791. A g a iicu s (Psathyra) fibrillosus. Pers. S yn.p. 424.
Fihrillo'sus = fall of fibrils, fibrillose.
Pileus sub-membranaoeous, campanulato-convex, then expanded,
slightiy striate, a t first fibrillose; stem elongated, very fragile,
wbite, fibrilloso-squamose; gills adnate, plane, very broad behind,
purplish-black.—Fr. Ilym. Eur. 308. Cooke Illu s. t. 595 B.
On the ground, in woods. Rare.
7 9 2 , Ag aricu s (Psathyra) Cc idoni.
t. 1 5 ,/. 7.
B. 4 Br. Ann. N. JS. No. 922,
Gor'doni, in honour of the Marchioness of Huntley.
Cæspitose ; pileus campanulate, pallid cinereous, then whitish,
more or less ßoccoso-squamidose, sidcato-siriate ; stem flexuose,
floccose, becoming smooth, whitish pruinose above ; gills ascending,
narrowly adnate, distant, cinereous.—Fr. Ilym. Fur. 308.
Cooke Illus. t. 580 A.
On old stumps. Oct.
7 9 3 . Ag aricus (P sa th y ia ) h e lch iu s. Kalchb. Icon, t. VI, f . 4.
Ilelob'ius — living in marshes ; from eXos = a marsh, and /Itos
= life.
Pileus submembranaceous, conical campanulate, soon plane,
somewhat umbonate, with concentric elevated ridges a t the disc,
otherwise radiaiely rugose, fuliginous, margin striate brown; stem
fistulose, slender, umber becoming reddish, clad with fugacious
whitish flocci ; gills adnate, rounded behind, rather crowded,
fuliginous.—F r. Hym. Eur. 308. Cooke Illu s. t. 579.
Moist places in pine woods.
7 9 4 . Ag a r icu s (Psathyra) pennatus. Fr. Hym. Eur. p. 308.
Penna'tus = feathered.
Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate, obtuse, even, a t first
clad with white scales, then naked ; stem villous, silvery, pulverulent
above ; gills adnexed, crowded, broad, livid, then brownish-
black.— Cooke Illus. t. 580 B.
On naked soil in gardens.
7 9 5 . A g a r icu s (Psathyra) g o ssyp in u s. Fr. Hym. Fur,p. 309.
Gossyp'inus = cottony.
Pileus submembranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, tomentose,
becoming smooth ; margin striate ; stem tomentose, whitish ;
gills adnexed, ventricose, white, then brownish-black.—Bolt. t. 71,
/ . 1. Cooke Illv s. i. 612 A.
In woods on the ground. Rare.
7 9 6 . Agaricus (Psathyra n c li tangere.) Fr. Hym. Eur. 309.
Noli-tanigere == do not touch. From its extreme fragility.
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, then expanded, everywhere
striate, hygrophanons, squamulose about the margin ; stem fragile,
nearly naked, fusoescent, smooth at the apex, gills adnate, broad,
pallid fuscous.—Sow. t. 167. Cooke Illus. t. 612 B.
Amongst chips.
7 9 7 . Ag a r icu s (Psathyra) m ic r c rh izu s. Lasch. No. 468.
Micro-rhizus, from p,/Kpos = small, and p t? a = r o o t .
Pileus membranaceous, campanulate, even, dry, shining with
atoms, a t first yellow-hairy ; stem thin, short, rooting silky,
whitish, gills adnexed, crowded, narrow, pallid then blackish-
brown.—Fr. Hym. Fur. p. 309. Cooke Illus. t. 596 A.
In grassy places, in gardens, &c.
7 9 8 . Ag a r icu s (Psathyra) ur ticæ cc la .
No. 919.
Berk. 4 Br. Ann. N. H.
UrticcB'cola, from urtica = a nettle, and colo = I inhabit.
Pileus campanulate, ßoccidose, white, margin striate ; stem fistulose,
attenuated upwards, flocculent from the first, white ; gills
ventricose iu front, attenuated behind, white, then chocolate colour.
— Fr. Hym. Fu r. p . 309. Cooke Illus. t. 596 B.
On nettle roots. Aug.
[ E n d o f V o l . IV of “ I l l u s t r a t i o n s . ” ]
Series 5. Coprinarii. Er* Epicr. p. 234.
Coprinarii, because so nearly resembling Coprinus ; from xdirpos
= dung.
Spores black.
Sub-Gen. 37. PA N iE O L U S . P r. Epicr. 234.
Pance'olus, n-av—atoXos = all-variegated. From the gills.
Veil, when present, interwoven, sometimes wanting ; stem
polished, rather firm; pileus somewhat fleshy, viscid when moist,
shining when dry, never striated, the margin exceeding the variegated
gills ; gills clouded, never becoming purple or brown. Spores
black, oval, smooth.
Hab. Almost all grow on dung, often near towns, in summer and
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