Cooke lllus.
t. 1050.
In fir woods.
Spores 12 y.
1 2 4 1 . R u ssu la (F ia g ile s ) lu te a . Hudson FI. Angl, 611.
= golden-yellow.
Mild. Pileus rather firm, piano-depressed, with a viscid cuticle,
becoming pale ; flesh white; margin even; stem stuffed, then
hollow, soft, white; gills free, crowded, connected by veins, egg-
yellow.—F r. Hym. Eur. 454. Cooke lllu s. t. 1 082.
In woods.
1 2 4 2 . R u s s u la (Fragile s) nauseosa. Pers. Syn. 446.
Nauseo’sa = nauseous.
Rather mild, strong scented, fragile ; pileus fleshy, thin, plane,
rather swollen, then depressed and infundibuliform, viscid ; disc
darker, margin sulcate, submembranaceous, stem stuffed, rather
striate, w h ite ; gills adnexed, ventricose, somewhat distant, yellow,
then dingy ochre.—Fr. Hym. Fur. 454. Cooke Illus. t. 1102 A.
In pine woods.
1 2 4 3 . R u ssu la (F ragiles) v it e llin a . Pers. Syn. p. 442.
Vitelli'na = of the colour of the yolk of an egg.
Strong-scented, mild. Pilens submembranaceous, a t length
tuberculoso-striate, self-coloured; disc minute, rather fleshy ; stem
thin ; gills free, seceding, equal, saffron-yellow.—Fr. Hym. Fur.
454. Coohe Illus. t. 1102 B.
In fir woods.
1 2 4 4 . R u ssu la (Fragiles) chaiueeleontina. Fr. S ym . Fur. 455.
Chamceleonti'na=aha.iigmg colour like a chameleon.
Mild, fragile. Pileus fleshy, plane or depressed, pellicle thin,
discoloured, viscid; margin smooth, then s tria te ; stem hollow,
w h ite ; gills thin, much crowded, even, furcate, yellow.— Goo/«
Illus. t. 1098.
In woods.
G e n . 11. CANTHARELLUS. Adans. Fung. Ord. V.
Cantharellus, a diminutive from Kav0apos = a sort of drinking-
Hymenophore continuous, with the stem descending in an unchanged
trama. Gills thick, between fleshy and waxy, fold-like,
rather branched, with the edge obtuse, spores white.
Fleshy, membranaceous, putrescent fungi, without a.veil.
I. M k s o p u s . Pileus entire. Stem central,
with the stem in the middle.
* Pileus and stem solid, fleshy.
1 2 4 5 . Cantharellus c ib a rius. Fr. Hym. Fur. 455.
Cibairius — suitable for food, cibus.
Egg-yellow. Pilens fleshy, firm, a t first repand, smooth, at
length turbinate ; stem solid, attenuated downwards ; gills thick,
distant, of the same colour.— Grev. t. 258. Hogg 4 “Johnst. t.
16. Sow. t. 46. Badh. i. t. 9, f. 2, ii. t. 8 , f. 1. Price f . 94.
Cooke Illus. t. 1103.
In woods. Common. Esculent.
Spores 9 x 5-6 p,
var. xufipes. Gillet, Hym. Fr. Ser. 13.
' Ru'Ji-pes = red at the foot.
Stem rufous a t the base.— Cooke Illus. t. 1131 A.
1 2 4 6 . Cantharellus F r ie s ii. Quel. Jura. t. 23, f . 2.
Fries'ii = in honour of the illustrious Elias Pries.
Pileus fleshy, thin, convex then depressed, villose ; somewhat
orange colour, stem solid, slender, villose, white at the base,
attenuated ; gills narrow,/oW-(f/«, branched, yellow.—Fries Hym.
Eur. 455. Cooke lllu s. t. 1131 B.
In woods.
Intermediate between C. cibarius and C. aurantiacus, with the gills of
the former and the habit of the latter.
1 2 4 7 . Cantharellus aurantia cus. Fr. Eym. Fur. 455.
Auranti'acus = of the colour of an orange.
Nearly orange-colour. Pileus fleshy, soft, depressed, rather
. tomentose; stem stuffed, u n eq u a l; gills cz’owtZicZ, straight, diohoto-
mous, darker than the pileus.—Sow. t. 413. Cooke Illv s . t. 1104
In fir woods and on heaths. Common.
Gills sometimes paler than the pileus, nearly white. Spores 10 x 6 /x.