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1 4 8 . Agazicus (Clitocybe) to zna tus. Fr, Hym. Fur. 87.
Eonza'i«s= turned in a lathe, tornus, from its neat, regular
White. Pileus fleshy, thin, orbicular, plane, sub-depressed,
smooth, shining; stem stuffed, equal, smooth, somewhat striated ;
gills decurrent, adnate, rather crowded, plane.— OooTce Illus. t.
103 b. F r. Icon. t. 4 1 ,/ . 1.
Amongst grass at the foot of old decayed elm stumps. Oct.
Small, very regular, inodorous, stem slender, firm, pubescent at the base.
Disc of pileus darker.
1 4 9 . Agazicus (Clitocybe) candicans. Fr. Hym. Eur. 88.
C'ffl?ifZhcans=whitish, or shining white,
W’'hite. Pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then plane, or depressed,
even, shining, with a thin dead white film ; stem subfistu-
lose, even, waxy, shining ; gills adnate, crowded, thin, a t length
decurrent.—Bolt. f . 17. Cooke Illus. t. 82.
Amongst leaves in woods.
Pileus 1 in. across ; when moist white, when dry dead white. Stem
1-2 in. high, 1-2 lines thick, rooted and villous, the rest smooth.
1 5 0 . Ag azicu s (Clitocybe) d ea lba tus. Sow. t. 123.
Z)«a/6a'Zus=whitewashed, whitened.
White. Pileus rather fleshy, convex, then plane, and revolute,
even, smooth, somewhat shining ; stem stuffed, fibrous, thin, equal,
sub-pruinose above ; gills adnate, crowded, thin, white.—Fr. Hym.
F ur. 88. Cooke Illus. t. 104. Hogg ^ Jo h n st. t. 10.
In fir plantations, &c. Esculent.
A form often occurs on old mushroom beds.
var. minoz. Coohe Illus. 1.173.
Min'or—lesser, smaller.
Smaller, and more graceful than the typical form.
Amongst dead leaves.
151. Ag azicu s (Clitocybe) g a llin a c eu s. Scop. Fr. Hym. Eur. 90.
GaUina'ceus— of or belonging to a domestic cock.
White, acrid ■ pileus somewhat fleshy, convex, then depressed,
even, dry, opaque; stem solid, equal, thin, even ; gills sub-deonr-
rent, crowded thin.—Bolt. t. 4, / . 2 (?). Huss. 1, t. 39. Cooke
Illus. t. 174.
In pastures. Strong odonr.
b. D ifformbs. Pileus fleshy in th e disc, b u t th in a t th e m a rgin,
a t first umbonate, th en expanded and d e p r e s s e d , i r r e g u la r ;
gills unequally d e c u r r e n t; generally cazspitose.
15 2 . Agazicus (Clitocybe) de ca stes. Fr. Hym. Eur. 90.
Decastes, from 6sxa?=a company of ten ; from the stems being
often joined together in tens.
Pileus convexo-plane, undulate, rather umbonate, even, smooth,
o f one colour, growing pale ; disc compact rather umbonate, stem
solid, smooth, pruinose above and w b ite ; gills rounded, adnate
crowded, rather wavy, white.—Fr. Icon. t. 52.
On sawdust.
“ Agreeing closely with the figure of Fries iu the ‘ Icoues,’ hut we are
doubtful whether what we find is not an advanced stage of A. cryptarum
a matter which requires future observation.”—B. & Br.
1 5 3 . Agazicus (Clitocybe) aggzegatus. Schceff. Icon. t. 305, 306.
Aggrega'itcs=coUected together ; in allusion to its csespitose habit.
Csespito.se, flaccid, pileus fleshy, convex then expanded, eqnal,
repand, shining, a t length growing pale, streaked with silky
lines, stem stuffed unequal, rather fibrillose, attenuated downwards,
gills unequally decurrent, crowded, yellowish fiesh colour.
Fr. Hym. Fur. 91. Cooke Illus. t. 182.
In oak woods.
1 5 4 . Ag azicus (Clitocybe) e lix u s . Sow. i. 172.
F lixu s= so a k ed , sodden ; from its sodden appearance.
Pileus umbonate, at first convex, a t length variously depressed,
unequal, repand, disc umbonate, dingy, minutely tomentose and
streaked ; stem even, nearly of the same colour as the pileus ;
gills decurrent, distant, white. F r . Hym. Eur. 91. Cooke Illus.
t. 280.
In woods. Oct.
Pileus 2-3 in. Stem 2 in. long, ^ in. thick.
155. Ag a z icu s (Clitocybe) fum o su s. Pers. Ic. Piet. t. 7, /. 3, i.
Fumo'sus=smoked, smoky; from the colour.
Sub-cartilaginous, rigid ; pileus fleshy, convex, then expanded,
obtuse, even, naked, turning pale, cuticle adnate; stem stuffed,
unequal, somewhat pruinose above ; gills adnate, rather crowded,
grey, or whitish, as well as the stem.—F r. Hym. Eur. 91. Cooke
Illus. t. 175.
In woods and waste ground. Solitary.