reous, whitish, woolly a t the base, gills decurrent, pallid.— Coohe
Illus. t. 240. Ag. ( Omphalia) affricatus, B. & Br. in Handbook
No. 216, not of Fries.
On Sphagnum.
Mens 2 in. broad, stem IJ in . long.
3 2 9 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) sp ha gn ico la . Peril. Outl. p. 131.
Sphagnicola=d'wel\ixig among moss, Sphagnum.
Tough; pileus infundibuliform, sub-carnose, minutely squamulose,
m o ist; stem fistulöse ; gills narrow, dirty-ochraceous.—Fr.
Hym. Fur. 158. Coohe Illus. t. 2 8 9 ,/. 1.
On Sphagnum. June.
3 3 0 . Ag a z icu s (Omphalia) p h ilo n o tis . Lasch. Fr. Ic. t. 7%, f. 1.
Philon'otis=\oYmg damp, vorig.
Fragile, cinereous, dingy ; pileus membranaceous, hygrophanous,
floccose when dry ; margin e re c t; stem fistulöse smooth ; gills
very decurrent, rather distant, narrow, white, then smoky.—Fr.
Ilym. Eur. 158. Cooke Illus. t. 2 8 9 ,/. 2.
On Sphagnum and in swampy places.
3 3 1 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) o n iscu s . Fr. Hym. Eur. 158.
Oniscus, a species of codfish so-called by the Greeks, ’ov/ukos, was
of a grey colour. Cf. H. T. Wharton in Grevillea, 1884, p. 28.
Pilens sub-membranaceous, convex, then plane or depressed, remotely
radiato-striate, flaccid, smooth, even, hygrophanous ; stem
sub-fistulose, firm, e q u a l; gills adnate, decurrent, straight, somewhat
distant, livid, or whitish, as well as the stem.—Fr. Icon. t.
76, f . 3. Cooke Illus. t. 209, f . 1,
In swamps.
Pileus flaccid, irregular, scarcely 1 in. broad, smooth, dark cinereous,
paler when dry.
3 3 2 . Ag azicu s (Omphalia) ceespitosus. Polton t. 41.
Ccespito'sus^growmg in tnfts ; from cwspes— tiiri.
Pileus sub-membranaceous, convex, sub-hemispherical, umbilicate,
ochrey white, margin crenate, sulcate nearly to the top, smooth;
stem curved, fistulöse, slightly bulbous a t the base ; gills distant,
rather broad, shortly decurrent, whitish.— Cooke Illus. t. 209,
/ • 2.O
n banks near K in g ’s Lynn (0 . B. P .).
This species has been confounded with Ag. oniscus, Fr., both in the “ Handbook
” and by Fries himself. It is exactly the plant figured in the English
edition of Bolton, but the German reprint is coloured quite differently. The
colour is entirely of a delicate ochraoeous white.
3 3 3 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) g la u c o p h y llu s . Lasch. No. 217.
Glaucophyllus— with glanoons gills.
Pileus membranaceous, infundibuliform, plicato-striate, nearly
smooth, monse-colour, hygrophanous, growing pale when dry, and
becoming even ; stem stuffed, firm ; gills decurrent, rather distant,
lanceolate, olive.—F r. Ilym. Eur. 159.
On the ground in woods.
Small. Pileus scarcely half an inch broad.
3 3 4 . Agazicus (Omphalia) zu sticu s. Pers. Obs. i. t. 4 ,/. 12.
Rust'icus— oi the country, rus.
Pileus membranaceous, slightly convex, umbilicate, striate,
smooth, hygrophanous, when dry smooth and silky ; stem somewhat
stuffed, slender, smooth, greyish brown; gills decurrent, thick,
rather distant, equally attenuated towards each extremity, grey,
margin arcuate.—F r. Ilym. Eur. 159.
On the ground. Sept. Coed Coch.
Stem 1 in. long, half a line thick. Pileus 3-5 lines broad, grey, then
whitish or tawnv.
c. U m b e llifk b i.
Gills very distant, hroad, triangular, usually
33 5 . Ag a z icu s (Omphalia) d em issu s. Fr. Hym. Eur. 160.
Z)«Hizss!is==sent down, let down ; from the shape of the pileus.
Pileus somewhat membranaceous, convex, then expanded and
plane, at length umbilicate, striate, hygrophanous ; stem stufied,
short, smooth, shining reddish; gills decurrent, broad, distant,
purplish.— Cooke Illu s. t. 250, / . 1. Ag. (Omqjhalia) rufulus,
B. & Br. Cooke Handbook, No. 221.
On the naked ground.
3 3 6 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) h ep a ticu s. Batsch. fig. 211.
Tough, rigid; pileus smooth, convex, then infundihdifoim,
rather shining, even ; stem a t length compressed, flesh-coloured,
inclined to rufous ; gills distant, connected by veins, and forked,
rather thick, pallid.—Fr. Hym. Eur. 160.—Cooke Illu s. t. 250,
n lawns.
Pileus reddish-brown or tan-colour when dry.
3 3 7 . Ag azicus (Omphalia) m u za lis. Sow. Fungi, t. 322.
Mura'lia=o{ or belonging to a w a ll; from its habitat.
Pileus sub-membranaceous, umbilicate, radiato-striate, smooth,
margin crenulate ; stem somewhat stuffed, short, tough, brownish,
rufous ; gills deourrent, distant, paler.—F r. Hym. Eur. 160.
Cooke Illus. t. 250, f . 3.
On the ground, banks and walls.
The upper figures represent the form usually found on walls, the lower on
naked soil.